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Kalsarp Yog Puja: Meaning, Significance and Procedure

The Kalsarp Yog Puja is performed to appease the negative influence of Rahu and Ketu and to bring peace, prosperity and success in one's life. This puja is usually performed by a qualified priest who has the knowledge and expertise in performing this ritual.

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Kalsarp Yog Puja: Meaning, Significance and Procedure

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KalsarpYog Puja: Meaning, Significance and Procedure -Rakesh Tripathi

  2. The KalsarpYog Puja is performed to appease the negative influence of Rahu and Ketu and to bring peace, prosperity and success in one's life. This puja is usually performed by a qualified priest who has the knowledge and expertise in performing this ritual. -Rakesh Tripathi

  3. The significance of KalsarpYog Puja lies in the fact that it helps to overcome the obstacles and difficulties caused by the negative influence of Rahu and Ketu. It is believed that performing this puja can help in resolving various problems such as financial problems, health issues, career setbacks, and relationship problems. -Rakesh Tripathi

  4. The procedure of KalsarpYog Puja involves several steps. The first step is to select an auspicious day and time for the puja. The priest then performs a purification ritual called 'sankalp', which involves taking a pledge to perform the puja with devotion and dedication. This is followed by the recitation of mantras and the offering of flowers, fruits, and sweets to the deities. -Rakesh Tripathi

  5. During the puja, the priest performs various rituals and recites sacred mantras to please the deities and to seek their blessings. The puja concludes with the distribution of prasad to the devotees. • It is important to note that the KalsarpYog Puja should be performed only under the guidance of a qualified priest. The puja can be performed either at home or in a temple, depending on the individual's preference. -Rakesh Tripathi

  6. In conclusion, KalsarpYog Puja is an important ritual in Hindu astrology that is performed to overcome the negative effects of KalsarpYog in a person's horoscope. It is believed to bring peace, prosperity and success in one's life. By performing this puja with devotion and dedication, one can seek the blessings of the deities and overcome the obstacles in their life.  • For more information call us on : +91 9890702222 • Visit our website : https://www.kalsarppujapandit.in/kalsarp-yog-puja.php -Rakesh Tripathi

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