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Which Women’s Golf Ball Stops Best on the green?

Which Women’s Golf Ball Stops Best on the green?. By Mallory Harold Bellwood Antis High School. Girls, ever wondered which golf balls really work well in your favor on the green? And guys, wonder if those women’s golf balls really have any affect at all?.

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Which Women’s Golf Ball Stops Best on the green?

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  1. Which Women’s Golf Ball Stops Best on the green? By Mallory HaroldBellwood Antis High School

  2. Girls, ever wondered which golf balls really work well in your favor on the green?And guys, wonder if those women’s golf balls really have any affect at all?

  3. I did my project on women’s golf balls. Why? • I’m the first girl on the Bellwood golf team in 27 years, so I’m very interested in golf • I wondered which ball would benefit me most on the green. • I was tired of guessing which one was best for me. So I decided to find out.

  4. Problem: which women’s golf ball stops best on the green?

  5. Callaway’s ad cites them as “the best ball for women golfers because of it’s soft, but not too soft core and aerodynamics for the slower swing speed.” • Precept Ladies IQ plus’s ad states that their golf ball is made of the softest material that is regulation approved. • Pinnacle’s ad states that even though their ball isn’t the softest, they are the best for lady golfers

  6. Hypothesis: Callaway Solaire stops best on the green

  7. Things to know: A chip shot is used to approach the green from a short distance. You want the ball to stop a short ways from the hole to make for an easy put into the hole. This is why I simulated a chip shot for my experiment, and why I wanted the balls to stop at a shorter distance. The higher the club number, the shorter the shot. The lower the club number, the longer the shot. We used a seven iron for this experiment Choking up on the club is when you move your hands down in the grip. This makes for a shorter shot no matter what the club. We choked up on the seven iron, so it was more like a nine iron or a pitching wedge, most commonly used for chip shot.

  8. Experimental Design I set up a pendulum to hit the ball at an exact point so it was a simulated chip shot. This is the shot you take when you are approaching the green, so it was most useful in this project. Once the ball had come to a complete stop, we measured the distance it had rolled The shorter the distance, the better it was considered to stop on the green.

  9. Experimental Variables The three brands of balls tested were: Picture of golf balls here • Callaway Solaire • Pinnacle Ribbon • Precept Ladies IQ plus

  10. Control Variables • How the ball is hit • The position of the ball • Where the club strikes the face of the ball • The way the ball is set on the ground(logo up, to the left side of the club, the same distance away from the club.) • If the ball has been hit before • If the ball has been in a water hazard or a bunker before

  11. Control Variables Cont. • The position of the club • The angle of the club to the ground • If your machine is set up the right way • How large your playing surface is • Slope of the ground • Temperature of the room

  12. Control Variables, cont. This entire experiment was done in the school’s indoor sports practice room, so that weather, temperature, break in the green, hardness of the green, slope, and length of the grass were all taken out as control variables. The room was carpeted in false grass carpeting

  13. Experimental Variable: Ladies golf balls Experimental Groups: • Callaway Solaire, Precept Lady IQ Plus and Pinnacle Ribbon Control Group: Golf Balls not hit

  14. Procedure for each golf ball: 1: Fix a ball on the turf so that when the club is in swing, the middle of the club face will hit the ball in the middle 2:Pull the golf club back counterclockwise until it touches the piece of yarn fixed on the lower rung of the pendulum machine. 3:Release the club, being careful not to move it. Simply let the club go. 4: Watch the movement of the ball on the green to make sure it has a straight path. Measure the distance the ball moved from the starting point and record where it stops. 5: Remove the ball just hit from the green and reset the pendulum.

  15. Pinnacle Ribbon

  16. Callaway Solaire

  17. Precept Ladies IQ Plus

  18. Raw Data

  19. Data Averages

  20. Precept Pinnacle

  21. In Conclusion, my data does not support my hypothesis that Callaway Solaire was the ball that would stop best on the green. In fact, my data shows that all of the balls were about the same.

  22. Further Research • To further refine my project, I could fine tune my pendulum machine. • I could test with different clubs rather than just a seven iron • I could use different climates to test the golf balls in

  23. A HUGE thank you to Mr. Swanson for allowing me to use the practice building for my experiment. Thank you to my father, who helped me set up the pendulum machine And thank you Mr. Goodman and Mrs. Flarend for helping me work out the bumps along the way

  24. Data Length of the hit in cm

  25. Materials: Pendulum machine A level indoor golf green (Astroturf carpeting) Different brands of golf balls (Callaway Solaire, Precept Ladies IQ plus, Pinnacle Ribbon) Notebook, pen, and video camera (camera optional)

  26. Abstract My problem was which women’s golf ball stops best on the green? My hypothesis was that Callaway solaire would stop best on the green. In Conclusion my data does not support my hypothesis that Callaway Solaire was the ball that would stop best on the green. In fact, my data shows that all of the balls were about the same

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