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Renewable energy is energy from natural forces such as wind, waves, sunlight and flowing rivers. Theses natural resources will be here as long as life exists on the Earth and though they can be used, they will not be used up. 1/20.
Renewable energy is energy from natural forces such as wind, waves, sunlight and flowing rivers. Theses natural resources will be here as long as life exists onthe Earth and though they can be used, they will not be used up. 1/20
Golden rice is an example of biotechnology. A gene that makes the rice produce Vitamin A was added to make the rice healthier. Biotechnology may be used to improve food crops and livestock, to produce more effective medicines or to make the production of ingredients used in drugs less expensive. The field of Biotechnology uses the science of biology and field of technology to change living plants, microorganisms and animals. 2/20
Using the Engineering Design Process . . . includes identifying the problem, identifying constraints and criteria, brainstorming possible solutions, selecting one solution, designing and making a prototype, testing the prototype, communication the results, and refining the design.One of the last steps, after testing the prototype, is refining or redesigning the design. 3/20
Many older people –senior citzens – have trouble reading, hearing and if theyhave arthritis, using their fingers. These are limitations. To design a cell phone for senior citizens, the designer would want to make sure the buttons are easy to read, the volume can be adjusted to be quite loud, and the buttons are large enough to touch easily. These limitations are know as design constraints. 12/20 4/20
Most of the energy used by humans in the 21st century comes from sources thatwill eventually run out. The supply is limited. These sources are called ‘fossil fuels’ because they are the ancient remains of living things: petroleum (oil), natural gas, and coal. These are known as non-renewable energy resources. 5/20
Human needs are not the same as things that people may want in order to make their lives easier. Human needs are things people must have in order to survive.Food, shelter, clothing, self-defense (protection from danger) and fire are human needs. 6/20
Much of the energy the world uses today is from some very, very old natural sources, often called fossil fuels. These were created over many millions of years. This type of energy is called non-renewable energy because it will someday be all used up. (It would take millions of years and special conditions to make more). 4/20 7/20
Using the Engineering Design Process . . . includes identifying the problem, identifying constraints and criteria, brainstorming possible solutions, selecting one solution, designing and making a prototype, testing the prototype, communication the results, and refining the design.One of the first steps, usually involving a group of people imagining possible solutions, is brainstorming. 8/20
A group of people gathering together to freely imagine possible solutions to a problem are taking advantage of the fact that sharing ideas in a group often creates solutions people would not discover on their own. This process is called brainstorming. 9/20
Human wants are not the same as things people must have in order to survive. Things that people may want in order to make their lives easier or more enjoyable are called human wants. Human wants include such things as luxury goods and entertainment. 10/20
Human wants – like iPods and Xboxs and designer clothes and jewelry – are things that make lves easier or more enjoyable. They are not the same as things that people must have in order to survive. These are called human needs. 11/20
As long as life exists on Earth, there are natural energy sources that will not be used up. These sources are the wind, the sun’s light, waves (ocean energy), geothermal (heat from Earth’s core) and biomass (energy from decaying organic matter such as wood and manure). These are known as renewable energy resources. 12/20
Through the use of modern biotechnology, scientists can move genes for valuable traits – such as resistance to diseases – from one plant to another. This means that scientists in the laboratory can use take the best features of some plants and share them with other plants, making them able to produce more food. Genetically-modifying a plant or an animal to make it produce more or better food is an example of biotechnology 12/20 13/20
Problem: the cost of early automobiles made them expensive; many peoplecould not afford them. Henry Ford had an idea that solved the problem. He invented the assembly line to quickly mass produce Ford automobiles. The assembly line made cars much more affordable. Invention is the process of turning ideas into actual things to solve problems. 14/20
Radios, intercoms, public address systems, computers, laptops, tablets, email, video-conferencing, cell phones, walkie-talkies, home phones, TV, satellite, newspapers, magazines, post office-delivered mail, texting and instant messaging are all parts of communications and information technology. 12/20 15/20
Energy from the sun - solar energy - it is free for anyone, anywhere to use. The sun shines everywhere so everyone can use it. Solar energy is a renewable resource because, unlike fossil fuels, it will not be used up. 12/20 16/20
In the past, the tires of a car could become under-inflated and the driver would not know unless he checked the air pressure in each tire. Under-inflated tires (1) wear out more quickly (2) make the car less fuel-efficient and (3) make driving more dangerous. New innovation changed this. Now, new cars have an automatic tire-pressure monitoring system that flash a dashboard warning if tire pressure is low. This is an innovation: a new idea, device, or way of doing something 12/20 17/20
Carbon dioxide, a gas released by burning fossil fuels, is called a 'greenhouse gas' because it traps heat in the Earth's atmosphere and increases global warming. 12/20 18/20
In the real world, each system of technology works with other technology systems.The seven systems of technology include: Information & Communication Technology, Medical, Construction, Transportation, Agricultural & Biotechnology, Manufacturing and Energy & Power. 19/20
When something does not work as it is supposed to, a wise way to solve this problem is to examine it step-by-step. For example, if a printer is not printing . . . is it turned on? Does it have ink? Does it have paper? Is it connected to a computer? A step-by-step method for finding a problem in a system is known as troubleshooting. 12/20 20/20