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CPSC 668 Distributed Algorithms and Systems. Fall 2006 Prof. Jennifer Welch. Hardware Clocks. Suppose processors have access to some approximation of real time. Mechanism is through hardware clocks, one at each processor.
CPSC 668Distributed Algorithms and Systems Fall 2006 Prof. Jennifer Welch Set 13: Clocks
Hardware Clocks • Suppose processors have access to some approximation of real time. • Mechanism is through hardware clocks, one at each processor. • pi 's hardware clock HCi is modeled as a function from real times to clock times. • Consider timed executions: associate a real time with each event (increasing). • During pi 's computation event at real time t, the value of HCi(t) can be used as input to pi's transition function. Set 13: Clocks
Possible H/W Clock Properties • HCi is increasing • a minimal property • HCi(t) = number of steps taken by pi through real time t • easy to implement in software • HCi(t) = t • perfect • HCi(t) = t + ci • h/w clock runs at same rate as real time but offset • HCi(t) = ait + bi • h/w clock drifts away from real time Set 13: Clocks
Adjusted Clocks • Clocks are particularly useful if they are synchronized. • But typically hardware clocks cannot be changed. • Instead, consider adjusted clock, obtained by adding some value to the hardware clock value: • ACi(t) = HCi(t) + adji(t) • adjiis adjustment variableof pi Set 13: Clocks
Measuring Clock Differences • How to evaluate how close together clocks are? • Skew: how far apart clock times are at a given real time, or • Precision: how far apart in real time clocks reach same clock time • These are the same when there is no drift… Set 13: Clocks
Skew and Precision ACi clock time ACj skew T precision t real time Set 13: Clocks
Synchronizing Clocks If hardware clocks don't drift, then once clocks are adjusted, they stay the same distance apart. Achieving -synchronized clocks: • Termination: no processor assigns to its adj variable after some real time tf • -bounded skew: for all i and j, and all real times t ≥ tf, |ACi(t) - ACj(t)| ≤. Set 13: Clocks
Bounded Message Delays • We'll study the clock synchronization problem in message passing with bounded delays. • Define a timed execution to be admissible if: • every processor takes an infinite number of steps (no failures) • every message has delay in the range [d-u,d]; call u the uncertainty Set 13: Clocks
Two Processor Algorithm • Consider this simple algorithm: • p0 uses its hardware clock as its adjusted clock • p1 adopts (its best estimate of) p0's adjusted clock as its adjusted clock • How does p1 do this? p0 sends its clock time to p1in a message • How to handle uncertain delay? Assume delay is in the middle of the range: d - u/2 Set 13: Clocks
Code for Two Processor Algorithm p0: adj0 := 0 send HC0 to p1 p1: when receive T from p0: adj1 := (T + d - u/2) - HC1 Set 13: Clocks
Analysis of Two Proc. Algorithm • What is the skew attained by the algorithm? • If message really did take d - u/2 time to arrive, skew is 0 (best case). • If message took d or d - u time, skew is u/2 (worst case). • Can we do better, perhaps with a more complicated algorithm? No. Set 13: Clocks
Proving Lower Bounds on Skew • A useful technique for proving lower bounds on skew for clock synchronization is that of shifting executions. • To define it, we first need to look at some modeling issues. Set 13: Clocks
Modeling Executions: Two Ways • We've been modeling an execution as a sequence of events. • An alternative approach is to model with a set of sequences, one sequence per processor. • This alternative is technically useful in the lower bound proofs. • Can translate back and forth between the two representations. Set 13: Clocks
Processor Views • A view of processor pi is: • an initial state of pi • a sequence of events (computation and delivery) occurring at pi • a hardware clock value for each event • A timed view of pi is a view with a real time associated with each event (increasing) Set 13: Clocks
Views vs. Timed Views Two different timed views with the same (untimed) view: h/w clock times 3:00 3:05 3:10 4:00 real times 11:15 11:20 11:45 11:52 h/w clock times 3:00 3:05 3:10 4:00 real times 8:08 9:00 9:10 10:10 Set 13: Clocks
Extracting Views from Executions • Given a timed execution, straightforward to extract timed views for all the processors: • get initial state of a processor from the initial configuration • get sequence of events occurring at that processor and their times from the events in the execution Set 13: Clocks
