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Business and Advertising in the 1920’s

Business and Advertising in the 1920’s. Nick Jones. Before 1920’s Business. Spanish Flu causing 40 million deaths around the world WWI involving many European countries and United States. 1920’s . This time period was thought to be a post war economy

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Business and Advertising in the 1920’s

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Business and Advertising in the 1920’s Nick Jones

  2. Before 1920’s Business Spanish Flu causing 40 million deaths around the world WWI involving many European countries and United States

  3. 1920’s • This time period was thought to be a post war economy • Many men returned to fill positions that they once worked in • Yet, the unexpected increase in sales, jobs, etc. made the economy rise

  4. Booming Business • Many large department stores • Chain grocery stores/Chain drug stores • Banks (for loans) • Movie theaters/Radio • Automobiles • New luxury hotels and offices being created

  5. Positive of Booming times • Land/House value increased • Jobs were plentiful • Many high paying jobs created millionaires • People begin to invest in the stock market • New inventions/Patents increased

  6. Negative of Booming Time • Not all industry's were flourishing (Farming, Railroad) • Coal was the main energy (dangerous) • Trade Wars with other countries • Many people were “uneducated” with money • Corruption within business’s

  7. Technology • The increase in technology helped the economy grow • Radio was the main one, as it delivered news and ideas to the people • Other inventions (frozen food, planes used for peoples needs, hair dryer, hearing aid, antibiotics, etc.) • Movies gain sound (entertainment)

  8. Radio’s were popular items

  9. Credit in 1920’s • Allowed consumers to pay in separate payments • Helped people pay for houses (mortgages) • Was the idea of spending and borrowing • This also was the time when many used money towards recreation, appliances, etc.

  10. Popular Bank of it’s time used to take out loans

  11. Ex. Ford • Ford was a big car manufacturing that began to come popular in the early 1900’s • Reasons for success were ability of mass production (assembly line) • Sold over 15 million Ford Model Ts by 1927 • Reformed cities by providing jobs to population (Detroit)

  12. Ford Ad - 1924Tudor Sedan $590, Sedan $685,Coupe $525

  13. Baseball ties into economy • Baseball began to bring cities together and bring in revenue • Also provides tiny cities with minor league teams to develop players • Nationally recognized stars become popular and help advertise

  14. 1920’s Advertising Advertising to the people

  15. Advertising Lures Buyers • Ex. Coca-Cola ad’s begin to change idea from medicine to refreshing • Advertisers reach public by using athletes and actresses • Place ad’s in papers to reach millions who read the paper (NYTimes)

  16. Coca-Cola used women to appeal to customers

  17. Colgate Toothpaste Ad - 1924$.25 for the large tube

  18. Coca-Cola becomes refreshment

  19. Example of Athlete being used to advertise

  20. Pictures 1920’s Examples of business

  21. 1920’s Luxury Hotel

  22. Movies with sound were booming

  23. Department Store

  24. Paper used to inform people and advertise

  25. 1929 Stock Market

  26. Stock Market

  27. End of 1920’s • Business was flourishing and wealth was everywhere • A sudden change within the market in 1929 left the market in pieces • Stock values dropped, businesses failed, jobs were lost • Led into the Great Depression

  28. Business ties into everything!

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