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Verbos. ADD. Verbo regular Acrescentar, somar. AGREE. Verbo regular Concordar. ALLOW. Verbo regular Permitir, autorizar. ANSWER. Verbo regular Responder, atender. ARRIVE. Verbo regular Chegar. ASK. Verbo regular Pedir, perguntar. ATTACK. Verbo regular Atacar. BE.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Verbos

  2. ADD Verbo regular Acrescentar, somar

  3. AGREE Verbo regular Concordar

  4. ALLOW Verbo regular Permitir, autorizar

  5. ANSWER Verbo regular Responder, atender

  6. ARRIVE Verbo regular Chegar

  7. ASK Verbo regular Pedir, perguntar

  8. ATTACK Verbo regular Atacar

  9. BE Verbo irregular (Be - Was/Were - Been) Ser, estar

  10. BECOME Verbo irregular (Become - Became - Become) Tornar-se

  11. BEGIN Verbo irregular (Begin - Began - Begun) Começar

  12. BELIEVE Verbo regular Acreditar

  13. BRING Verbo irregular (Bring - Brought - Brought) Trazer

  14. BUY Verbo irregular (Buy - Bought - Bought) Comprar

  15. CALL Verbo regular Chamar, telefonar

  16. CAN Verbo modal Poder, ser capaz de

  17. CARRY Verbo regular Transportar, carregar

  18. CATCH Verbo irregular (Catch - Caught - Caught) Apanhar, agarrar

  19. CHANGE Verbo regular Mudar, trocar

  20. CHOOSE Verbo irregular (Choose - Chose - Chosen) Escolher, seleccionar

  21. CLEAN Verbo regular Limpar

  22. CLOSE Verbo regular Fechar

  23. COME Verbo irregular (Come - Came - Come) Vir

  24. COOK Verbo regular Cozinhar

  25. COULD Verbo modal Poder (condicional)

  26. CUT Verbo irregular (Cut - Cut - Cut) Cortar

  27. DEFEND Verbo regular Defender, proteger

  28. DO Verbo irregular (Do - Did - Done) Fazer

  29. DRINK Verbo irregular (Drink - Drank - Drunk) Beber

  30. DRIVE Verbo irregular (Drive - Drove - Driven) Conduzir

  31. EAT Verbo irregular (Eat - Ate - Eaten) Comer

  32. END Verbo regular Terminar, acabar

  33. ENJOY Verbo regular Apreciar, gozar

  34. EXPLAIN Verbo regular Explicar

  35. FALL Verbo irregular (Fall - Fell - Fallen) Cair

  36. FEEL Verbo irregular (Feel - Felt - Felt) Sentir (-se)

  37. FIND Verbo irregular (Find - Found - Found) Encontrar, considerar

  38. FINISH Verbo regular Terminar, acabar

  39. FLY Verbo irregular (Fly - Flew - Flown) Voar

  40. FOLLOW Verbo regular Seguir, acompanhar

  41. GET Verbo irregular (Get - Got - Got) Receber, apanhar

  42. GIVE Verbo irregular (Give - Gave - Given) Dar

  43. GO Verbo irregular (Go - Went - Gone) Ir

  44. GROW Verbo irregular (Grow - Grew - Grown) Crescer, criar

  45. GUESS Verbo regular Adivinhar

  46. HATE Verbo regular Detestar, odiar

  47. HAVE Verbo irregular (Have - Had - Had) Ter

  48. HELP Verbo regular Ajudar

  49. HOLD Verbo irregular (Hold - Held - Held) Segurar

  50. HURT Verbo irregular (Hurt - Hurt - Hurt) Magoar, ferir, doer

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