Merging Views into an Execution Given a set of timed views, one per proc: • initial config is combination of initial states • obtain sequence of events by interleaving events from views in real-tiem order (break ties with ids) • apply events in order to initial config to obtain the other configs. Set 13: Clocks
But is Result Admissible? • The result might not be admissible. • Biggest issue is the message delays: must be in range d - u to d. Set 13: Clocks
Why Care About Views? To prove lower bounds on skew: • Start with a (carefully chosen) timed execution • Modify processors' views (in a carefully chosen way) • Merge resulting views to get a new execution: • check that it is admissible • show that it violates some bound Shifting Set 13: Clocks
Shifting Timed Executions Given timed execution and real numbers x0, x1, …, xn-1, shift(,(x0, x1, …, xn-1)) is created by: • extracting timed views v0, …, vn-1from • adding xi to the real time of each event in each vi • merging the resulting timed views Set 13: Clocks
h/w clock times HCi(t) = T t real times HCi(t+x) = T h/w clock times t + x real times HCi(t+x) = T h/w clock times t + x real times Shifting Examples shift by positive amount shift by negative amount Set 13: Clocks
Facts About Shifted Executions Result of shifting and merging might not be admissible: could shift receipt of a message earlier than its sending, for example. But these facts hold: • New hardware clock HC'isatisfies: HC'i(t) = HCi(t - xi) = HCi(t) - xi • Delay of a msg from pi to pj goes from to - xi + xjsince msg is sent xilater and received xjlater Set 13: Clocks
Lower Bound for 2 Processors • Let A be any 2-proc. alg that achieves -clock synchronization. • Let be the timed admissible execution of A in which • every msg from p0 to p1 has delay d - u • every msg from p1 to p0 has delay d • After A terminates in , (1) AC0 ≥ AC1 - Set 13: Clocks
p0 d d-u p1 Lower Bound for 2 Processors p0 d-u d p1 shift p0 backwards by u Set 13: Clocks
Lower Bound for 2 Processors • Let ' = shift(,(-u,0)). • Shift p0 earlier by u, leave p1alone. • In ', • every msg from p0 to p1 has delay d • every msg from p1 to p0 has delay d - u • After A terminates in ', AC'1 ≥ AC'0 - Set 13: Clocks
Lower Bound for 2 Processors AC'1 ≥ AC'0 - implies AC1 ≥ (AC0 + u) - since AC'1 = AC1 and AC'0 = AC0 + u Remember inequality (1): AC0 ≥ AC1 - ≥ (AC0 + u - ) - (from just above) Implies ≥u/2 Set 13: Clocks
Star Algorithm for n Processors • Assume the network topology is a clique and message delay range for every edge is d - u to d. • Pick one proc (say p0) and let every other proc try to adopt p0's clock using the 2-processor algorithm. • Worst-case skew can be as large as u (one proc is u/2 behind p0's clock and another is u/2 ahead) Set 13: Clocks
Improved Algorithm for n Processors • All processors exchange h/w clock values. • Each processor estimates the difference between its own h/w clock and that of each other processor. • Each processor computes the average of the differences and sets its adj variable to the result Set 13: Clocks
Code for Processor pi initially diff[i] = 0 send HCito all procs when receive T from pj: diffi[j] := (T + d - u/2) - HCi when heard from all procs: adji := (1/n)∑diffi[k] n-1 k = 0 Set 13: Clocks
Analysis of n-Processor Algorithm • To bound the skew, start with |ACi - ACj| • Then substitute the formula for each AC from the code: HCi + (1/n)∑diffi[k] • Then do some algebra (rearranging terms and using properties of absolute value) to get… Set 13: Clocks
Analysis of n-Processor Algorithm |ACi - ACj| ≤ (X + Y + Z)/n where • X = |diffj[i] - (HCi - HCj)| error in pj's estimate of the difference between its clock and pi's clock, at most u/2 • Y = |diffi[j] - (HCj - HCi)| error in pi's estimate of the difference between its clock and pj's clock, at most u/2 • Z = sum over all k other than i and j of |diffi[k] - (HCk - HCi)| + |diffj[k] - (HCk - HCj)| error in pi's estimate of pk's clock plus error in pj's estimate of pk's clock, at most u/2 + u/2 = u. Set 13: Clocks
Analysis of n-Processor Algorithm To finish up, |ACi - ACj| ≤ (u/2 + u/2 + (n-2)u)/n = u(1 - 1/n). Set 13: Clocks
Lower Bound for n Processor CS Theorem (6.17): No algorithm can achieve -synchronized clocks for < u(1-1/n). Proof: • Choose any algorithm A that achieves -synchronized clocks. • Let be a timed admissible exec. s.t. • every msg from pi to pj has delay d - u, i < j. • every msg from pjto pi has delay d, i < j. Set 13: Clocks
p0 d-u d-u d d p1 d-u d-u d d p2 d-u d-u d d p3 Example of Reference Execution For n = 4, the message delays in can be represented schematically like this: Set 13: Clocks
