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Please come in, sit in your assigned seat, and open your binder to your “Warm-Ups” Section, with a writing utensil, ready to go. BY TODAY YOU SHOULD HAVE A BINDER! SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS ARE NOT SUFFICIENT!. Daily Oral Language & Grammar. Day 1 – Commas & Using the right words. Incorrect:.
Please come in, sit in your assigned seat, and open your binder to your “Warm-Ups” Section, with a writing utensil, ready to go. BY TODAY YOU SHOULD HAVE A BINDER! SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS ARE NOT SUFFICIENT! Daily Oral Language & Grammar
Day 1 – Commas & Using the right words Incorrect: At 9 feet tall and 1,700 pounds the Alaskan brown bare it’s the largest carnivore that lifes on land. At 9 feet tall and 1,700 pounds, the Alaskan brown bearis the largest carnivore that lives on land. Correct: ANSWER
Day 2 – Commas, Subject-Verb Agreement, & Hyphens Incorrect: The brown recluse spider which is a poisonous spider found in the United States have fangs six eyes and a violin shaped mark on its back. The brown recluse spider, which is a poisonous spider found in the United States,has fangs, six eyes, and a violin-shaped mark on its back. Correct: ANSWER
Day 3 – Semicolon, Commas, using the right word, subject-verb agreement Pet iguanas likes to sit in high places however it is still a surprise when 1 jumps on your head. Pet iguanas like to sit in high places; however, it is still a surprise when one jumps on your head. ANSWER
Day 4 – Run-on Sentence (semicolons), Using the Right word, Spelling, Capitalization Allowing species to become extinct is a big risk its imposible for us to know which missing species will upset the whole balence of the earth. Allowing species to become extinct is a big risk;it’s impossible for us to know which missing species will upset the whole balance of the Earth. ANSWER
Day 5 – Commas, Italics, Using the right word & Spelling The Taenaris macrops butterfly which feeds on ripe bananas has eyespots on it’s wings that flash like the eyes of a predater. The Taenaris macrops butterfly, which feeds on ripe bananas, has eyespots on its wings that flash like the eyes of a predator. ANSWER
Day 6 – Commas, Spelling & Numbers Oxygen was descovered in 1772 by the Sweedish chemist, Carl Scheele, but he withheld the information until 2 years later when Joseph Priestly make the same descovery. Oxygen was discovered in 1772 by the Swedishchemist Carl Scheele, but he withheld the information until two years later when Joseph Priestly made the same discovery. ANSWER
Day 7 – Commas, Spelling, Using the right word & Abbreviation On our camping trip to Wash their were trails to hike lakes to kayak and mountains to clime. On our camping trip to Washington, there were trails to hike, lakes to kayak, and mountains to climb. ANSWER
Day 8 – Commas, Parentheses & End Punctuation If someone took away all of your senses sight touch hearing smell taste what do you think life would be like. If someone took away all of your senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell, taste), what do you think your life would be like? ANSWER
Day 9 – Commas, Abbreviation & Spelling The Minoan civilizashun which lasted for 2000 years on the island of Crete developed a rich and prosperous culture beginning around 6000 BCE. The Minoan civilization, which lasted for 2,000 years on the island of Crete, developed a rich and prosperous culture beginning around 6,000 B.C.E. ANSWER
Day 10 – Commas, Spelling, Semicolons & Using the right word PARAGRAPH CORRECTION : A Good Pet?
