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This article discusses the elements of an effective regional strategy for the development of statistics in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. It explores the background of SADC, priority areas for regional integration and cooperation, the institutional framework of SADC, and the SADC Regional Strategy for Development of Statistics. The article also highlights selected factors for consideration in the development of the Regional Strategy and emphasizes the importance of well-defined strategic themes, an implementation framework, and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.
Elements of an Effective Regional Strategy for Development of Statistics - SADC Ackim Jere SADC Secretariat Gaborone, Botswana PARIS 21 Forum on Reinforcing Statistical Cooperation at the Regional level to Support Sustainable Development, Paris, France 5-6 October 2015
Outline • SADC Background • SADC Regional Integration and Cooperation Priority Areas • Institutional Framework • SADC Regional Strategy for Development of Statistics 2013-18 • RSDS Development – Selected Factors for consideration
1 SADC Background • SADC as a sub-regional organization established at the Summit of Heads of State and Government on 17 August 1992 in Windhoek, Namibia. • SADC currently composed of 15 member states, namely, Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe • SADC Secretariat in Gaborone, Botswana • SADC Mission: “To promote sustainable and equitable economic growth and socio-economic development through efficient productive systems, deeper co-operation and integration, good governance, and durable peace and security. Ultimate goal - Eradication of poverty and promotion of well being of the peoples of the region.
2- SADC Regional Integration and Cooperation Priority Areas Priority A – Industrial Development and Market Integration Priority B – Infrastructure in Support of Regional Integration SADC Pillar C – Peace and Security Priority D – Special Progmmes of Regional Dimensions
Priority D – Special Programmes of Regional Dimensions Education Food Security Health Natural Resources/ environment Gender Equality Technology / R & D. Statistics Labour Private Sector
3 - SADC Institutional Framework • The Council of Ministers is responsible for overseeing the functioning and development of SADC and ensuring that policies are properly implemented. This also provides the context for the development of the Statistical system in the SADC region. • SADC Secretariatis the executive wing of SADC and is responsible for strategic planning and management of SADC programmes including statistical programmes. • The SADC Statistical System is the collective set up of the following: • National Statistics Systems of the Member States, • Statistics Programme at the SADC Secretariat, • SADC Statistics Committee, and; • other related mechanisms that support these structures.
3 - SADC Institutional Framework (cont’d) SADC Statistics Committee (SSC) • Established 1995 in Windhoek by Council of Ministers; • Directors or Heads of National Statistics Offices of the member states bona fide members of the Committee but other key statistical stakeholders such as Reserve/Central Banks and cooperating partners sometimes participate in meetings of the Committee; • The Committee provides policy and strategic guidance to the development of statistics in the SADC region and meet annually.
4- Regional Strategy for Development of Statistics 2013-2018 • Approved by SADC Council in February 2013, Maputo, Mozambique. • RSDS developed around Common Vision, Mission and Core values for the Regional Statistical System for SADC. • Six Main Strategic Themes identified and agreed follows: 1 Widen the scope and range of available regional statistical data and indicators. 2 Increase comparability and quality of prioritised regional statistics. 3 Improve services to users and promote wider use of regional statistics. 4 Strengthen stakeholder partnerships and coordination of the SADC Regional Statistical System (SRSS). 5 Harness the latest innovations in ICT for statistical development in the region; and 6 Promote statistical capacity building in the region • Development Process consultative • Technical Task Force – 6 Member States • SADC Statistics Committee Strategic oversight • RSDS aligned to SADC Revised RISDP 2015-20 approved April 2015 by Council
4- Regional Strategy for Development of Statistics 2013-2018 (cont’d) RSDS for SADC • proposes an Implementation Framework outlining expected outputs, activities, broad timelines among others • Prioritized Programme of work • Advocates for development of a resource mobilization plan to provide for funding options • proposes an institutional framework and critical mass of technical staff at secretariat for implementation of the RSDS to cover policy and technical matters • Encourages promotion of RSDS through advocacy and awareness campaigns • Monitoring and Evaluation mechanisms an integral component
5- RSDS Development – Selected Factors for consideration • Well defined strategic themes/objectives and priorities for the RSDS (setting of goals and targets for RSDS) to address statistical needs to support regional integration and cooperation development agenda. • An elaborate Implementation framework and programme of work for the RSDS outlining, among others, expected outputs/milestones, proposed activities, performance indicators, broad timelines, institutional responsibilities, estimated implementation costs. • A legal framework or instrument for regional cooperation in statistics. Member States expected to domesticate provisions of the RSDS legal framework into their respective national legislative statistics Acts. • Awareness and advocacy strategy or mechanism for stakeholders to promote ownership and support for RSDS implementation at various levels.
5- RSDS Development – Selected considerations SADC experience (cont’d) • A Monitoring and Evaluation mechanism -- an integral component of RSDS. Production of periodic progress reports, mid-term and final review of the RSDS. • Availability of sustainable requisite capacity and resources for the coordination and implementation of the RSDS activities both at national and regional levels • A resource mobilisation plan or mechanisms for funding the RSDS implementation. Member States financial commitment essential and could be supplemented by ICP support. • Member States Statistical stakeholders’ active participation in design, development and implementation of RSDS critical to promote ownership and common approach for Member States involvement. This should be undertaken within the established institutional and legal frameworks of Regional organisations.