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T.P.R. 42/F Right sided weakness. General Data. Theresa Rubala. 42 y.o ./Female. Right-handed. Cavite. Chief Complaint. Right-sided weakness. History of Present Illness. 8 Hours PTA (June 27, 2009). Woke up with numbness of R UE/LE. Progressed to weakness of R UE/LE .
General Data Theresa Rubala 42 y.o./Female Right-handed Cavite
Chief Complaint Right-sided weakness
History of Present Illness 8 Hours PTA (June 27, 2009) Woke up with numbness of R UE/LE Progressed to weakness of R UE/LE (+) dizziness/vertigo (+) high-pitched tinnitus Both ears (-) seizures, LOC, headache
History of Present Illness On admission (+) right-sided weakness (-) headache (+) blurring of vision (-) diplopia (-) slurring of speech
Review of Systems (-) easy bruisability (-) palpitations (-) hematuria (-) seizures (-) orthopnea (-) abdominal pain (-) hemoptysis (-) diarrhea (-) hematochezia (-) melena (-) vomiting (+) high pitched tinnitus (-) fever (-) headache (-) wt loss (-) anorexia (-) cough (-) colds (-) pallor (-) jaundice (-) rash (-) dyspnea (-) memory loss (-) nausea (+) BOV
Past Medical History (-) Bronchial Asthma (-) Epilepsy (-) Diabetes Mellitus (-) CVD/CVA (-) Cancer (+) HTN
Family Medical History (+) Asthma, mother (+) HTN, father (-) PTB (+) CA, uncle, lung (-) DM (+) CVA, father (-) Epilepsy (-) CVD
Personal/Social History • (+) smoking, 2 sticks/day for 5 years • (-) alcohol • Day Care Center teacher, able to perform activities of daily living without any problem
Living condition Bungalow House level with road Bathroom level with floor House is 10 m away from main road
General Survey Awake Conscious Coherent (-) Cardiorespiratory Distress
General Survey Speaks in complete sentences and is oriented in the three spheres
HEENT AnictericSclerae Pink Palpebral Conjunctivae Pupils (2-3mm) BRL
HEENT No gross ear deformities No ear discharge Intact tympanic membrane No impaction Intact cone of light No hearing loss
HEENT No nasal discharge No tonsillopharyngeal congestion Midline tongue No dental carries No oral ulcers
HEENT No palpable cervical lymphadenopathy No tracheal deviation No anterior neck mass
Chest Symmetric chest expansion No use of accessory muscles No retraction Equal Tactile Fremitus Resonant on percussion Clear breath sounds
Heart Adynamicprecordium Regular rate Regular rhythm S2>S1 at the Base Apex Beat, 5th ICS MCL (-) Heaves, Thrills, Murmur
Abdominal Exam Flat soft abdomen (-) Scars, spider nevus Normoactive bowel sounds (-) bruit (-) masses, tenderness Intact Traube’s space
Genitourinary tract/DRE Genitalia not examined (-) costovertebral angle tenderness Digital Rectal Examination Intact perianal sensation Good Sphincter tone Intact rectal vault with feces Rectal wall smooth (-) voluntary contraction
Skin and Extremeties (-) pallor (-) cyanosis (-) clubbing (-) nail deformities Good Skin Turgor Full Equal Pulses
Neurologic Exam and MSE Awake Conscious Coherent Oriented to the 3 spheres
CN I Intact
CN II Pupils 2-3mm EBRTL (-) no visual field cuts
CN III, IV, VII Preferrential gaze to the right (-) Ptosis
CN V (+) corneal reflex intact light touch and pain sensation good masseter, pterygoids and temporalis tone
CN VII Visible nasolabial folds symmetric smile good labial articulation
CN VIII normal Weber’s and Rinne’s
CN IX, X good and equal palatal elevation good guttural articulation equal gag reflex on both sides
CN XI equal shoulder shrug
CN XII good articulation no atrophy or fasciculation no tongue deviation