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Dorcas Solivan

Dorcas Solivan. * Hey, my name is Dorcas Solivan. I’m the youngest in my family. I enjoy playing a few sports. I absolutely love make up & hanging with my friends. Family.

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Dorcas Solivan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dorcas Solivan * Hey, my name is Dorcas Solivan. I’m the youngest in my family. I enjoy playing a few sports. I absolutely love make up & hanging with my friends.

  2. Family To me my family is my life. I have 4 sisters and 1 brother who are all older then me. Although I have my up and downs with my whole family i still love them and every moment I spent with them is the best.

  3. Make up I am a huge fan of make up. i wouldn’t be able to go through a single day without wearing any of it. I love the fact that you can do all different types of styles with each brand or product you get.

  4. Sports I enjoy playing all different types of sports. My favorite sports are volleyball, basketball, badminton, tennis, and soccer. I hope to join a one of those teams soon. Even though i might not be any good I can always practice(:

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