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I. Introduction Hazards in Turkey 92 % of the country’s 780,580 km² area is prone to

Emergency Management in Turkey: Disasters Experienced, Lessons Learned, and Recommendations for the Future Derin N. Ural, Ph.D. Associate Professor and Founding Director, Center of Excellence for Disaster Management, Istanbul Technical University Turkey.

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I. Introduction Hazards in Turkey 92 % of the country’s 780,580 km² area is prone to

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  1. Emergency Management in Turkey:Disasters Experienced, Lessons Learned, and Recommendations for the FutureDerin N. Ural, Ph.D.Associate Professor and Founding Director, Center of Excellence for Disaster Management, Istanbul Technical UniversityTurkey

  2. Outline I. Introduction II. Policy Timeline Milestones for National Emergency Management III. SWOT Analysis IV. Challenges 2

  3. I. Introduction • Hazards in Turkey • 92 % of the country’s 780,580 km² area is prone to • earthquakes • Floods: Black Sea, Mediterranean &Western AnatolianRegion • Landslides: Black Sea Region 3

  4. II. Event/Policy Timeline 1940, Building Code for Rebuilding in Erzincan EVENT 1950, Eskisehir Floods 1944, Bolu Earthquake 1939, Erzincan Earthquake 1943, Niksar Floods 1953, Water Management & Flood Mitigation Law 1945, Introduction of Seismic Design Codes 1944 Law for Mitigation for Earthquakes POLICY

  5. Event/Policy Timeline 1953, State Waterworks Institution Established 1968, Amasya Earthquake 1969, Alasehir Earthquake 1970, Gediz Earthquake 1971, Bingol Earthquake EVENT 1972, Earthquake fund Established 1958, Ministry of Public Works and Settelements Established 1960, Homeland Security Council Established POLICY

  6. Event/Policy Timeline 1998, Adana Earthquake 1995, Dinar Earthquake 1992, Erzincan Earthquake EVENT 1997, Regulation on Management of Prime MinistryCrisisCenter 1983, State of Emergency Law Established 1992, Earthquake Response & Recovery Law POLICY

  7. Event/Policy Timeline 1999, Kocaeli & Duzce Earthquakes EVENT 1999 : Natural Disaster Insurance Initiated Establishment of the General Directorate of Turkish Emergency Management Additional Items on Disaster Effect Life Law Enacted Disaster Mitigation Law Initiated Civil Defense and Municipality Law Updated POLICY

  8. Event/Policy Timeline 1999, Kocaeli & Duzce Earthquakes EVENT 1999 : 2002, Emergency Management Certificate and Masters Degree Program Initiated Regulations on Civil Defense Law Regulations on Residence Funds Construction Control Law Initiated Regulations on the Law Related to Precautions and Aids for Disasters 2004 , Municipality Law Enacted POLICY

  9. August 17, 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake • Magnitude : 7.6 • Northwestern Part of Turkey • Heavily Populated Area • 17,000+ loss of life and 43,000 injured • largest natural disaster in Turkey Source: USGS

  10. Official Damage Report of the 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake

  11. I. Introduction November 12, 1999 Düzce Earthquake • Magnitude : 7.2 • 1,000+ loss of life and 5,000 injured • Led to an awakening to the reality of earthquakes in Turkey. Source: USGS

  12. Proposed National Emergency Management System

  13. Disaster Management in Istanbul

  14. III. SWOT AnalysisResults Based on SurveyResults of Emergency Response Groups • S t r e n g t h • W e a k n e s s • O p p o r t u n i t y • T h r e a t s arepresented

  15. Istanbul SWOTAnalysisResults

  16. Istanbul NeighborhoodsSWOTAnalysisResults

  17. Istanbul NGOSWOTAnalysisResultss

  18. IV. Challenges in Disaster Management in Turkey: • High levels of Migration and Population Growth • Rapid Urbanization, Squatter homes • New structure in Disaster Management Policy

  19. Thank youITU : Cooperation in International Degree programsderin@itu.edu.tr

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