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Prevention of Gut Diseases in Community Dogs

Research shows between 20% to 67% of community dogs have gut diseases (Worms, Giardia, Salmonella) that can also affect people. Learn about common worms like Hookworm and roundworm and how to prevent these diseases through cleanliness and proper care.

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Prevention of Gut Diseases in Community Dogs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gut diseases

  2. Research shows between 20% to 67% of community dogs have gut diseases like: • Worms • Giardia • and Salmonella These diseases can make people sick too

  3. Worms

  4. Hookworm and roundworm These worms live inside dogs guts.

  5. Sometimes they are very hard to seebecause they are small

  6. Hookworms have sharp teeth

  7. They bite onto the gut wall

  8. They make the dog lose blood in the guna

  9. The dog’s gums become pale

  10. Puppies become very thin, weak, and pale They can get big round bellies, but are skinny elsewhere Some get so sick they die

  11. Worms can make people sick too

  12. Dog worms can crawl through people’s skin, leaving itchy trails

  13. Some worms make cysts in the eyeslungs, liveror brain

  14. Stopping worms

  15. Clean dogs stops infection Medicine kills the worms in the gut Clean dry yards stops infection Clean hands stops infection How worms live in dogs

  16. Other gut diseases Giardia, Salmonella, Cryptosporidium, Campylobacter

  17. Gut germs Too small to see Need to use a microscope to find them E.g. Giardia Adults live in the gut Lay eggs that pass out in the guna

  18. Giardialife cycle

  19. Giardia life cycle

  20. Giardia life cycle

  21. Stopping Gut diseases

  22. Things that make more dogs get gut diseases: • Muddy wet ground • Germs lives longer in wet areas • No water bowls • Means dogs drink more from ground water • Where dogs can eat babies nappies • Humans and dogs can share gut germs • Lots of puppies • Puppies can’t fight germs as well

  23. Stopping Gut Diseases Clean dry yards and houses • No dog poo near where kids sit • Dogs cannot get to nappies Clean water in a bowl all day every day Desexed dogs

  24. Healthy HomeHappy Family

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