Day 11 – Quotation Marks, Hyphen, End Punctuation & Commas Hey Amanda asked Steven Baron Sr. as we unpacked did you forget the grapes. You forgot the T shirts, too? Oh, brother “Hey, Amanda,” asked Steven Baron, Sr., as we unpacked, “did you forget the grapes? You forgot the T-shirts, too? Oh, brother!” ANSWER
Day 12 – Colon, Semicolon, Abbreviation, Punctuation She closed the book and looked at the clock she had finished reading The Elder Brothers at exactly 1200 AM. She closed the book and looked at the clock; she had finished reading The Elder Brothersat exactly 12:00 am. ANSWER
Day 13 – Semicolon, Commas & Spelling The lungfish an unusual animal has both lungs and gills therefore it can breath eather underwater or on land. The lungfish, an unusual animal, has both lungs and gills; therefore, it can breathe either underwater or on land. ANSWER
Day 14 – Punctuation, Commas & Spelling Jerry Garcia and Robert Hunter wrote the song Here Comes Sunshine; my friends and I who heard it preformed on July 2 1999 in Irvine California loved Robben Ford’s rendition. Jerry Garcia and Robert Hunter wrote the song “Here Comes Sunshine”; my friends and I, who heard it performed on July 2, 1999, in Irvine, California, loved Robben Ford’s rendition. ANSWER
Day 15 – Quotation Marks, Commas, End Punctuation Have you ever been to Persia. asked Henry. No I haven't, said Bill and it is not called Persia now. What is it called now, inquired Jane. "Have you ever been to Persia?" asked Henry. "No, I haven't," said Bill,"and it is not called Persia now." "What is it called now?" inquired Jane. ANSWER
Day 16 – Commas, Dashes & Using the right word Holistic medicine which includes treatments such as acupuncture and aromatherapy focuses on treating the hole person body and mind rather then just the effected part. Holistic medicine, which includes treatments such as acupuncture and aromatherapy, focuses on treating the whole person – body and mind – rather than just the affected part. ANSWER
Day 17 – Commas, Capitalization, & Sentence Fragment The sun was just slipping below the horizon when aunt Nakki who had ridden her camel from the sultry areas to the south. Arrived at our camp near Siwa egypt. The sun was just slipping below the horizon when Aunt Nakki, who had ridden her camel from the sultry areas to the south,arrived at our camp near Siwa,Egypt. ANSWER
Day 18 – Capitalization, Sentence Fragment & Hyphen About 500 or so less than healthy hedgehogs are brought to lincolnshire’s hedgehog hospital each year. Where 70 percent are helped and returned to the wild. About 500 or so less-than-healthy hedgehogs are brought to Lincolnshire’s Hedgehog Hospital each year where 70 percent are helped and returned to the wild. ANSWER
Day 19 – Capitalization, Sentence Fragment, Commas & Spelling The first five books of the hebrew bible the torah. Contane the laws of judaism and the early history of the jewish people. The first five books of the Hebrew Bible, the Torah,contain the laws of Judaism and the early history of the Jewish people. ANSWER
Day 20 – Commas, Quotation Marks, Spelling, Punctuation, Plurals & Using the right word PARAGRAPH CORRECTION: A Groundbreaking Story
Day 21 – Capitalization, Sentence Fragment, Spelling, Punctuation & Commas In his book “things fall apart.” Chinua achebe relates the story of a beautiful fascinating african culture that has all but disapeared. In his book Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe relates the story of a beautiful, fascinating African culture that has all but disappeared. ANSWER
Day 22 – Comma Splice, Capitalization At first, passengers on the titanic paid no attention to the emergency siren, they thought it was a false alarm. At first, passengers on the Titanic paid no attention to the emergency siren; they thought it was a false alarm. ANSWER
Day 23 – Capitalization, Comma Splice, Spelling & Colons Tom dempsey of the new orleans saints was born with only half a right root, in 1970 he kicked the longest feild goal in pro football history 63 yards. Tom Dempsey of the New Orleans Saints was born with only half a right foot, but in 1970 he kicked the longest field goal in pro football history: 63 yards. ANSWER
Day 24 – Capitalization, Comma Splice & Comma The cactus finch which lives on the galapagos islands displays a trait rarely seen in birds, it uses a cactus spine to dig for insects in trees and cacti. The Cactus Finch, which lives on the Galapagos Islands, displays a trait rarely seen in birds; it uses a cactus spine to dig for insects in trees and cacti. ANSWER
