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Daily Fix-It 1. Carlos and Maria created a mural about they’re cullture.

Carlos & Maria create a stunning mural showcasing their culture, while their class helps with the design and painting. The artwork is a neighborhood masterpiece, with Carlos adding a clay sculpture to complement it. Excitement brews for the next mural subject!

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Daily Fix-It 1. Carlos and Maria created a mural about they’re cullture.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Daily Fix-It 1. Carlos and Maria created a mural about they’re cullture. 2. The class helped Carlos and she with the desine.

  2. Daily Fix-It 1. Carlos and Maria created a mural about they’recullture. 2. The class helped Carlos and she with the desine.

  3. Daily Fix-It 1. Carlos and Maria created a mural about their culture. 2. The class helped Carlos and her with the design.

  4. Daily Fix-It 3. The classes paints the mural on a large wall of the shcool. We didnt know what great artests we had.

  5. Daily Fix-It 3. The classes paints the mural on a large wall of the shcool. We didnt know what great artests we had.

  6. Daily Fix-It 3. The classes paint the mural on a large wall of the school. We didn't know what great artists we had.

  7. Daily Fix-It The class’s mural feachures a celebration, and is painted in bright colors. The mural is the most biggest piece of art in the neighbor hood.

  8. Daily Fix-It The class’s mural feachures a celebration, and is painted in bright colors. The mural is the most biggest piece of art in the neighbor hood.

  9. Daily Fix-It The class’s mural features a celebration and is painted in bright colors. The mural is the biggest piece of art in the neighborhood.

  10. Daily Fix-It 7.Carlos begun a sculpchure to go with the mural. 8. He is making it out of clay and he will finish it next tuesday.

  11. Daily Fix-It 7.Carlos begun a sculpchure to go with the mural. 8. He is making it out of clay and he will finish it next tuesday.

  12. Daily Fix-It 7.Carlos begana sculpture to go with the mural. 8. He is making it out of clay, and he will finish it next Tuesday.

  13. Daily Fix-It The mural was a success and the class will paint unother soon. What subjec will they choose for the next mural.

  14. Daily Fix-It The mural was a success and the class will paint unother soon. What subjec will they choose for the next mural.

  15. Daily Fix-It The mural was a success,and the class will paint another soon. What subject will they choose for the next mural?

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