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Coping Up With the Impact of Cancer on Your Mental Health

In your fight against cancer, you will face many ups and downs. You will have good days and bad days, good memories and bad ones. While some people are successful in holding on to the string of positivity, others just give up hope even before trying.

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Coping Up With the Impact of Cancer on Your Mental Health

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  1. Coping Up With the Impact of Cancer on Your Mental Health Being detected with a life-threatening disease like cancer is no small deal. It is not only the disease that affects you but also the long months of treatment that leave you drained and overwhelmed. Cancer not only affects you physically but also impacts other aspects of your life. The first question that usually comes to a person's mind upon learning that he/she has cancer is 'How much time do I have to live?'. After all, cancer is one of the most aggressive diseases known to mankind. In your fight against cancer, you will face many ups and downs. You will have good days and bad days, good memories and bad ones. While some people are successful in holding on to the string of positivity, others just give up hope even before trying.

  2. Mental numbness, exhaustion and anxiety are not something that a cancer patient is new to. These come along with the news of you being diagnosed with cancer or even before it when you are eagerly waiting for your reports, wishing that everything turns out to be normal. Experts from the best oncology Hospital in Pune suggest that a lot of patients tend to experience psychological stress and mental breakdown during their fight against cancer, however, what matters is that you stand up again and fight the problem with even more vigour. While you are taking care of all your other needs, it is also important to take your mental health into consideration and do your best to cope up with this stressful life period. There are a few things that you can try to alleviate the stress and give some peace to your mind. We have listed 3 of them with the help of the experts from the leading oncology treatment Hospital in Mumbai. Ask questions - Lack of proper information often results in you assuming things on your own. You might even perceive the problem to be more serious than it actually is. Half-truths and misconceptions only add to your stress. Hence, it is very important to educate yourself about your condition by asking questions to your healthcare providers without any hesitation. Your doctors are always ready to help and guide you, provided you share your concerns and thoughts with them. Clear all your doubts whether it is about your disease or your treatment plan. Communicate - Sharing your problems with others might not end them but it will definitely make you feel better. Getting that load off your mind is very important and that's why you need to communicate. On being detected with cancer many patients tend to pack their emotional baggage and hide it in a corner of their mind. They feel that if they share their problems with others, it

  3. might make them look weak and some even face the fear of being judged for constantly nagging about their condition. This is something that you need to change. Your family and friends love you and they completely understand what you are going through. They would be willing to lend an ear to you anytime you need them. Go to them and vent your heart out. Enjoy small things in life - If you spend the whole day thinking about cancer, it is naturally going to impact your mental health. No doubt it is extremely difficult to take your mind off the situation but there are times when you just have to let the thoughts go. Try to enjoy every moment of your life and start doing things that make you feel happy. Live for yourself and prioritise your mental health over everything else. Spend quality time with the people you love, indulge in your favourite hobbies, plan dates with your family and friends. Make the most of your good days. If you have any queries or concerns, you can find some of the best hospitals offering oncology treatment in Mumbai, where you can get them addressed. Jupiter Hospital Mumbai Helpline Number +91 20 2799 2799 For any query connect: info@jupiterhospital.com or Visit Us: https://www.jupiterhospital.com/

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