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Pour commencer… Corrige les erreurs

Learn and practice daily routine activities in French with a focus on reflexive verbs. Correct errors and apply new grammatical rules. Use time phrases to express activities before leaving the house.

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Pour commencer… Corrige les erreurs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Je me prépare… Pour commencer…Corrige les erreurs Espane (1) Nous alons au Portual (2) Normalements, nous allons au France (2) Tout les ans nous alonsItalie (3) Nosallons à campane (3) Nous somesallés en Italie et nous somesallés a la mar (3)

  2. Pour commencer…Corrige les erreurs Espagne Nous allons au Portugal (2) Normalemente, nous allonsen France (2) Tous les ans nous allonsenItalie (3) Nous allons à la campagne (3) Nous sommesallés en Italie et nous somesallésà la mar (3)

  3. Je me prépare… Objectives Know – At least 3 daily routine activities in French Understand – A new grammatical rule

  4. Je me prépare… Outcomes All will be able to say what activities they do or don’t do before leaving house (4c-4b) Most will be able to say this using time phrases (4a - 5c ) Some will be able to apply a new grammatical rule and use reflexive verbs effectively (5b – 5a)

  5. Je me douche

  6. Je me faisunecrête

  7. Je me parfume

  8. Je m’habille

  9. Je me brosse les cheveux

  10. Je me lave les dents

  11. Je me regardedans la glace

  12. Je me prépare

  13. Je me maquille

  14. Je me rase

  15. Quand je me prépare…

  16. Je me prépare… Outcomes All will be able to say what activities they do or don’t do before leaving house (4c-4b) Most will be able to say this using time phrases (4a - 5c ) Some will be able to apply a new grammatical rule and use reflexive verbs effectively (5b – 5a)

  17. Réponds a ces questions Quandtute prepares… • Tute douches? • Tutemaquilles? • Tutebrosse les cheveux? • Tute laves les dents? • Tut’habilles? • Tuteregardesdans la glace? Oui, je me douche Non, je ne me douchepas Most will be able to say this using time phrases (4a) Normalement… De temps en temps… D’habitude… Quelquefois… Plus others from KS3 booklet

  18. Je me prépare… Outcomes All will be able to say what activities they do or don’t do before leaving house (4c-4b) Most will be able to say this using time phrases (4a - 5c ) Some will be able to apply a new grammatical rule and use reflexive verbs effectively (5b – 5a)

  19. Some will be able to apply a new grammatical rule Using the information you have been given to translate the following: He showers himself You look at yourself in the mirror We put perfume on She brushes her hair She puts make-up on He shaves You shave You brush your hair You put perfume on He gets ready Extension: Write about somebody else’s daily routine (your mum, brother etc.) All will be able to say what activities they do or don’t do before leaving house Write down what you do and don’t do before leaving the house in the morning starting with: Quand je me prépare… Include at least 2 thing you do and 2 things you don’t do Most will be able to say this using time phrases Write down what you do before leaving the house in the morning starting with: Quand je me prépare… Include at least 3 thing you do and 3 things you don’t do You must add at least 3 time phrases

  20. Plenary Based on the activities you have done today what level would you give yourself for today’s lesson? All will be able to say what activities they do or don’t do before leaving house (4c-4b) Most will be able to say this using time phrases (4a - 5c ) Some will be able to apply a new grammatical rule and use reflexive verbs effectively (5b – 5a)

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