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Welcome! Regularly Scheduled Series (RSS) Updates for 2012-2013. Office of CME Jefferson Medical College 1020 Locust Street, Suite M5 Philadelphia, PA 19107 Phone: 215-955-6992 Fax: 215-923-3212. RSS Application. ACCME & RSS (Regularly Scheduled Series)
Welcome!Regularly Scheduled Series (RSS)Updates for 2012-2013 Office of CME Jefferson Medical College 1020 Locust Street, Suite M5 Philadelphia, PA 19107 Phone: 215-955-6992 Fax: 215-923-3212
RSS Application ACCME & RSS (Regularly Scheduled Series) Compliance with ACCME Updated Criteria means identifying • Professional performance gaps • Educational need that the performance gap relates to • Desirable physician attributes • Barriers to improvements • Strategies to overcome barriers We tried to provide clear guidance and examples of what is needed, and when possible, included a checklist of options to select from
Role of Learner What does this mean? We outline the 4 basic roles of academic physicians, and identify the primary role for each RSS to focus the goal of the education more clearly • Learner Roles • Clinician – is the RSS directed at patient care issues? • Administrator – is the RSS directed at systems/management issues? • Teacher - is the RSS directed at teaching issues • Researcher – is the RSS directed at research issues? On the application: You will select other required application elements based on the primary practice role of the learners for an RSS.
Content Changes: ID “Professional Practice Gaps” What does this mean? A professional practice gap is the difference between actual and ideal performance. • Professional practice gaps can be found in any role the physician practices in: clinician, administrator, teacher, or researcher. • Professional practice gaps are the answer to the question: • what are these participants doing now that they could/should be doing differently or better? • There is a comparison made between what the ideal practice looks like and what the potential participants actually are doing. On the application: You will select general professional practice gaps from a checklist provided, based on the role of the learner
Content Changes: Clinical RSS tie directly to Institutional Patient Safety/PI/QI If the RSS is clinically oriented, completing this section will explicitly link education delivered to RSS sessions to institutional patient safety and/or performance improvement goals. On the application: Select one of the options outlined • Option 1. Patient Safety related issues • What topics does your Peer Review Physician recommend be included in this activity to improve clinical processes and/or patient outcome in your department? • Option 2. Performance and/or Quality Improvement Process • What quality metrics are in place in your department/division to measure improvements in patient care and/or processes that will be addressed as part of this activity? • Option 3. Other Metrics ex: (HCAHO, HEDIS, PQRI, RPR, CMS) • What other measures for patient care is your department working on that will be addressed as part of this activity? Always applies to RSS that address the learner role of clinician.
Content Changes : Practice Gaps and Educational Needs • Identifying Underlying Educational Needs Related to Identified Practice Performance Gap • A good needs assessment provides evidence that the professional practice gap exists, and that an educational activity can help close the identified gap and facilitate a change in practice. It answers the question: • How do you know the practicing physicians and other learners in your audience need education in the topics you will present during this activity? On the application: • You will complete a chart showing where your evidence is drawn from, the conclusions that you have made based on this evidence, and what the education you are presenting is intended to accomplish. • We anticipate this section will present the most difficulty for applicants to complete. We encourage you to contact the Office of CME to discuss your questions, concerns or thoughts about this section in particular.
Content Changes: Evidence - Example • The application will offer a number of options for you to select from, and allows for your additions. For each type of source you identify, you will be asked to identify the specific source used, explain what the source tells you about your learner and draw a conclusion about the needed education for the source. If you cannot provide documentation, you should NOT check a source. Note that you are required to utilize at least 2 sources for your RSS.
