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Justino Garcia - Adoption Lawyer From New York, NY

Justino Garcia is working as a leading attorney. He has exceptional leadership and management skills. He is famous for adhering to the work ethics at the workplace. He has uncommon capacity to plan and the way he drives the system is unmatched. Find out more about him at his official site https://justino-garcia.com/

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Justino Garcia - Adoption Lawyer From New York, NY

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Justino Garcia A t t o r n e y a t L a w | J u r i s D o c t o r , C a l i f o r n i a W e s t e r n S c h o o l o f L a w

  2. Justino Garcia has affiliations including National Council for Adoption, American Association for Justice, and New York State Trial Lawyers Association. He has been working as an attorney at law from 1991.

  3. Justino Garcia is an attorney at law specializing in adoption- related matters. He started working as a lawyer from 1991 and has years of experience in the field.

  4. Justino Garcia provides consultation in all adoption-related matters and has years of experience in the field. He handles matters like domestic adoptions, private adoptions, and international adoptions.

  5. Justino Garcia specializes in private adoptions, same-sex adoptions, step-parent adoptions, domestic adoptions, and international adoptions. His clients are satisfied by his work and passion. Without a doubt, Justino Garcia is the most distinguished and resourceful attorney and adoption lawyer known for providing millions of solutions to every client.

  6. Justino Garcia has great communication and interpersonal potentials which smooths the relationship between him and his clients. Justino Garcia completed his education from the California Western School of Law in 1989.

  7. Thank You Find out more about him at his official site https://justino-garcia.com/

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