Day 25 – Capitalization, Comma Splice, Spelling & Combining Sentences Kitty hawk is the name of a town. It is the town where orville and wilbur wright made the first powered airplane flite, it was also the name of the first hot-air baloon to fly nonstop from the west coast to the east coast. Kitty Hawk is the name of the town where Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first powered airplane flight; it was also the name of the first hot-air balloon to fly nonstop from the West Coast to the East Coast. ANSWER
Day 26 – Capitalization, Comma Slice, Spelling, Apostrophe & Hyphen Teak loggers in myanmar use elefants to move the logs because elefants are cheaper than other transporting methods, they dont require forest damaging roads. Teak loggers in Myanmar use elephants to move the logs because elephants are cheaper than other transporting methods, and they don’t require forest-damaging roads. ANSWER
Day 27 – Numbers, Plurals, Capitalization, Abbreviation, Apostrophe, Run-On Sentence In 1957, tennis player Althea Gibson won the womans championship at Wimbledon later that year, she became the 1st African American woman to win the us open. In 1957, tennis player Althea Gibson won the women’s championship at Wimbledon; later that year, she became the first African American woman to win the USOpen. ANSWER
Day 28 – Numbers, Plurals, Abbreviation, Comma Splice, Spelling & Commas Attendence at the soccer game on Sept. 3 was 10379, approximately twenty percent were between 8 and sixteen year’s old. Attendance at the soccer game on September 3 was 10,379; approximately 20 percent were between 8 and 16 years old. ANSWER
Day 29 – Numbers, Abbreviation, Hyphen, comma splice The woman had been heading s.w. on Hwy. forty-nine, traveling at only 50 miles p.h., however, she lost control of her vehicle and nearly hit a three year old child. The woman had been heading southwest on Highway49, traveling at only 50 mph; however, she lost control of her vehicle and nearly hit a three-year-old child. ANSWER
Day 30 – Capitalization, Comma Splice, Using the Right Word, Spelling, Hyphen, Italics & Commas PARAGRAPH CORRECTION The “Unsinkable” Titanic
Day 31 – Plurals, Apostrophe, Using the Right Word, Spelling & Abbreviation The impact of the automobile on life in the U.S. isnt all positive: streetes arent safe for pedestrians, deers and other animals are killed in tremendous amounts on roades, and polution from car emissions harms everyone. The impact of the automobile on life in the United States isn’t all positive: streets aren’t safe for pedestrians, deer and other animals are killed in tremendous numbers on roads, and pollution from car emissions harms everyone. ANSWER
Day 32 – Plurals, Abbreviation, Using the Right Word & Dashes Its interesting to visit another country such as Mex. Or Can. And check out the differences among it and your own country everything from traffic rules to dining habites. It’s interesting to visit another country such as Mexico or Canada and check out the differences between it and your own country – everything from traffic rules to dining habits. ANSWER
Day 33 – Run-On Sentence, Capitalization & Spelling The piaroa tribe in venezuela has an interesting custom, on special occassions, they roast spiders the size of dinner plates. The Piaroa tribe in Venezuela has an interesting custom. On special occasions, they roast spiders the size of dinner plates. ANSWER
Day 34 – Run-On Sentence, Commas & Abbreviation The speed of sound Mach 1 can be reached at sea level at around 742 mp hour at 36,000 feet the speed of sound becomes 661 mp hour. The speed of sound, Mach 1, can be reached at sea level at around 742 mph. At 36,000 feet, the speed of sound becomes 661 mph. ANSWER
Day 35 – Rambling Sentence, Capitalization, Abbreviation & Commas John Muir decided to become a naturalist at the age of 30 and he hiked from the midwest to the gulf of mexico to acquaint himself with the land and his writings inspired the development of national parks in the U.S. John Muir decided to become a naturalist at the age of 30. He hiked from the Midwest to the Gulf of Mexico to acquaint himself with the land, and his writings inspired the development of national parks in the United States. ANSWER
Day 36 – Rambling Sentence, Comma & Capitalization In 1875, Matthew Webb of great britain became the first person to swim across the english channel which lies between england and france and he arrived in france 21 hours and 45 minutes after he left england. In 1875, Matthew Webb of Great Britain became the first person to swim across the English Channel, which lies between England and France.He arrived in France 21 hours and 45 minutes after he left England. ANSWER