Annual Evaluations : Your Results Tie in to prior year evaluation results (for repeating RSS) • If you are renewing an RSS, you will review the past year’s evaluation results which will be automatically included in your application. You will also be provided with the aggregated data for ALL Jefferson RSS so you can compare your results to these average responses. • You will be asked to outline a plan for improvement if your evaluation results indicate a need for improvement. On the application: My FY11 Annual Evaluation Scores for the following items for example were:
Complete an Online Budget Form: • Estimated detailed financial information • AV • Honoraria • Travel • Catering • Commercial Support • CME Fees • Other
Logging in for RSS To log into the database go to http://jeffline.jefferson.edu/jeffcme/ , then click on “For RSS Planners”, next click on RSS Session Registration & Reporting, and enter your login ID which, is a unique code assigned to you by the Office of CME Register a session • Enter the session date, topic, presenter's name, and WEB-ID • Print the COI disclosure form to post at the session • Once the WEB-ID is entered for a speaker, the COI information entered in the COI database will automatically transfer to the SRD when the speaker completes the COI process. • The SRD will also provide the summary of disclosure information to be displayed during the session by simply clicking the “S” icon located next the WEB-ID field. • Print the Session Documentation form (SDF) to post at the session by clicking on the “SDF” button. All relevant information that you have entered will be merged into the SDF form, along with information from your application. Update to include any commercial support acknowledgement to the audience
Session Documentation Reporting for RSS Report a completed session • Click on link “For RSS Planners, then choose “Session Registration & Reporting” see a blue link in the center of the page called- Session Documentation Reporting, double click on it. • Enter the session’s required information • Check off- I certify that the SDF and Planner/Presenter’s COI has been posted • ACCME Criteria Impact category • Patient Safety Topic information, if applicable • Commercial Support information, if applicable
-continues These 2 will automatically fill in OCME will complete the LOA column
Policies and Procedures • Involvement and approval of a Jefferson faculty Program Director and/or Division Chief/Department Chair. • Reporting and documentation requirements must be met in a timely fashion. • Annual In-service required. • Compliance with ACCME Standards for Commercial Support required. • An annual administrative fee must be submitted • Must comply with University Industry Relations Policy (for Logo usage, etc.) • Certification may be withdrawn from programs that do not comply with the policy and procedures as set forth by the Committee for CME.
Additional Information - Trademark Usage University Policy controls how Jefferson’s name, logos, and images are used. • There is a new logo; any use of old logos should cease. • Do not assume that because you have used the logo in the past, it is ok to continue to use it now! To add a Jefferson logo to any material related to RSS, you need written approval from University Counsel. Contact Jeanne Cole, Director of CME at jeanne.cole@jefferson.edu For questions about the policy, contact University Counsel. See RSS Handbook- pg. 44-45, for specific details
Reminder: Accreditation Statement on Promotional Materials ACCME and AMA have very specific requirements about what a flyer or any other announcement for a CME activity must contain. These requirements can change at the discretion of the ACCME and/or AMA!!! • Submit a prototype of announcements/advertising material for review by the Office of Continuing Medical Education to assure compliance with required ACCME and AMA Category 1 language for CME activities. The language must be stated exactly as it is below with Italics and trademarks that are required by the AMA. Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. OR: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of Jefferson Medical College and (insert Joint Sponsor name). AND Jefferson Medical College designates this live activity for a maximum of (enter # of credits) AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM . Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. • *Promotional materials may not be printed or distributed without prior approval from CME Office. NEW AMA LANGUAGE! UPDATE YOUR FLYERS
Changes to Attendance Reports and Deadlines Attendance Reports are no longer cumulative! only show credits for the specified reporting period FY 2012- • Report 1 due January 20, 2012 Covers 7/1/2011- 12/31/2011 • Report 2 due (Final Due) July 20, 2012. Covers 1/1/2012- 6/30/2012 FY 2013- • Report 1 due November 30, 2012. Covers 7/1/2012- 11/30/2012 • Report 2 dueJanuary 20, 2013.(Updates Report 1)Covers 7/1/2012-12/31/2012 to capture any December participants. (This allows for up-to-date reports for re-licensing for 12/31 for every 2 years) • Report 3 due July 20, 2013. Covers 1/1/2013- 6/30/2013 (Remember, only show credits for the specified reporting period!) Online RSS Annual Evaluation • Opens April 2, 2012, closes May 31, 2012
Reminder: Presenter Conflict of Interest (COI) • Presenter Conflict of Interest – must be disclosed to the audience for each session. COI Reminders! • Required by ACCME • anyone involved with planning OR presenting a CME activity • Individuals with conflicts must have conflicts resolved prior to day of session • It is required that disclosure information be made known to the audience prior to the start of each session. • POST the Planner COI at EACH session!! • Statement has been generated on all SDFS- Unless otherwise noted, the planners for this RSS indicate they have no relationships to disclose. Exceptions include: Cerebrovascular Case Conference, Neurosurgery Grand Rounds and Morbidity Mortality Conference; and Hepato Cellular Carcinoma Conference. Planner disclosure for these RSSs, are posted separately at each session. • POST the Presenter COI Statement for EACH session!!!
