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De la ROMNET la MINOS. Un turneu de prezentare in vestul Europei a potentialului noilor state membre ……. Dan Dascalu Coordonator ROMNET-ERA si MINOS-EURONET. Pentru inceput: un exemplu. Diseminare Seminar national de nanostiinta si nanotehnologie (a 6-a editie a avut loc la 26 martie 2007)
De la ROMNET la MINOS. Un turneu de prezentare in vestul Europei a potentialului noilor state membre …….. Dan Dascalu Coordonator ROMNET-ERA si MINOS-EURONET
Pentru inceput: un exemplu • Diseminare • Seminar national de nanostiinta si nanotehnologie (a 6-a editie a avut loc la 26 martie 2007) • Seria de volume “Micro- and nanoenginering”, in Editura Academiei Romane, care publica si lucrarile seminariilor nationale “nano” • O revista care include si subdomeniul micro-nano: ROMJIST • Acum in baza de date Thomson ISI
Series in Micro and Nanoengineering The volumes from the “Micro and Nanoengineering” series are edited by the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy and includes a selection of extended and updated papers presented at national scientific events or papers presented at workshops organised in the frame of international projects (FP6 projects - NoE, IP, STREP). Due to the breakthrough of nanoscience and nanotechnology in all science, the topics of the papers in the volumes are various. The papers present novel results in different inter-and multidisciplinary fields. These volumes are addressed to all interested people from universities, research institutes or companies working in the field. It will be distributed to the university libraries.
Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology • The Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology is a scientific publication from the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy. It is edited by the Section of Information Science and Technology from the Romanian Academy (the members of the Section form the Editorial Board). • The journal is intended to be a forum for dissemination of original results of research in the area of information processing, in the broad sense, from theoretical computer science to new insights in electronics and telecommunications, and to applications of all these. • Only original papers are accepted and the unique selection criterium will be the quality of the contributions. All kinds of articles are welcome: "usual" journal papers, short notes, surveys of high quality about topics of broad interest; occasionally, special issues devoted to specific topics, or collecting selected paper presented to conferences will be published, as well as Ph.D. theses. All contributions will be refereed.
ROManian Inventory and NETworking for Integration in ERA • ROMNET-ERA • SSA, FP6, Contract No. 510475, 2004 - 2007 MIcro-NanOSystems EUROpean NETworking pursuing the integration of NMS and ACC in ERA MINOS-EURONET SSA, Priority 2-IST, FP6, Contract No. 015704, 2005 - 2008
ROMNET-ERA Objectives: • Performed an inventory of the high quality Romanian research centres; • Network of potential participants in FP6 and FP7, catalyzing the participation to EU projects, on four European priorities (1, 2, 3, 5); • Organized meetings and other actions for information exchange and proposals elaboration; • Assisted Romanian SMEs to participate to FP6; • Organized annual information events for presenting FP6 and FP7
ROMNET-ERA’s activities as support for participation to FP6 and FP7 • Events organising: workshops, conferences, seminars, info-days • Electronic publications • Databases • SMEs help • Brokerage events • Consultancy
PUBLICATIONS ROMNET-ERA e-Newsletter http://www.romnet.net/ro The main information disseminated refers to:annoucements about conferences, workshops, seminars or training courses, calls for proposals, cooperation opportunities.
MINOS-EURONET e-Newsletter and e-Flash news - include information about events (conferences, brokerage events, workshops), courses, summer schools, project meetings, new calls for project proposals, databases
Micro and Nanotechnology Bulletin(http://www.imt.ro/mnt),quarterly edited by IMT The materials presented into the Bulletin are not scientific papers, but other types of contributions such information about new centres of research, networks, successful cooperation, events with special focus in MNT. Will be further supported by MINOS. You are invited to send contributions for MNT Bulletin at: mnt@imt.ro.
The articles published in MNT Bulletin are stored on the IMT server and they are searched by the “Google” searching engine on the web, displaying the articles where the searched entity appears increased visibility for entities publishing articles in MNT Bulletin(mainly Eastern institutions) • Example: • an article entitled "Department of Silicon Micrrosystem and Nanostructurre Technology, National Center for Micro- and Nanotechnology, Institute of Electron Technology, Offer and resources for cooperation in FP7“ appeared in MNT Bulletin Vol.8/No.1 – 2007. • When searching by Google after “National Center for Micro- and Nanotechnology, Poland”, the displayed results are from the MNT Bulletin on the 2nd and 3rd position.
A Web-Based Magazineis used in MINOS to disseminate the most interesting information about competencies in NMS and ACC: • - national programmes and initiatives • national infrastructures • successful European cooperation • outstanding scientific results • national centres of excellence • profiles www.minos-euro.net/wbm Please send your contributions for WBM at: wbm@nano-link.net
DATABASES for: • Research centres • Specialists • International projects implemented in ROMNET-ERA and further used in MINOS-EURONET, assuring the connexions between Romanian resources with Eastern and Western Europe partners The database for specialists includes information related to the specialist’s profile, affiliation, competence domains, participation in the most relevant international R&D projects, and interest for collaboration, including interest for themes (priorities for cooperative research) in FP7. The database for organizations allows the inventory of scientific research centres interested in the participation to FP6 and FP7 projects. The registrations should include information regarding the organization profile, interest in FP6 and FP7 (themes, specific programme in FP7), interest for the technological platforms, competence and resources relevant to FP6 and FP7, relevant projects (national, international, bilateral cooperation), participation in scientific networks, activities organized by the centre. The database questionnaire has various possibilities of data selection, assuring an efficient search. The information can be periodically updated. Free search available for Specialists and Research centres databasesbycountry, keywords, domain.