Additive Lemma Lemma (6.18):ACk-1 ≤ Ak - u + , for all k. Proof: Take and shift p0through pk-1 earlier by u: ' = shift(,(-u,…,-u,0,…,0)) Verify that ' is admissible by checking that messages delays are in range: • if sender and recipient were shifted, then delays are same as in • if one is shifted and other is not, then delays that used to be d-u become d and delays that used to be d become d-u. Set 13: Clocks
p0 d-u d-u d d p1 d-u d-u d d p2 d-u d-u d d p3 Example of Shifted Execution shift p0 and p1 earlier by u p0 d-u d d d-u p1 d d-u d d-u p2 d-u d-u d d p3 Set 13: Clocks
Additive Lemma Completed • Since ' is admissible and algorithm achieves -synchronized clocks, after termination Ak-1' ≤ Ak' + • By shifting facts, Ak-1' = Ak-1 + u and Ak' = Ak • Thus Ak-1≤ Ak - u + . Set 13: Clocks
Back to Main Lower Bound Proof After termination in : An-1 ≤ A0 + by correctness of algorithm ≤ A1 - u + 2 by Additive Lemma ≤ A2 - 2u + 3 by Additive Lemma … ≤ An-1 - (n-1)u + n by Additive Lemma Thus ≥ u(1 - 1/n). Set 13: Clocks
Message Delays in the Real World • In reality, message delays are not uniformly distributed between a minimum and a maximum. • Typically the distribution has a spike close to the minimum and a long tail going to infinity. • One approach to deal with the lack of a maximum is to fix a "timeout" value d and consider any msg taking longer to be lost. • But if d is chosen to be fairly large (to reduce the number of slow msgs incorrectly classified as lost), most msgs will take significantly less than d, and even significantly less than d - u/2. Set 13: Clocks
Estimating Clock Differences • Take advantage of small delays that occur most of the time. • pi sends a query to pj, which pj answers immediately with its current clock value. • When pi gets the response, it assumes pj's response took half the round trip time. • If the round trip time is small, error is reduced compared to original approach. • pi can query repeatedly until getting a round trip time that is "sufficiently" small. Set 13: Clocks
Clock Drift • Hardware clocks typically suffer from drift (gain or lose time). • Usually the drift is bounded, though. • Bounded Drift: There exists > 0 such that for all i, and all real times t1and t2, (1 + )-1(t2 - t1) ≤ HCi(t2) - HCi(t1) ≤ (1 + )(t2 - t1) • That is, hardware clocks measure elapsed real time approximately correctly. Set 13: Clocks
Hardware Clock Drift For quartz crystal clocks, is about 10-6 Set 13: Clocks
Clock Synchronization with Drift • When clocks can drift, processors must continually resynchronize. Two problems: • Establish: Get clocks close together. • Maintain: Keep clocks close together. • We will focus on the maintenance problem, assuming clocks are initially within some B of each other. Set 13: Clocks
Maintaining Clock Synchronization with Drift Clock Agreement: There exists s.t. for all i and j, and all real times t: |ACi(t) - ACj(t)| ≤ Clock Validity: There exists > 0 s.t. for all i and all real times t: (1 + )-1(HCi(t) - HCi(0)) ≤ ACi(t) - ACi(0) ≤ (1 + )(HCi(t) - HCi(0)) When taking the "long view", adjusted clocks measure elapsed time approximately as well as the hardware clocks. Set 13: Clocks
Byzantine Failures and Clock Synchronization • Suppose up to f processors can exhibit Byzantine failures. • Modify definition of maintaining clock synchronization with drift so that clock agreement and clock validity only need to hold for nonfaulty proessors. • To solve the problem, total number of processors n must satisfy n > 3f. Set 13: Clocks
Lower Bound on Number of Processors • The n > 3f condition is also true of consensus. • The consensus problem and the clock maintenance problem are similar. • Can we use the n > 3f bound for consensus via a reduction? • No one knows how. Instead, we'll do a direct proof, but using familiar ideas • scaling (similar to shifting) • specify faulty behavior with a big ring Set 13: Clocks
Scaling Clocks • Given a timed execution and a real number s > 0, scale(,s) is the result of multiplying every real time in by s. • If s > 1, scaling causes clocks to slow down and delays to increase. • If s < 1, scaling causes clocks to speed up and delays to decrease. Set 13: Clocks
Scaling Example 2:00 3:00 4:00 6:00 real time 6:00 p0 HC0(t) = 3t delay = 1:00 p1 HC1(t) = 4t 12:00 scale by s = 2 6:00 p0 HC'0(t) = (3/2)t delay = 2:00 p1 HC'0(t) = 2t 12:00 Set 13: Clocks
Scaling Clocks Lemma (13.1): In ' = scale(,s), • HCi'(t) = HCi(t/s) • ACi'(t) = ACi(t/s) • if a msg has delay in , then it has delay sin '. Lemma (13.2): If satisfies -clock agreement and -clock validity for a set of procs, then so does scale(,s). Set 13: Clocks
Processor Lower Bound for CS Assume • f = 1 • extend to larger f with reduction • u ≥ d(1 - (1 + )-4) • needed for calculations to work out • since is tiny, this is not a significant restriction (uncertainty must be at least slightly larger than 0) Set 13: Clocks