Key Points about Conflict of Interest • Simply disclosing a relationship is not in compliance with ACCME rules. • Resolving a conflict of interest must be accomplished before the day the session is held. • Presentations by speakers with conflicts must be evaluated using a conflict of interest evaluation form that the Office of CME will provide. • You will receive email reminders about COI as long as the session is pre-registered in the SRD. • Unless conflict of interest issues are resolved in advance, the session cannot receive CME credit
Commercial SupportLetters of Agreement (LOA) LOAs obligate the INSTITUTION to be accountable to the funder. Incorrectly completed reports, or failure to complete reconciliations to the funder, can jeopardize ALL Jefferson future grant submissions to that funder If you accept commercial support, in order for session to be certified for credit you must provide OCME • No later than the day before the session:A copy of the company-signed Letter of Agreement (or pdf of online agreement) • Within 30 days of the session: • A copy of the check received with your session documentation form (SDF). • Documentation of HOW you spent the commercial support, including line item detail. You need to be prepared to show copies of checks/payments to speakers, catering, AV, etc. in the event of audit by the commercial supporter. • BEFORE Completing a Grant Reconciliation for the Funder: • Send OCME a draft of the grant reconciliation you plan to send to the commercial supporter PRIOR to submission. • A copy of all correspondence to/from the funder relating to the submitted grant reconciliation • Failure to comply may result in the decertification of your entire RSS! See RSS Handbook pg. 36-37, for specific details
Commercial Support: Do’s & Don’ts • Know the rules on what a company can and can’t do! • Keep education separate from product promotion • Money from company cannot go directly to speaker for honoraria OR travel! • Company cannot bring in food! • Acknowledge any support from company (but don’t mention their product in any acknowledgement) • Know and apply Jefferson’s Industry Relations Policy
Commercial Support-REMINDERS Expect changes in how you request and manage funds from commercial support! Use the correct name for the Accredited CME Provider! * Jefferson Medical College of TJU Remember, the Jefferson must be named as the accredited provider and the OCME must sign all Agreements for this type of funding. Return of funds: Many pharmaceutical companies now require that funds be accounted for (“reconciled”), and unused funds be returned!! If you have an LOA, you will be contacted when a reconciliation is required. **NOT TJUH/Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Documentation Requirements& Changes- What to Report Summary of Attendance • Only approved sessions should be counted!! Use OCME Excel format • With non-cumulative credits earned (only report credits within that reporting period) • Report both CME and Patient Safety/Risk Management credits earned • Send via email as an attachment • Directly uploaded into database: spelling and accuracy count! Data that cannot be uploaded, will be returned to you for corrections. If OCME manually enters your data, an additional charge of $25.00 per person entered will be applied, the fee must be prepaid.
Retrieving Credits via Jeff ETC Only the Office of CME can issue official documentation of credits earned. • Use the CME Website to retrieve a transcripts of attendance at all JMC sponsored CME activities. • Based on WEB ID (the last four digits of the attendees social security number) must be included in your attendance reports (or info will not be available online)
Annual Administrative Fees Direct (JMC) $1,650.00 for weekly and biweekly programs $990.00 for monthly, quarterly, other programs Joint (Non-JMC)(*plus grant request processing fees, when applicable.) $3,025.00 for weekly and biweekly programs $1,815.00 for monthly, quarterly, other program New Increase in Fees 2013
Additional Information Extended Sessions • If you are planning a slightly different RSS session and would like to receive additional credits, please contact us at least 8 weeks in advance of the date so we can assist you in meeting any additional requirements. We will need a brief description of the activity differs from the normal session, the target audience, how the session is funded, and how you plan to advertise. • For example, if you normally hold a 1 hour session but once a year want a 2 hour session you must contact us for pre-approval. Limited to 2 hour session. Other CME Seminars • For “Special Sessions” that are greater than 2 hours in length, a separate CME Activity application and fee are required, and must be initiated at least 90 days prior to the activity date. No mention of the availability of CME credit may be made until the CME Office has approved the activity and/or the marketing materials.
Please refer to your Regularly Scheduled Series (RSS) Handbook 2012-2013for complete details of all processes, policies, and procedures.Or contact:Daphney Wright, Administrative Coordinator Regularly Scheduled Series215-955-6993daphney.wright@jefferson.eduhttp://jeffline.jefferson.edu/jeffcme/