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Summary – Ilan Ben-Zvi, BNL. General remarks: Outstanding presentations . I am impressed with the quantity and quality of the work presented here and the functioning of the organization. Strong collaboration all around: International, inter-laboratory, universities.
Summary – Ilan Ben-Zvi, BNL General remarks: Outstanding presentations. I am impressed with the quantity and quality of the work presented here and the functioning of the organization. Strong collaboration all around: International, inter-laboratory, universities.
Organization, management • R&D is now much better directed, and the outlook for the future looks better, with level 2 managers engaged in the planning. • General schedule is needed for synchronizing WBS lines. • Many systems are ready to start EDR, while some have basic R&D issues (gradient scatter in cavities, DR electron cloud). • GDE should provide more guidance to regions on R&D goals and define EDR.
SRF accelerator R&D • From previous review: “Major R&D issue: Cavity gradient to achieve 35 MV/m and its reproducibility. This effort should be strongly supported.” • This effort has been strongly supported. • This remark still holds – continue the support at a high level. • Vigorous work on S0, progress on S1, S2 • There is still a long way to go, yet encouraging results on cavity shape and single cell results.
Test facilities • From last review: “Multiple R&D facilities, distributed around the country, increase necessary throughput and tap best expertise in various laboratories. ILCTA is needed to do ILC baseline cavity development while supporting alternate designs and materials. For bid-to-host, ILCTA and damping ring R&D needed in the USA. It would be valuable to add the Cornell SR to the list. Electron cloud simulations should be benchmarked in a test facility” • Impressive facilities in progress at FNAL. • JLab & Cornell doing outstanding R&D as well as other regions (DESY, KEK) • CESR-TA: No other rings in which one could study the EC effect with sufficient access. • Support should be considered together with alternatives.
RF • From last review: “Adjustability of power to individual cavities can increase the average gradient. The right range of adjustability is not clear at this time due to current large variation.” • I was impressed to see in the RF presentation the design for variable tap-offs among other good ideas. • From last review: “RFTF is a valuable objective due to large value share of RF systems. Development of Marx modulators, which is under way, is critical. 10 MW, high-efficiency Klystron development must be pursued vigorously. RF distribution has potential improvements and is also a subject to industrialization.” • Good progress on RFTF, Marx modulators, 10 MW klystrons and RF distr. • Effort on sheet beam klystron should be intensified.
Polarized e- source • From last review: “The laser is a critical element in photocathode sources. … It is important to get going vigorously on laser R&D… Need to continue cathode research – improve QE, polarization. Current R&D is a low level effort but unique. Superlattices, new materials (GaN). Higher voltage DC gun design would help provide operational headroom.” • ART has unique know-how. R&D at SLAC and JLab. • Laser oscillator completed, begin on amplifier. Progress on cathode R&D. High voltage gun to begin FY08. • Funding and milestones on track.
Polarized e+ source • Under-funded in system engineering in 08. If possible, should be front loaded (exchange 08 and 09). EDR starts in 09, work will be on system engineering. Virtually all manpower. • Problem with cancellation of UK RAL work (remote handling, eddy current…). • ART should pick this up dropped items. • Daresbury and Cornell work on undulators continues.
Damping rings • Good international collaboration • Clear set of high-priority items, in particular: • 3 lattice and impedance items • Demonstrate < 2 pm vertical emittance • 4 electron cloud items • Two ion cloud items • Develop a fast high-power pulser • Because there are still physics issues, one must pursue the physics (e.g. EC studies) besides the validation of technical solutions (e.g. grooves, coatings) • CESR-TA: No other rings in which one could study the EC effect with sufficient access.
LET, ML Beam dynamics • Extensive, high-quality work on: lattice, wakes, curvature, cavity shape imperfections, instrumentation, errors, tuning, vibrations and ground motion, tuning, sensitivities, failure analysis, adaptive alignment… • Need a lot of simulations work, issue of staff. • Problem is lack of people. Should get support of experienced AP staff. • Study local correction based feedback.
Ring to Main Linac • Longest system (>30km), a lot of components! • Suffered from design changes while doing cost estimate. • Small budget, all labor. • Work on R&D fairly complete. Need work on emittance budget, annoying collective effects. • Ready for EDR (except EDR is not defined…) • Need to address risks (technical, cost & schedule) by doing magnet design • Cost estimated at 10% above guidance – recommend increased support.