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Blake Burns Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Anne Edmundson University at Buffalo

Dr. Longzhuang Li Faculty Mentor Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi. Blake Burns Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Anne Edmundson University at Buffalo. 1. Overview. Abstract Background Objective Red Tide Importance of our Research Approach Project Implementation Details

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Blake Burns Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Anne Edmundson University at Buffalo

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  1. Dr. Longzhuang Li Faculty Mentor Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Blake Burns Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Anne Edmundson University at Buffalo 1

  2. Overview • Abstract • Background • Objective • Red Tide • Importance of our Research • Approach • Project Implementation Details • Challenges • Future Works • References 2 2

  3. Abstract • Using marine wireless sensor networks to collect meaningful data for future analysis in predicting the presence of red tides. • Selected attributes for data collection: • wind • precipitation • sun light intensity • chlorophyll concentration • dissolved oxygen • dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus • chemical oxygen demand • temperature • salinity • pH • water transparency • tidal currents 3 3

  4. Background (part 1/2) • Wireless Sensor Networks • Consists of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants. • TinyOS • Operating system for wireless embedded sensor networks • Minimizes code size because of memory constraints • TinyDB • Query processing system used on network of TinyOS sensors • Given a specific query, TinyDB collects data from sensor nodes • TOSSIM • Simulates a complete TinyOS sensor network 4

  5. Background (part 2/2) • Wireless Sensor Network purposes: • Equipped with capabilities to measure/change environment • Sense, process, and communicate data • Wireless Sensor Network applications: • Environmental • Marine monitoring • Landslide detection • Medical • Monitor vital signs • Military • Smart Uniforms • Event monitoring for enemy detection 5 5

  6. Objective • Our goal to create a uniform interface to access to multiple autonomous heterogeneous structured data sources that will help to predict red tide 6 6

  7. Objective Details • We are creating an interface that will forward a query to multiple databasesand provide results in a uniform manner for the specified information regarding red tides • There are multiple ways a user may define their query: by attribute, by date, or by node. 7 7

  8. Red Tide (part 1/4) • What is red tide? • Red tide is a naturally-occurring, higher-than-normal concentration of the microscopic algae Karenia brevis. • This organism produces a toxin that paralyzes fish causes them to suffocate. When red tide algae reproduce in dense concentrations they are visible as discolored patches of ocean water, often reddish in color. 8

  9. Red Tide (part 2/4) • Consequences • Disturbs marine ecosystem • Affects fishes, oysters, mussels and whelks • Significant because humans consume them • Existing approach • Satellite imagery • Satellites only see ocean surface • Weather prevents frequent coverage • Clouds and fog obscure visible and infrared data • Expensive for environmental monitoring 9

  10. Red Tide (part 3/4) • Why wireless sensor networks? • Real-time monitoring • Collects surface and sub-surface information • Not too expensive • Capable of remote monitoring in any environment 10

  11. Red Tide (part 4/4) • Predicting red tide • Measure temperature, dissolved oxygen content, salinity • Algae absorb oxygen so low levels of oxygen show possible red tides • Variations in temperature are observed • Measure chlorophyll which is the indicator of red tide algae 11

  12. Importance of our Research • Our research will reduce the difficulty of processing the coastal data through our uniform interface that can access all the data related to the coastal systems. • This will also help in detecting the presence of red tide and predicting future red tides. 12

  13. Approach (part 1/5) • Due to limited resources, these attributes were simulated using TOSSIM on TinyOS. • TinyDB was utilized to filter, and aggregate data from wireless sensor nodes. • Restrictions with TOSSIM only allow one attribute to be simulated in each network; therefore, 12 networks were simulated and three TinyDBs were used, each holding data from four networks. 13 13

  14. Approach (part 2/5) • This was only possible because each network had data in common with the other networks: a node ID. • Using the given framework for TinyDB, an application was created that allowed the user these capabilities. 14 14

  15. Approach (part 3/5) • This interface acts as the communication between the user and the wireless sensor network. • This implementation provides a user with a flexible means to gather information from multiple marine wireless sensor networks. 15

  16. Approach (part 4/5)   End Users Applications Global Uniform Interface TinyDB #1 TinyDB #2 TinyDB #3 WSN or TOSSIM

  17. Approach (part 5/5) TinyDB GUI JDBC TinyDB Client API DBMS PC side 0 Mote side 0 2 TinyDB query processor 1 3 8 4 5 6 Sensor network 7

  18. Project Implementation Details • Three separate main components • Attribute specific query • Map feature to query by specific node • [NYI] date range querying • Java based Graphical User Interfaces 18 18

  19. The Interface (part 1/3) • Main GUI Interface • Select which type of querying to do 19 19

  20. The Interface (part 2/3) • Attribute specific query • Select any number of attributes and get all available data for those attributes • The following slides are some screenshots of the attribute specific query in action using simulated data (not accurate). 20 20

  21. 21 21

  22. If there were attributes selected then the below window appears displaying the data from the database for the selected attributes If no attributes were selected the window below appears 22 22

  23. 23 23

  24. The Interface (part 3/3) • Node specific query (Map Interface) • Allows the user to select a node from a map to query and retrieves the selected nodes data. • The following slides are of the node specific query in action on simulated data (not accurate). 24 24

  25. 25 25

  26. 26

  27. 27

  28. Challenges • Took far too long to get to implementation • First 4-5 weeks only reading and software tweaking of TOSSIM and TinyDB. • TOSSIM would not generate custom data • Even still it will only generate one custom attribute per run through. • TinyDB would not store data • We had to modify the main program to store the data in a file. 28 28

  29. Future Work (part 1/2) • Incorporate time as a factor in submitting a query • Morning, afternoon, evening options • Increase flexibility of interface • Gather data from TinyDBs as well as other databases • Select multiple nodes from the map • Present the data in a more organized and logical manner 29 29

  30. Future Work (part 2/2) • Make the application available via the internet • Allows for easier access • Deploy application onto a smart phone • Information is always available to the user and more accessible • Eventually deploy sensor nodes to collect data and use the application for these nodes 30 30

  31. References • S. Chawathe et al. The TSIMMIS Approach to Mediation: Data Models and Languages. In Proc. 10th Meeting of the Information Processing Society of Japan, 1994. • Ibrahim, R. Kronsteiner, and G. Kotsis. A Semantic Solution for Data Integration in Mixed Sensor Networks.Computer Communications, 28(2005) 1564-1574. • A. Zafeiropoulos, N. Konstantinou, S. Arkoulis, D. Spanos, and N. Mitrou. A Semantic-based Architecture for Sensor Data Fusion. In the Second International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services, and Technologies, 2008. • S. Mihaylov, M. Jacob, Z. Ives, and S. Guha. A Substrate for In-network Sensor Data Integration. In the 5th Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks, 2008. • I. Botan, Y. Cho, etc. Design and Implementation of the Maxstream Federated Stream Processing Architecture. ETH Zurich, Technical Report, June 2009. • N. Tatbul. Streaming Data Integration: Challenge and Opportunities. In the Second International Workshop on New Trends in Information Integration (NTII), March 2010. 31 31

  32. Acknowledgments • Dr. Dulal Kar • Dr. Longzhuang Li • Dr. Ahmed Mahdy • Huy Tran • Bhanu Kamapantula • Tinara Hendrix and Ashley Munoz • National Science Foundation 32

  33. Questions? 33 33

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