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The Miracles of Jesus Introduction to Miracles. Definition of Miracles.
Definition of Miracles MIRACLE: “An event in the external world brought about by the immediate agency or the simple volition of God... It is an occurrence at once above nature and above man. It shows the intervention of a power that is not limited by the laws either of matter or of mind, a power interrupting the fixed laws which govern their movements, a supernatural power.”(Easton’s Bible Dictionary)
Definition of Miracles “Those things are called miracles which are done by divine agency beyond the order commonly observed in nature.” -- Thomas Aquinas
Three “Miracle” WordsActs 2:22; Hebrews 2:4 • Power (dunamis) – The cause of a miracle is supernatural power. • Wonder (terasa) – The effect of a miracle is awe, amazement and wonder. • Sign (semeion) – The miracle conveys a message; it signifies something
In order for there to be true miracles… • There must be a God. • There must be a God who is willing to directly intervene in earthly affairs. • There must be a God who possesses the POWER to control and override natural law.
Five Dimensions of True Miracles • A true miracle has an UNNATURAL dimension. • A true miracle has a DIVINE dimension; it says something about the existence, power and purpose of GOD. • A true miracle is MORALLY right. • A true miracle has a PURPOSE. • A true miracle TEACHES.
What Distinguishes a True Miracle? • A true miracle is an exception to natural law. (Matthew 14:26) • A true miracle produces immediate results (Mark 1:31, 42; 2:12; 5:29, 42) • A true miracle brings glory to God. (Matthew 9:8; 15:31; Luke 7:16)
NT Teaching on “False Signs” • Performed by those who practice lawlessness, by false prophets and by the man of sin (Matthew 7:21; 24:24; 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12) • Effective on those who “do not receive the love of the truth”(2 Thessalonians 2:8-12; Deut. 13:1-5) • Symbolic of the powerful deception used by the promoters of pagan religion (Revelation 13:11-14; 16:14; 19:20)
Sources of False Signs • Tricks of Magic. (Acts 8:9-11) • Psychosomatic or natural cures. • Anomalies of Nature. • Special Providence (James 5:17-18) • Counterfeit Satanic signs (Mark 13:22)
Miracles as Evidence • Miracles & Fulfilled Prophecies serve as evidence for our faith (Acts 2:22; John 5:36; 2 Peter 1:19) • We should be prepared to defend our faith (Acts 26:1-2; Philippians 1:7, 17; 1 Pet. 3:15-16) • But miracles are not scientific proof • They cannot be tested by science. • Science involves observing repeatable natural phenomena. Miracles are neither natural nor repeatable. • “Genuine science cannot comment about miracles because they are not today observable…” -- Anthony Standon
Miracles as Evidence Old Testament Miracles • Moses was given miraculous power to demonstrate that God had sent him (Exodus 3:1-7, 10; 4-9) • The same point is demonstrated by Miriam’s leprosy, the punishment of Korah, Aaron’s rod that budded, etc. • Consider Joshua’s dividing of the Jordan, Gideon’s tests, Elijah’s trial on Mt. Carmel, etc.
Miracles as Evidence New Testament Miracles • Miracles establish that Jesus is the Son of God (Acts 2:22; John 5:36; 20:30-31) • Jesus did more miracles than the Bible records (John 21:25; Matthew 8:16; 15:30) • Their value as evidence is bolstered by the following facts: • They were performed in many cities and towns in the presence of multitudes. • A wide variety of miracles were constantly performed. • They cannot be explained away. (John 11:47)
Historical References to Jesus’ Miracles • Josephus – “Jesus…wrought surprising feats” • The Talmud – “They hanged Jesus” because “he practiced sorcery” • Justin Martyr – answered the claim that Jesus performed His mighty works by “magical arts”
Miracles of the Apostles Proved their preaching was from God (Heb. 2:3-4) • Tongues (Acts 2) • Healing of Lame man (Acts 3:6-11) • Samaritans healed (Acts 8:5-17) • Aeneas healed at Lydda (Acts 9:34-35) • Dorcas raised at Joppa (Acts 0:36-42) • Elymas blinded on Cyprus (13:4-13) • Cripple healed in Lystra (14:8-10) • “Special” miracles in Ephesus (Acts 19:11) • Paul shook off snake bite (Acts 28:3-6) • Father of Publius healed (Acts 28:7-8)