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Presentation Transcript

  1. Evaluation Data Interface Jonathan Waterhouse, Meghan Bathgate, & Carl Haberfeld

  2. Summer Institutes Evaluation • Summer Institutes Definition • The SI’s are….. • # of participants? • Number of institutions? • Map:? • [working on this] • Our Evaluation Approach • - Systems-based approach: Teachers, departments, institutions • - Program modeling: Progression from personal teaching change to STEM reform • - Translate findings: SI Curriculum & Publications • Data collection and storage: • Qualtrics ~300 research surveys • Over 10 years of data • Over 2 million data records • Over 200 Papers

  3. Components Evaluation Questions Program Model Over 200 Publications Data

  4. The Evaluation Data Interface • The EDI is • Different stakeholders different needs for viewing data

  5. The Evaluation Data Interface [FAST DEMO?]

  6. Connecting the research data to the EDI We developed a custom piece of software “Q-Charter” which reads raw data from Qualitcs using an API. This allows us to manipulate data from any survey into the form of a comparative data report. Survey data comparison is not a feature Qualtrics offers, but was important to the efficiency of our evaluation efforts.

  7. Q-Charter • Capabilities: • Select how many and which surveys to compare • Remove questions for report or de-identification purposes • Redact personally identifying information from text entries • Be shared as a report, (html or Pdf) and uploaded directly to database

  8. Q-Charter: Result

  9. Discussion • 1. Gather into small groups of 3-4. • 2. On a notecard, answer the following: If you use Qualtrics, how can Q-Charter could help you or your team to visualize data? If not, how could you see data visualization supporting your work? (SEND TO JENNY) • [5min to discuss] • Collect note cards

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