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Divine NONI International. Family Wellness Programme. Presentation. Salient Features of the Divine Noni International Family Wellness Programmes Dynamic Marketing Plan & other details for operating at India.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Divine NONI International Family Wellness Programme Presentation

  2. Salient Features of theDivine Noni International Family Wellness Programmes DynamicMarketing Plan & other details for operatingat India

  3. For all official explanationabout the Business,Plan and Operation ofDivine Noni International FamilyWellness Programme kindly visit: divinenoni-international.net

  4. 1 Purchase = 1 Sale • 1 Sale = 1 Pack • 1 Pack = 3 Bottles of 800 ml(or) 6 Bottles of 400 ml • 1 Pack = INR 3195.00 • 1 BTP = INR 1450.00 Business Tools Pack

  5. Registration Apply / Signup online and when you purchaseBusiness Tools Pack (BTP) your distributorship is registered

  6. Activation When you purchase Your first joining purchase Your distributorship a/c is Activated

  7. Qualification To qualify for commissionsit is not mandatory tosponsor 2 distributors i.e.,one on left side (1st team) &the other on right side (2nd team)

  8. An ID gets activated when the 1st purchase is made & gets qualified when additional 2 Pack sales are activated either by self-purchase from your ID or by 2 pack purchase of your personally sponsored distributors one on both teams

  9. You can qualify by EITHERpurchasing 2 packs fromyour own ID OR by makingone new joining sale &one pack purchase from your ID ORby two new joining sales throughyour ID (Sponsored by you)

  10. Purchasing • You purchase one BTP = INR 1450.00 • Your Purchase Noni Pack = INR 3195.00 • You Repurchase Noni Pack = INR 3195.00

  11. Selling • 800 ml NONI Bottle = INR 1250.00 • 400 ml NONI Bottle = INR 625.00

  12. Your Income • Retail Profit from each Pack you buy and sell = INR 555.00 • Team Sales Commission : As per the Dynamic Marketing Plan

  13. Commissions Commissions are paidonly on sale of Divine Noni packs 3 bottles of 800 ml each or6 bottles of 400 ml each &not based on people joining.

  14. Commissions When a distributor makes a repurchase through own ID,it is counted as sales &is counted forcommission payouts

  15. Commissions All repurchases of Divine Noni packsby a distributor will be countedfor own sales & also will be counted for all the upline distributors

  16. Commissions Commissions are paid for your personal purchase (Sales) andyour Sales Team members purchases (Sales) as per the Dynamic Marketing Plans

  17. Commissions Your ID must get activated & qualified before any of your downline IDs get activated or qualified ELSE, all the sales below the qualified IDs shall get flushed out till your ID is qualified

  18. SPILLOVER All sponsorships(first joinings or spillovers)through your ID will be placedin the next available position,either on extreme left (1st team)or extreme right (2nd team)

  19. All new joining purchasesand repurchases activated below an ID are accountedfor payouts along with alluplines in that network

  20. Be careful while selectingthe team(1st or 2nd) at thetime of making online entry. It cannot be changedonce the ID is activated

  21. You can order only as Packsand not Bottles You can order for any numberof packs at a time.

  22. You have to maintainsales count of minimum of1/3 in one team &2/3 in the other team

  23. Once an ID is qualified,there are no flushouts &all sales are held tillthe balance of 1/3 & 2/3 inboth teams are attained

  24. For the first 50 sales i.e.,1 orbit, you will getUS $ 210.00 guaranteed.

  25. For the 1st orbit, US $ 35 is guaranteedfor each step of9 sales (6:3 or 3:6) &5 sales (3:2 or 2:3)for the last step

  26. Steps DescriptionAmount / US $ Step 1 9 Sales (3 + 6) Total (9) 35.00 Step 2 9 Sales (3 + 6) Total (18) 35.00Step 3 9 Sales (3 + 6) Total (27) 35.00Step 4 9 Sales (3 + 6) Total (36) 35.00Step 5 9 Sales (3 + 6) Total (45) 35.00Step 6 5 Sales (2 + 3) Total (50) 35.00 First 50 team sales (First Orbit) 210.00

  27. For the additionalteam sales, payouts(in completed steps or Orbits)as per monthly orbit rates(fluctuates)

  28. From each payout,tax shall be deductedif applicableas per the law of the land,along with handling charges

  29. No limit on sales(joining purchases orrepurchases) under an IDfor earning commissioni.e. unlimited depth,but with monthly capping

  30. The commission for salesactivated from the 1st to 31stof each month will be paidby the 15th of the next month

  31. To maintain distributorshipafter one year,the ID is to be renewedby a purchasinga Renewal Tool Pack (RTP)

  32. After renewal,you have to qualify forearning commissionby making ownself-purchase of two packs orby two new joining purchases

  33. Before the expiry of an ID,two re-qualification sales(joining purchases or repurchase)from the ID must get activated.Teams sales shall becounted for commissionsonly after requalification(even it is renewed on time.)

  34. All renewal saleswill be counted as salesto your account

  35. All payments to be made onlyto the Company or the DSPs.Make it a point to collectthe invoice from the DSP / Company while makingpayment & taking the products

  36. Ensure that the DSP / Company draws the invoice in the proper serial order when grouppurchases are made so that the sales do not get flushed out

  37. Do not disclose your Personal Information Details to anybody;Not even to the DSPs where you are making purchases

  38. It is suggested thatthe online joining and / or repurchase is done & printouts takenbefore visiting a DSP

  39. To access your site you must have your distributor confidential details.These are : NameUser ID User Name Password Nonibiss IDNonibiss Password

  40. You can access your personal information details by entering your “Date of Birth” AND “User ID” OR ”User Name” in Distributor Info available in the website

  41. From the Edit Profile optionin your own site,the following can be changed:Date of Birth, Phone & Mobile Numbers, Email & Password

  42. For other changes like Correctionin Name, Address, Nominee Name etc., the signed Personal Details Change Form (available at the site > Members > Forms) to be sentto the Company with relevant proof

  43. Rely only the official informationgiven on the website All relevant informationabout your business is available at :www.online: www.divinenoni-international.net

  44. Tell Your Story ! Share your NONI !

  45. Founder Prof. Dr. P. I. Peter

  46. Divine Noni Headquarters

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