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MAC group

Explore the coexistence of different MACs and approaches through a Meta-MAC sublayer, collaboration, and enforcement challenges. Discuss policy, game theory, and hardware implementation for preventing misbehaving devices. Control channel options and action items for enhancing collaboration. Understand technology dependencies and implications on MAC strategies.

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MAC group

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MAC group Attendees: Charles Bostian, Amer Hassan, Xin Liu, Jon Peha, Ying Wang, Zhou Wang, Heather Zheng

  2. Coexistence of different MACs • Approaches: • A unified MAC is probably not desirable. • Through cooperation. • Create a Meta-MAC, a unifying sublayer on top of MAC layers, which enables different MACs to communicate and users to choose the right MAC. • Create a possible industry forum/consortium/certification type of approach for the Meta-MAC. • Enforcement is a challenging issue here. • Another type of collaboration is through cooperative relay in the PHY/MAC layer. • There exists a tradeoff between the level of cooperation and enforcement.

  3. Policing and preventing misbehaving devices • Is it a MAC layer issue or a security issue? Where should it be? • Game theory a possible approach • Explore the interaction between policy and MAC. Define the environment and the corresponding policy. • Possibility of hardware implementation on enforcement.

  4. Control channel • In-band signaling is possible in certain scenarios. There are cases where there is no need for control channel. • Create a dedicated control channel through dedicated spectrum, ISM, or PHY layer techniques.

  5. Action items • Take the collaborative scheme to next level. • Feasibility study, requirement definition, and benchmark cases for comparison. • Better understanding on how applications behavior.

  6. Dependencies • Always a dependency on technology (e.g.,60GHz), policy maker, trade associations, and security models.

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