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Test results MCBXFBP1b HCMCBXFB001-E9000012. K. Pepitone and G . Willering F. Toral, J.C. Perez M . Bajko, J. Feuvrier , R. Bouvier, With many to support by EPC and EE colleagues Y. Thurel , S. Yammine, V. Karaventzas , S. Michniuk. TE-MSC-TF SM18 magnet test facility.
Test results MCBXFBP1bHCMCBXFB001-E9000012 K. Pepitone and G. Willering F. Toral, J.C. Perez M. Bajko, J. Feuvrier, R. Bouvier, With many to support by EPC and EE colleagues Y. Thurel, S. Yammine, V. Karaventzas, S. Michniuk TE-MSC-TF SM18 magnet test facility
Test program and parameters Test program outlined in EDMS 2112468 MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone
Electrical Layout Twoindependentlypowerednesteddipoles. MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone
Individual training Inner and outer Dipole 11 Quenches in first cool down during initial training. 0 quenches afterwards 0 quenches in second cool down up to ultimate current. 0 quench during single coil test in December 2018. 0 in first cool down in March and 0 in second cool down in March 2019 Ramp rates: At 1.9 K to 1755 A no quench at 2 A/s See previous report on MCBXFBP1 No detraining quenches following combined powering tests. MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone
QuenchlocationsIndividuallypoweredouterdipole V4-V6 V3 V7 V8 V9 Outer layer V1 V10 Inner layer V1 MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone
Combined poweringFirst Cool Down MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone
Combined powering, different ramp strategies Powering configurations were: Inner at nominal, ramping on outer Outer at nominal, ramping on inner Inner at 90% of the nominal current (1462), ramping on outer Both powered at the same time Both powered at the same time (inner - outer +) Inner at 90% of the nominal current (-1462), ramping on outer Outer at 80% of the nominal current (1180), ramping on inner 1 3 2 6 4 5 MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone
Training both at the same time different configurations – Cool down 1 MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone
Training Both at the same time different configurations MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone
Quenchlocationscombinedpowering – Cool down 1 V4-V6 V3 V7 V8 V9 Outer layer V1 V10 Inner layer V1 Mainlyinnerdipolequenched, exept 2 cases withouterdipolealready at nominalcurrent MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone
Combined poweringSecond Cool Down Changes done to the loading of the magnet will be shown by Fernando, see later presentation. MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone
Combined powering Second Cool Down Several cycle were performed (Simultaneous ramps, first inner-then-outer dipole, first outer-then-inner dipole). Changes done to the loading of the magnet reduced the quench current. The quenches in combinedpowering never provokeddetrainingquechesduring individual powering. MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone
Combined powering Second Cool Down Overview of all combined powering cycles MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone
Quenchlocationscombinedpowering – Cool down 2 V4-V6 V3 V7 V8 V9 Outer layer V1 V10 Inner layer V1 Mostlysimilarlocations as for cool down 1 MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone
Additional info frompickupcoils – cool down 2 In cool down 2 therewerethreelongitudinalsegments of 44 cm each Allcombinedpoweringquenches start with a precursor in themeasured voltage (always in bothcoilssimultaneously) Segment 1 Segment 2 In all these cases we caninterpretthesignals in thepickupcoils as dampedoscillatoins, which is a sign of a mechanicaltransient/movement Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 1 and 5 are just in thehead and see a low field and 3D effects. Theyseemto have in most cases thesharpestsignalonset, but notthelargestsignal. Segment 5 For cool down 2: 9 cases: origin in segment 1-2 4 cases: origin in segment 4-5 MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone
Possiblequench start location for Cool down 2 combinedpowering Combiningthe voltage data (segment V9-V10) and quenchantenna data a possiblequenchlocation is in theouter layer of theinnerdipole in thehead. Note: High precisionlocalisation is notpossiblein this case. Outer layer MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone
Other test results RRR as measured in the December 2018 warm up HV insulation tests were OK: In air at Troom: 250 V QH-Coil and 500 V Coil-ground At 1.9 K in helium: 500 V QH-Coil and 1 kV Coil-ground Magnetic measurements: see slide of Lucio Delayingextractiontoseequenchpropagation: see slides Fernando MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone
Conclusion • Individualpowering went verysmooth: 0 quenches in innerdipole, 11 quenches in outerdipole. • No detrainingquenchesafterthermalcycle. • Combinedpowering: Nominalcurrentsnotreached. In CD 1 themagnetreached 51 % of nominaltorque, in CD 2 itreached 40 % of nominaltorque. • Location of quenches in combinedpoweringis in theinnerdipole in theouter layer low-field block. It couldbe in the end of het heads. MCBXFBP1_b - Mars 2019 - Pepitone