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Hair mask - An ultimate solution to your dry, brittle & flaky hair & scalp.

Hair mask - An ultimate solution to your dry, brittle & flaky hair & scalp.

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Hair mask - An ultimate solution to your dry, brittle & flaky hair & scalp.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hair mask - An ultimate solution to your dry, brittle & flaky hair & scalp.

  2. Do you have dry, flaky hair? Do you wish you had a mask that would treat your hair gently and deliver nutrients to the scalp, leaving your hair soft, voluminous, and manageable? Is your scalp dry? Well, you’re not alone! The skin of our scalp is a lot more delicate than the rest of the body and the scalp lacks moisture. This is one of the main reasons for hair fall and scalp problems. To hydrate our scalp we need to nourish it and protect it with a quality ayurvedic hair mask.

  3. At first, hair masks were a luxury. They were available only for those who had money and could afford to buy high-quality ingredients. But now, hair masks have become very accessible to everyone because we have seen their amazing benefits to our hair. We can all use them. The reason why we all need them is because of the way our hair is made. A hair shaft is made of a protein called keratin, which holds together. Without this, your hair would easily split apart, leaving you with dry, damaged, and brittle hair. It also contains other beneficial elements for your scalp, such as minerals, essential oils, and protein. When your hair shaft splits apart, the other hair shafts in the hair follicles fall out because they cannot keep the water in the hair. This makes the hair dry, brittle, and flaky. It also prevents the growth of new hair follicles.

  4. This means you are also losing the nutrients from your hair follicles and hair follicle growth will also slow down. Hair masks were first used to strengthen the hair shaft. A hair mask may contain various types of essential oils that hydrate your hair by penetrating the hair shaft. They will nourish the hair shaft and provide nourishment to the follicles and scalp. A hair mask may also contain clay minerals and proteins, which will promote hair growth and scalp health. It will help moisturize the scalp, as well as improve circulation and circulation to the scalp.

  5. It is a great idea to apply your hair mask for a few hours. You can choose from different formulas to use. You can combine oils, creams, gels, scrubs, powders, or masks that may suit your hair’s need and your preferred method of application. The goal is to soak the entire length of your hair and scalp with it. It is more important to have the right ratio of ingredients. Once you have applied your hair mask, shampoo your hair with a leave-in conditioner to avoid stripping the hair mask from your hair. Then rinse thoroughly with cold water and apply a moisturizer. Your hair should feel soft and moisturized after the application. You can also use the mixture in the shower. If you find that the solution does not last as long as you like, you can add a few drops of essential oils into your daily regimen. This will enhance the hair mask’s effects even more.

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