Day 37 – Run-On Sentence, Comma, Nonstandard Language & Capitalization It should of been obvious when you visited that lassie is the greatest dog in the world not only does she hang out with us but she loves to wrestle when she’s finally tired lassie will take a nap with her head on your lap. It should have been obvious when you visited that Lassie is the greatest dog in the world. Not only does she hang out with us, but she loves to wrestle. When she’s finally tired, Lassie will take a nap with her head on your lap. ANSWER
Day 38 – Pronoun, Capitalization & Quotation Marks Whenever the neighbor’s dog trespasses on our lawn, my Mom likes to recite this line from a Robert Frost poem to my brother and I: good fences make good neighbors. Whenever the neighbor’s dog trespasses on our lawn, my mom likes to recite this line from a Robert Frost poem to my brother and me: “Good fences make good neighbors.” ANSWER
Day 39 – Pronoun Agreement, Plurals & Capitalization In many companys everyone, including the President, takes their turn at making coffee. In many companies everyone, including the president, takes his or her turn at making coffee. ANSWER
Day 40 – Rambling Sentence, Hyphen, Commas, Using the Right Word, Spelling, Apostrophe & Capitalization PARAGRAPH CORRECTION Channel Crossings
Day 41 – Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement, Commas, Capitalization Her and me are researching the peace corps which was established in 1961 by president Kennedy to see how it has changed since their early days. She and I are researching the Peace Corps, which was established in 1961 by President Kennedy, to see how it has changed since its early days. ANSWER
Day 42 – Pronoun Antecedent Agreement, Using the Right Word, Quotation Marks & Commas Its not a question of who’s water balloon it is, it’s the mere fact that someone left their water balloon on the seat of my chair said Ramon. “It’s not a question of whose water balloon it is; it’s the mere fact that someone left his or her water balloon on the seat of my chair,” said Ramon. ANSWER
Day 43 – Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement, Comma & Sentence Fragment The clavicle, or collarbone, is the most frequently broken bone in the body. Because they’re a relatively thin bone, and often involved in shoulder injuries. The clavicle, or collarbone, is the most frequently broken bone in the body because it’s a relatively thin bone and often involved in shoulder injuries. ANSWER
Day 44 – Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement, Punctuation, Comma & Spelling My class read Jimmy Santiago Baca’s poem Fall, which I found very pleasant, and they did by the way inspire me to write a beutifull poem myself. My class read Jimmy Santiago Baca’s poem “Fall,” which I found very pleasant, and it did, by the way, inspire me to write a beautiful poem myself. ANSWER
Day 45 – Indefinite Pronoun Reference, Hyphen & Commas Though icebergs are found in saltwater seas they are formed from freshwater and are well known sources of drinking water for parched sailors. Though icebergs are found in saltwater seas, icebergs are formed from freshwater and are well-known sources of drinking water for parched sailors. ANSWER
Day 46 – Indefinite Pronoun Reference, Punctuation & Commas In 365 Amazing Days in Sports he takes a day-by-day look at sports in history. [The author of this book is Eric Sherman.] In 365 Amazing Days in Sports, Eric Sherman takes a day-by-day look at sports in history. ANSWER
Day 47 – Indefinite Pronoun, Numbers, Capitalization & Comma Splice More than 50 times a year, lightning strikes the empire state building, it causes an average of 400 deaths and 1000 injuries every year. More than 50 times a year, lightning strikes the Empire State Building.Lightning causes an average of 400 deaths and 1,000 injuries every year. ANSWER
Day 48 – Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement, Using the Right Word & Run-On Sentence A panophobe (in Greek, “pan” means “all” and “phobia” means “fear”) is a person whom fears everything they would probably not be alot of fun to be around. A panophobe (in Greek, “pan” means “all” and “phobia” means “fear”) is a person who fears everything.He or she would probably not be a lot of fun to be around. ANSWER
Day 49 – Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement, Using the Right Word, Punctuation & Comma Mrs Rabon decided to assign us homework everyday and they didn’t care if it made our lifes miserable. Mrs. Rabon decided to assign us homework every day, and she didn’t care if it made our lives miserable. ANSWER