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Mu2e WGM. 3/21/2012 R. Ray Mu2e Project manager. Strategy Changes. CD-4 will now be defined as complete once the solenoids are commissioned. Everything after is now on operations. Fine-grained map of DS field
Mu2e WGM 3/21/2012 R. Ray Mu2e Project manager
Strategy Changes • CD-4 will now be defined as complete once the solenoids are commissioned. Everything after is now on operations. • Fine-grained map of DS field • Insertion of stopping target, proton absorber, tracker, calorimeter, DS vacuum enclosure, stopping target monitor. • Must modify BOEs and dictionaries accordingly • One of our Key Performance Parameters is “Tracks from cosmic ray muons have been observed in the detector and recorded by the data acquisition system.” • We will satisfy this with a cosmic ray test of the tracker, calorimeter, CRV and DAQ in the garage position while the solenoids are being commissioned. • Activities and milestones have been added to the appropriate L2s. R. Ray - Mu2e WGM
Strategy Changes • We are now doing the entire solenoid Final Design and Procurement at CD-3a. • DOE is working with us on an appropriate funding profile. • Doesn’t accelerate the nominal schedule much (a few months) but eliminates a huge schedule risk at CD-3b. • Can’t do the building at CD-3a. Civil construction at CD-3a is a “hard sell” according to Lehman. • OK to do site prep work for CD-3a, but that has already been broken out into a GPP. R. Ray - Mu2e WGM
Schedule Eliminates this delay, which could be considerably longer than shown. CD-2/3a CD-1 CD-3b Preliminary Design Final Design Field Mapping Final Solenoid Design in Industry Fabricate Superconductor Solenoid Fabrication Solenoid Installation Detector Hall Construction Solenoid Infrastructure Detector Construction Cosmic Ray Tests Install Detector Accelerator Common Projects FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 R. Ray - Director's CD-1 Review R. Ray - Mu2e WGM 4 4
Cost & Schedule Tasks R. Ray - Mu2e WGM
Cost & Schedule Tasks • Logic Changes • Done a huge amount here. Still some to be done. This is an ongoing process. • Critical path optimization • Also done a a huge amount, but still some work to do between turns of the crank. • Operations tasks identified and moved • Done • Actuals implemented in schedule for FY10, 11 and first half of FY12. • Still some work to do here. Not as far along as we should be. • First turn of the crank • Done. Completed last night. New cost book completed. R. Ray - Mu2e WGM
Resources • The amount of help we are getting is impressive! • We are getting Project Controls help from LBNE (Bob O’Sullivan + Mike Gardner) • Anne Heavey from CD/LBNE is working with us on web pages and making things like BOEs more easily accessible for Lehman. • AD is providing significant help to add details to BOEs for preliminary design phase (one of our noted deficiencies). Curtis Baffes, Pat Hurh, Salman Tariq and significant additional resources from AD/MD are helping out. • Peter Wilson is helping with the tracker. R. Ray - Mu2e WGM
AIPs & GPPs • Doug will present this plan in the plenary session for Lehman • We have one (or two) TBD that we have to fill before the Review for the cryo project • The management group for these projects will be the individual project leaders, Chris Polly, Doug, Ron + Lab Management. • Group will meet for 30 minutes twice a month • We will present a clear description of the scope and management plan for these activities. R. Ray - Mu2e WGM
Recommendations requiring action by CD-1 2.0 Accelerator Update and cross check the resource and obligation profiles before the CD-1 review. Underway 2.3 Target, Heat Shield & Dump Assign a dedicated mechanical engineer to serve as systems or integration engineer for the Target Station. This engineer should help develop and review component and system requirements, oversee work in the different areas, and assure proper integration of all components and systems. The recommendation is that an individual be identified by the CD1 review. An individual has been identified to replace Curtis Baffes, who was the individual identified to fill this position after the IDR. The replacement does not have the management acumen of Curtis and may not be the right fit. R. Ray - Mu2e WGM
Recommendations requiring action by CD-1 5.0 Muon Beamline The Muon Beamline design is at a conceptual stage of development. Costs are not based on vendor quotes for rather large pieces of equipment. For this stage of the project a 24% contingency is too low. The project should review all contingencies for CD-1. Contingencies will be adjusted for our second turn of the crank. 6.1 Calorimeter Develop a resource-leveled schedule that ensures better continuity of the technical staff tasks throughout R&D, production, and testing. In progress across the board. R. Ray - Mu2e WGM
