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Immigration Trends in Southern Europe: Africans and Latin-Americans

Explore the educational, labor, and socio-economic characteristics of Africans and Latin-Americans in Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Analyze the impact of the economic crisis on these immigrant populations, considering gender dynamics, colonial legacies, and future scenarios.

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Immigration Trends in Southern Europe: Africans and Latin-Americans

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  1. Africans and Latin-Americans in Southern European Countries: Italy, Spain and Portugal Andreu Domingo i Valls Centre for Demographic Studies Autonomous University of Barcelona Daniela Vono de Vilhena Institute for Longitudinal Educational Research Bamberg University

  2. Summary • Introduction: Latin-Americans and Africans in Southern European Countries • 2. Educational and Labour Characeristics • 3. The Economic Crisis • 4. Conclusions

  3. Population by Citizenship, European Union, 2010 Note: No data for 2010: Bulgaria, Austria and Romania (2009); Malta (2008); France (2005); United Kingdom (2004); Lithuania and Luxembourg (2001); Estonia (2000); Greece (1998); and Cyprus (not available). Latin-America includes North American data: Malta, France, United Kingdom, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Estonia and Greece. EU-27 includes Total European data: United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Estonia and Greece. Source of Data: Eurostat: Population by sex, age group and citizenship (migr_pop1ctz: extracted on 08.09.11)

  4. Cartograms of African and Latin-American populations in the European Union, 2010 Africans Latin-Americans EU: 4.8 mil. EU: 2.7 mil. (2) United Kingdom 318 th. 11,7% (1) France 1.5 mil. 31,0% (4) France 220 th. 8,1% (3) Italy 283 th. 10,5% (3) Italy 931 th. 19,4% (4) Portugal 123 th. 2,6% (2) Spain 1 mil. 21,7% (5) Portugal 121 th. 4,5% (1) Spain 1,6 mil. 58% Note: No data for 2010: Bulgaria, Austria and Romania (2009); Malta (2008); France (2005); United Kingdom (2004); Lithuania and Luxembourg (2001); Estonia (2000); Greece (1998); and Cyprus (not available). Latin-America including North American data: Malta, France, United Kingdom, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Estonia and Greece. Source of Data: Eurostat: Population by sex, age group and citizenship (migr_pop1ctz: extracted on 08.09.11)

  5. 1.-: Why Latin-Americans and Africans? • Two opposite genre strategies? Male versus female flows. • The colonial path: the role of social capital (language) • Different effects of economic crisis? • North African revolutions and political changes. 1 Introduction:

  6. 2.- Why Southern European Countries? • Replacement migrations or socio-demographic complementary? • The colonial path: positive discrimination and prejudices • Rise and decline of immigration: economic cycle • Uncertainties in future scenarios

  7. Five first nationalities by volume, 2009/2010 Portugal Spain Italy Sources: For Italy, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica - ISTAT (December 31th, 2009), for Portugal Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (2009) and for Spain Padrón Continuo, Instituto Nacional de Estadística – INE (January 1st, 2010).

  8. 2. Age and Sex Pyramids

  9. 2. Educational and Labour characeristics Percentage of population with higher education, by sex, origin and country of residence, 2010. Men Women Source: European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS), EUROSTAT.

  10. Activity Rates, 2010 Men Women Source: European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS), EUROSTAT.

  11. Distribution of African workers by Sector of Activity, 2010 Men Women Source: European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS), EUROSTAT.

  12. Unemployment Rates, 2010 Men Women Source: European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS), EUROSTAT.

  13. Trends in unemployment rates: Spain. 1999-2010 Men Women Source: Spanish Labour Force Survey, INE.

  14. 4. Conclusions (1):Africans and Latin Americans in Southern European Countries • 1.- Segmented integration: • Educational profile, social capital (language), legal discrimination, social prejudices. • 2.- Impact of crisis: the (im)possibility of return, level of education, female labour force, household perspective. • 3.-From complementary to exclusion? • Social mobility of migrants and their descendants • 4.- Social integration of immigrants as a priority • Social cohesion • Future labour force demand

  15. 4. Conclusions (2): Africans and Latin Americans in Southern European Countries 1.- Prospects:also becoming immigration countries? a) Maghreb and some Latin-American countries b) Southern European countries: immigration countries or conjectural exception? 2.- Migration as a new transnational space, new opportunities of real cooperation between Africa, Latin-America and Europe.

  16. Andreu Domingo i Valls adomingo@ced.uab.es Daniela Vono de Vilhena daniela.vono-de-vilhena@uni-bamberg.de

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