IMT developed a system of automatically selecting the information from databases using keywords and producing a corresponding “pdf” document, which can be distributed electronically (including on CD) or printed during various events, the content being tailored according to the participants at the events (selecting the countries and topics of interest). Examples of brochures and CDs distributed with the occasion of the First MINOS-EURONET Forum
EVENTS MINOS Info- and brokerage event in new technologies and materials (FP7/2007: NMP/ICT) “Cooperation in industry-oriented research in an enlarged Europe”,22-23 March 2007, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, Bucharest, Romania (http://www.minos-euro.net/brokerage) Organiser:IMT-Bucharest, Romania - 272participants from 15 countries attended the event The first day was dedicated to an Info day onNMP and brokerage event on NMP and ICT (FP7/2007), sustained by the MINOS-EURONET and ROMNET-ERA projects and the second day was devoted to Info- and brokerage eventonICT (FP7/2007), sustained by MINOS-EURONET and NEXUSPLUS projects. With this occasion,Nexusplus network offered 6 travel grants to Eastern participants at the event, from Croatia, Lithuania and Romania. Nicholas Hartley, Acting Director “Industrial technologies”, DG Research, EC: “FP 7-Theme 4 NMP” As a result of brokerage activity for this event, the databases for partners matching included more than 170 records immediately after the event. The participants discussed on certain topics/offers by the 102 postersdisplaying resources and offers for cooperation in FP7. The posters could be uploaded on the brokerage page, in a dedicated section. The printing and hanging of posters (using the template provided by IMT) was done by the organizers and was free of charge for participants from new EU member states.
MINOS-EURONET Info and brokerage event: “Micro- and nanosystems in the FP7/2007 call”,24 May 2007, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, Bucharest, Romania (http://www.minos-euro.net/brokerage) Organiser:IMT-Bucharest, Romania - 109participants from 12 countries attended the event The event was focused on the ICT-2007.3.6: Micro/nanosystems call. The talks were given by representatives of the European Commission, European Technological Platforms and other specialists. The info part was combined with presentations about success stories in FP6 and scientific contributions related to micro-nano-biotechnologies. Augusto de Albuquerque, Head of Unit, INFSO G.2 Microsystems, EC: “Micro and NanoSystems – Challenges and Options for Europe” • Brokerage session: • 14 short oral presentations with offers for FP7 collaboration in ICT • 72 posters RESULTS: contacts – common project proposals; publications; new project ideas! FUTURE ACTIVITIES Road-show in Western Europe: Eastern organizations will have the possibility to present their competences and offers to Western institutions increased visibility, partnerships .
Supplement Info: Dr. Ing. Raluca Muller Contact point: IPMMAN ralucam@imt.ro
MINAM Platform /IPMMAN • “Nanotechnologyis leaving the laboratories and conquering new markets. It helps to improve products and production processes with better characteristics or new functionalities. In the coming years, products based on nanotechnology will impact nearly all industrial sectors and enter consumer markets in large quantities”- EuroNanoForum 2007 – Dusseldorf . • -new product innovations are not possible without micro and nanotechnology • micro and nano manufacturing become more and more important for innovative applications and has a strategic importance for Europe. • A new Micro- and NanoManufacturing community involving collaboration of manufacturers of micro-and/or nano-inside-products, equipment suppliers, research organisations andnetworks was established: • (www.micronanomanufacturing.eu) • Today theMINAM communitycomprises more than 400 members and coordinates technological and organisational questionings MINAM Platform
MINAM Platform /IPMMAN ►Industrial stakeholders showed clearly the necessity of a European platform The MINAM Platformis currently under construction. The establishment is supported by the EU-projects IPMMAN, μSapient and 4M. Expert development needs in the areas of ‘Production of Nanomaterials’, ‘Production of Micro- and Nanosurfaces’, ‘Production of Micro components’ and “Equipment Integration“. ►MINAM Platformwith the help of two CA EU projects : IPMMAN and μSapient developed the Vision and Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for the coming years ► The first results of the platform have already been used as inputs to the 7th Framework Programme and more specific the NMP programme MINAM official lunch of the Paltform will be held in Brussels, in 28 January 2008
MINAM Platform /IPMMAN IPMMAN (Improvement of industrial Production Integrating Macro, Micro And Nanotechnologies for more flexible and efficient manufacturing) Project (www. ipmman.eu) is a FP6 Coordinated Action (2006-2009) -coordinated by Dr. Ana Almansa Martin, from Profactor, Austria in the NMP Programme for coordination of European manufacturing research, in order to merge macro-, micro- and nano-technologies to foster industrial innovation and strengthen links between the European Manufacturing Industry and research initiatives ►
MINAM Platform /IPMMAN ►IPMMAN – MINAM web- based EXPERT DISCUSSION FORUM now OPEN ! The key goal of IPMMAN is to blur the frontiers between modern macro-, micro- and nano- production technologies and optimize synergies among them, providing new design and engineering concepts for industrial manufacturing and increasing its flexibility, cost efficiency, user-friendliness and product quality. IPMMAN is a coherent set of networking and coordination activities, integrating research in this area at European level, with a particular focus on strengthening links between different research initiatives, such as EUREKA, national, regional and Commission RTD Projects, leading to improve competitiveness and sustainability of the European Manufacturing Sector. All experts in the Nano- and Microtechnologie are cordially invited to register at www.ipmman.eu/ipmman_forum/, to apply for membership in user groups and to participate in the discussions .