How to improve the efficiency of production processes
How to improve the efficiency of production processes These points are based on the application of productivity engineering. We can say that productivity is considered an index of growth, if it is translated into terms of a country, what is sought is to use the least amount of resources possible to be able to generate more. Productivity measurement is made up of many aspects and areas in which productivity has an impact and influence. Productivity is throughout the organization and it can be seen in any area. It is important to consider and keep in mind a series of indicators, which will make the company focus on them in order to see the progress or setbacks that arise in the different processes of the organization. The productivity story begins when production is first implemented. The first producers gave a touch of control and administration to the resources used as they considered them more efficient for their processes. The terminology of productivity arises in the year 1776 when economics began to be known as a science. In 1883 was the year in which a more established definition was given: capacity to produce equal to the desire that one has to produce. During the 90's there was a shift towards automation in both products and services, which dramatically changed production costs. Labor was replaced by machinery or technology. Productivity is a concept related to industrial engineering, therefore it becomes a concept of systems that has a great variety of applications. Therefore, to know the growth rate of an organization we assemco recommend paying attention to the following 9 points: 1. Investigate the current situation of the organization. You must know the operation of the company to determine those situations in which you can focus to apply the productive improvement and increase the efficiency of the company. 2. Identify the areas of opportunity in the company. It is essential to identify those areas in a specific way and to see the processes in more detail in which a productive improvement methodology can be applied. This point can be carried out with the detection of the primary factors (product, production), external (suppliers, energy, capital) and factors of the organization (technology, equipment, workforce), as improvements are sought to perform. 3. Setting of objectives. Once the areas to be worked on were located, the objectives are set based on the productive approach and the work team. These objectives must be achievable and achieve the goals that are proposed at this point. 4. Setting deadlines. Like any project, it is essential to make an estimate of time and, as far as possible, make a Gantt chart in which all the activities to be developed in the project are proposed, in order to carry out each activity in a timely manner. 5. Involve the team. The team is a fundamental part of the application of productivity in any organization, the good participation and involvement of the staff is vital for the success of the project. Technique to stimulate enthusiasm and performance. 6. Evaluate the productive efficiency and the capacities that are based on the proposed indicators. u2022tProductivity measurement is determined based on financial, process, or labor focus. u2022tThose indicators are identified that will help measure the different important factors involved in the approach to which the project is being oriented. u2022tThose indicators are evaluated. u2022tThe different improvement methodologies are used. The measurement of the different factors of the organization are also measured and in turn are used as indicators, such is the case of efficiency, capabilities, total or partial productivity, etc. 7. Implement changes and improvements. Carry out the implementation of the different improvement techniques, whether of a qualitative, quantitative or financial model. 8. Review the improvement achieved. A study is made again of the current situation of the company by means of the measurement of the indicators raised at the beginning of the plan, so that the starting indicators with the indicators already with the changes made, in this way it can be verified and see the improvement in the application of productivity. 9. Control improvement. Being in constant supervision and study of the operation and behavior of the processes of the different areas of the organization, it is important to have constant measurement of the indicators that the company has carried out according to its needs and to continuously compare them with the measurements that are obtained so that if any change arises, implementations are made immediately. To get a efficiency production. Get in touch with us today and let's discuss how we can add value to your company and pro-actively tackle the challenges at hand.
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