Recommendations requiring action by CD-1 7.1 Tracker Define integration milestones that require simultaneous operation of multiple systems before CD-1. Done. Milestones and activities added for tracker, calorimeter, CRV and DAQ for a cosmic ray veto test that satisfies one of our KPPs. Reevaluate the risk on the purchase of straw material taking into account the potential increase in the cost of gold in the future before CD-1. Agree, but not done yet. R. Ray - Mu2e WGM
Recommendations requiring action by CD-1 7.0 DAQ Adjust the DAQ schedule to level the activities to better match the rest of the project schedule by the DOE CD-1 review. First pass done. Further adjustment possible as we level resources globally. Purchase of production DAQ hardware should be scheduled as late as possible to take advantage of Moore’s law performance improvements and this should be done prior to the DOE CD-1 review. Done Define criteria to be used to determine if they need hardware filtering. Before the DOE CD-1 review include a corresponding milestone for the decision. Agree, but not done yet. R. Ray - Mu2e WGM
DAQ Resource Profile Before After (From 1st turn of the crank) R. Ray - Mu2e WGM
Recommendations requiring action by CD-1 Before the DOE CD-1 review, include a milestone for completion of a draft DAQ interface protocol document that occurs within one year. Agree, but not done yet. 8.1 Cost Revisit the assignment of labor contingency percentages throughout the project before the DOE CD-1 review and determine if any should be changed. Agree. Part of our plan for the second turn of the crank. Doug is our contingency czar. R. Ray - Mu2e WGM
Recommendations requiring action by CD-1 8.2 Schedule Upon confirmation of schedule, cost and documentation update, train the L2 and L3 managers on how to drill down their areas in a timely fashion in preparation for the DOE CD-1 Review. Agree. We expect to have more time before the Lehman Review than we did before the Director’s Review to do this. Thoroughly scrub the P6 schedule to eliminate remaining deficiencies in task relationships and resource assignments within and between each WBS L2 schedule by the DOE CD-1 review. Underway. Significant progress already made. Add explicit tasks for production and installation readiness reviews to the P6 schedule where needed and assign resources to them. Link them as predecessors to the associated procurement, fabrication, or installation tasks. This should be completed by the DOE CD-1 review. Underway. Significant progress already made. R. Ray - Mu2e WGM
Recommendations requiring action by CD-1 8.3 Management CD-1 is scheduled in FY12. Work with lab management to plan for the additional resources required for CD-2 preparation before the DOE CD-1review. Agree. Level project resources and develop a corresponding funding profile with DOE as soon as possible. Allow time for iterating with L2 (or appropriate level) managers. Revising the RLS is the top priority for completion by the DOE CD-1 review. Underway. Review the uncosted scientific resources to verify that they are correctly accounted for in the RLS by the DOE CD-1 review. Underway. Significant progress already made. R. Ray - Mu2e WGM
Recommendations requiring action by CD-1 Complete change control threshold, milestone, and funding profile tables in project documents such as PPEP and Configuration Management by the DOE CD-1 review. Under discussion with DOE Ensure that the DOE CD-1 review committee is apprised of the assumptions regarding g-2, AIP, and GPP project plans and status prior to the review. Doug will present this during Lehman plenary session. Key Project Assumptions document updated to include common projects assumptions. 8.4 ES&H Provide approval/signature pages for all ESH/QA documents required for CD-1. Done R. Ray - Mu2e WGM
Recommendations requiring action by CD-1 The Project ESH Coordinator should provide the presentation on over-all ESH status to the DOE CD-1 review committee. Agreed. She’s already started preparing. Develop an organizational chart which clearly defines the Mu2e Project ESH support organization including ESH disciplines and responsibilities by the DOE CD-1 review. Agreed, but not yet started. The Project should receive a letter of determination from DOE-FSO relating to NEPA strategy prior to the DOE CD-1 review. This is the ES&H/FSO plan. R. Ray - Mu2e WGM