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United against Homophobia in Sports. Measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity. The Council of Europe and the rights of LGBT persons.
United against Homophobia in Sports Measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity
The Council of Europe and the rights of LGBT persons • European Convention of Human Rights: »any discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is contrary to the ECHR • European Social Charter: general ban on discrimination .
Committee of Ministers »CM Recommendation (2010) 5to member states on Measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity »2012 UK Chairmanship: LGBT issues as priorities in the human rights domain »2012 CM thematic debate »Review of CMRec(2010)5in 2013
»1st Recommendation on Discrimination against homosexuals in1981. Recommendation on the Conditions of transsexual (1989). » 2012 General Rapporteur on the rights of LGBT people, Håkon Haugli, to monitor and take action in the area of the protection and promotion of the rights of LGBT people. Parliamentary Assembly
European Court of Human Rights »Relevant case-law of the Court » Regular complaints on violation of human rights of LGBT persons (hate speech, freedom of expression and right to peaceful demonstrations)
Commissioner for Human Rights »2011 report, largest socio-legal ever study in all 47 Council of Europe member States » 2011 comment on ‘schools must stop spreading homophobic and transphobic messages’ »2012 focus on attempts to silence voices through laws banning ‘propaganda’/ ‘spreading’/’promotion’ of homosexuality
Conference of INGOs »2012 Recommendation “Combating discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity”
LGBT Issues Unit » created in October 2011 within Directorate General II, Directorate of Human Rights and Antidiscrimination » work on LGBT issues: • internal/external mainstreaming/cooperation • implementing Council of Europe LGBT Project • review of CM Rec(2010)5
European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) »2013 fifth monitoring cycle: monitoring of hate speech and violence towards LGBT persons
Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) »Activities promoting LGBT issues in relation to sport: -fair access to sport for LGBT persons -sport as a means of facilitating social inclusion -handbook on LGBT inclusion in sport
Sports »PACE Recommendation 1635 (2003) ‘Lesbians and gays in sport’ and CM reply »Specific provisions of CM Rec(2010)5
PACE Recommendation 1635 (2003) »PACE calls states and European Sport Organisations to implement respectively a set of measures; recommendations to the Committee of Ministers »Reply by the Committee of Ministers
HR Commissioner’s Report » Social study: on sport issues - ‘No research, no data’ - ‘Invisibility’
CM Rec (2010) 5 » IX. Sports Homophobia, transphobia and discrimination unacceptable, should be combated Sports activities and facilities open to all Prevent, counteract, punish discriminatory insults with reference to S.O.G.I. Dialogue with and support of sports association/fan clubs → awareness-raising , → condemning intolerance towards GBT persons » Other relevant provisions Education, multiple discrimination