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NCHRP Project 8-47. Transportation leadership you can trust. Guidebook for Freight Policy, Planning, and Programming in Small- and Medium-Sized Metropolitan Areas. presented to FHWA’s Talking Freight Seminar presented by Michael Williamson Cambridge Systematics, Inc. April 19, 2006.
NCHRP Project 8-47 Transportation leadership you can trust. Guidebook for Freight Policy, Planning, and Programming in Small- and Medium-Sized Metropolitan Areas presented toFHWA’sTalking Freight Seminar presented byMichael WilliamsonCambridge Systematics, Inc. April 19, 2006
NCHRP 8-47Agenda • Project Background • Approach Guidelines • Guidebook Development • Overview of Guidebook
NCHRP 8-47Project Background • Developed to provide small- and medium-sized MPOs with the necessary resources to begin and/or enhance their freight transportation planning program • Designed to provide MPO staff with a basic “how to” roadmap to initiate and implement a successful freight transportation planning program • Functions as a gateway to the freight resources available through FHWA’s Capacity Building Program and Freight Professional Development Program
NCHRP 8-47Approach Guidelines • Provide flexibility • There is no one activity or set of activities • Guidebook allows users to pick and choose • Emphasize integration • Where do freight program resources come from? • Reallocation of staff and funding • Use “best practices” effectively • Best practices have not been developed for all areas • Guidelines are not limited by available best practices
NCHRP 8-47Guidebook Development • Guidebook development was guided by practitioners • Surveys • Interviews • Case studies • Periodic review of deliverables • Guidebook was completed in December 2005 • Official distribution will occur following editorial review by NCHRP
NCHRP 8-47Integrating Freight into MPO Activities • Long-Range Planning • Development and maintenance of long-range plans • Data collection and analysis programs • Corridor plans/analyses • Stand-alone research and planning initiatives • Transportation Improvement Programming • Three to five year list of proposed improvement projects, plans, studies, and other activities • Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) • Annual work plan for an MPO
NCHRP 8-47Guidebook Architecture Module 4 – Putting It All Together Module 3 – Integrating Freight into MPO Activities Module 5 – IdentifyingFreight Resources Developing Freight Policy Directive Developing Regional Freight Profile Developing Freight Needs and Deficiencies Developing Freight LRP Element Identifying Freight Projects Addressing Freight Analysis in Corridor Plans/Studies Developing Freight Project Evaluation Criteria Developing Freight Performance Measures Identifying Innovative Funding and Financing Techniques Assessing Freight Project Impacts Data and Analytical Tools Training and Education Outreach and Partnerships 1) Assign lead… 2) Establish goals… 3) Develop profile… 4) Engage partners… 5) Define needs… 6) Key decisions… 7) Refine goals… 8) Develop data.. 9) Establish measures... 10) Identify projects… 11) Develop criteria… 12) Integrate into… 13) Fund and deploy… 14) Develop process… Freight Glossary References Available Freight Research Guidebook Case Studies Training Resources Data and Analytical Tools Module 1 – Using the Guidebook Module 2 – Getting Started
NCHRP 8-47Getting Started • Step 1 – The Freight Self-Assessment • Know Your Region • Know Your Freight Stakeholders • Know Your Organization • Step 2 – Definition of Your Freight Planning Program Stage • How well did you know your region? • How well did you know your freight stakeholders? • How well did you know your organization? • Step 3 – Identification of Program Elements and Guidelines
NCHRP 8-47Integration of Initial Freight Program Evaluation Processes Know Your Organization Know Your Region Know Your Stakeholders Intermediate/Advanced Basic InstitutionalSupport DataCollection Outreach andPartnerships ProjectImplementation Analysis Feedback Long-Range Plan Element Freight Policy Directive Data/Tool Development Regional Freight Profile Needs ID Training and Education Outreach and Partnerships Corridor Plans Project ID Performance Measures Evaluation Criteria Funding and Financing Project Impacts Assessment of Program Effectiveness Enhancement of Existing or Development of New Freight Activities
NCHRP 8-47Example – Freight Policy Directive • Step 1. Review existing long-range plan goals, objectives, and policies • Step 2. Develop freight-specific language • Step 3. Incorporate freight language into long-range plan as amendment or as part of next update
NCHRP 8-47Example – Freight Policy Directive • Step 1. Establish outreach program to gather input from key decision-makers and system users. • Step 2. Develop freight-specific goals, objectives, and policies. • Step 3. Conduct focus group to build consensus and refine. • Step 4. Incorporate/integrate material into overall transportation program.
NCHRP 8-47Identify and Develop Freight Outreach Program • Step 1. Identify key planned freight program elements • Step 2. Define anticipated outreach and partnership needs • Step 3. Identify potential private sector partners • Step 4. Conduct specific outreach on as needed basis • Step 5. Solicit participation in ad hoc freight advisory committee • Step 6. Solicit input on freight program development as needed
NCHRP 8-47Example of Freight Program Development Develop public education/outreach program Assign/identify key district staffto champion program development Establish goals and objectivesof freight program Promote “quick fix” program tomaintain private sector interest Develop an inventoryof the freight system Develop “quick fix” program toaddress smaller projects and illustratecommitment to industry Establish industry based committeeto provide regular input to freightplanning initiatives Ensure close coordination andparticipation in statewidefreight initiatives Define freight datarequirements Solicit participation in freighttechnical advisory committee Develop ongoing freight datacollection/data improvement program Develop education material andprogram to address publicsafety concerns Assess condition ofintermodal connectors Identify needs and deficienciesof the freight system Define role in region and coordinate/communicate with other agenciesin southeast Florida Determine roles and responsibilitiesof District 4 Identify freight projectsof district significance Develop scope of work andschedule for program development Integrate freight projects into existingtransportation planning programs(SIS, MPO plans, port/airport masterplans, existing district programs) Identify technical resourcesand funding for deployment Fund and deployfreight projects Provide ongoing support andresources to local planning agencies Freight Planning Process Education and Outreach Quick Start Action Items
NCHRP Project 8-47 Transportation leadership you can trust. Guidebook for Freight Policy, Planning, and Programming in Small- and Medium-Sized Metropolitan Areas presented toFHWA’sTalking Freight Seminar presented byMichael WilliamsonCambridge Systematics, Inc. April 19, 2006