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Get rid of as many study distractions as you can before you start your review. Put your mobile devices on silent mode. Keep anything unrelated to OET away from your study space. Learn more at https://jroozoettrainingcenter.wordpress.com/2018/08/29/4-things-that-can-derail-your-oet-review/
4 Things That Can Derail Your OET Review The best way to prepare for OET is by enrolling in a training program. You can either attend classes in an OET review center or, if you don’t have the time to travel to and fro a facility, enroll in an OET online course. Both options can significantly boost your chances of success, provided that you know what you should and shouldn’t do during your review. This article focuses on the latter. Below are some of the things that can derail your OET review. Make sure you don’t commit any of them during your test preparations to achieve your grade goals.
1. Not minimizing study distractions Did you know that instead of reducing distractions, some people willingly add more to their study session? They study in front of the television or with their mobile devices beside them in an effort to stay connected while they review. Don’t make the same mistake. Get rid of as many study distractions as you can before you start your review. Put your mobile devices on silent mode. Keep anything unrelated to OET away from your study space. And, unless it’s necessary for your review (e.g., you’re attending an OET online course class, answering a web- based test, etc.), refrain from using the Internet. 2. Studying with the wrong people It’s always better to study with other people, provided that you’re all motivated and focused on the exam. Otherwise, you’ll risk derailing your test preparations. Here are some signs that you’re reviewing with the wrong people. If they are fond of nitpicking your performance without providing constructive criticism If they are pessimistic your performance regardless of your preparation efforts If you and your study buddy/groupmates often end up chatting about things unrelated to OET You’re better off studying alone if your study buddies exhibit these signs. 3. Relying solely on your OET preparation program Preparing with an OET online review course or an OET training facility can take you closer to your grade goals. However, that doesn’t mean that you should confine your test preparations to your classes. It’s imperative that you conduct your own study sessions and practice what you learn. Remember, OET is an English proficiency exam. It tests your ability to listen, read, write, and speak in healthcare situations. And, like most skills, you can only hone them by practicing. 4. Reviewing in places that are not study-conducive Just because changing your study space from time to time can spice up your review, doesn’t mean that you should conduct your study sessions anywhere you like. Be sensible. Study only in places that are conducive to learning.
Avoid locations that make you feel sleepy and complacent. Find places that cater to your ideal study atmosphere. Determine and cater to your ideal study ambience. For example, if you retain information best when you review them alone, opt for private locations like your bedroom. If having things happening around you helps you focus, study in semi-public places like the library. Do you want to learn more ways to maximize your test preparations? Visit our OET blog! Or, if you aren’t attending a training course yet, enroll in one of our OET review courses. Click here to find out more. Don’t cut corners when getting ready for the high-stakes exam to secure your desired OET grades.