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ALTER TECHNOLOGY. Certification of security products Essen , 3 Dec. 2013. AEROSPACE with 25 years experience in the sector. AEROSPACE BU OVERVIEW. Space business – electronic components. Space is a hostile environment for satellites Environmental extremes:
ALTER TECHNOLOGY Certification of security products Essen , 3 Dec. 2013
AEROSPACEwith 25 years experience in the sector ESR │ Essen 03-12-2013
AEROSPACE BU OVERVIEW Space business – electronic components • Space is a hostile environment for satellites • Environmental extremes: • Temperature: from -185 °C to +300 °C • Radiation: Ionizing and non ionizing effects. • Mechanical Stresses: Vibration, acceleration, thermal shock. During launch and working life • Vacuum ESR │ Essen 03-12-2013
HOW WE SUPPORT OUR CUSTOMERS ON ANY HIREL PART ISSUE? PartsEngineering Skilled parts engineering team with unique EEE parts database Procurement Capable to support any customer need worldwide Testing In house capability. No third party dependance including radiation Logistics Flexibility to adapt our logistics to the customer needs ESR │ Essen 03-12-2013
CERTIFICATION & TESTING Conformity EEE equipment ESR │ Essen 03-12-2013
ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, SAFETY Outstandingfacilities: Twosemianechoicchambers GTEM chamber EMI receivers up to 40GHz INMUNITY up to 18GHz and 100V/m Main competence areas: Aerospace & Defence (MIL, RTCA, CE) Fire (CE) and security Radio & telecom (CE), Railway and traffic (CE) Electromedical equipment ELECTRICAL SAFETY: ACCREDITED LABORATORY * RTA NATA AUSTRALIA EMC: ACCREDITED LABORATORY * NOTIFIED BODY NIST recognition - USA NATA recognition – AUSTRALIA ESR │ Essen 03-12-2013
ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, SAFETY II CE conformity of complexsystems and installations – someexamples ENGINEERING PHASE GemasolarHeliostat (SENER) Primarysurveillance radar INDRA ASR12+ Helicoptersimulator INDRA EC175 ESR │ Essen 03-12-2013
ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING Testing to IEC standards, MIL-STD-810 and RTCA DO 160 Outstandingtestingequipment Thermal shock chambers -184ºC +315ºC up to 60º/min Climaticchambers-80º to 180º, 10% to 98% Walk-in climaticchamber2.5m x 2m x 3m Salt mist, Dust & rain, IP Solar radiationchamber Vibration Lowpressure and temperaturechamber ACCREDITED LABORATORY * • Main competence areas • Fire and electronic security systems, • Transport and railway equipment • Telecom, • Military & aeronautical (*) Scope 345/LE808, 345/LE810, 345/LE1595 ESR │ Essen 03-12-2013
FUNCTIONAL TESTING Telecom equipment Photometric and colorimetric testing of railway and road traffic equipment ThirdpartyLaboratoryfor Telecom Operators Approvalof CPE (Customerpremisesequipment) Main competence areas: Traffic signal heads, variable message traffic signs, railway traffic lights ACCREDITED LABORATORY * FFTH Basic Home stationsADSL, VDSL Basic Home stations FTTH Routers ADSL, VDSL Routers USB 802.11 b/g/n Repeaters802.11 g/n Set Top Box PLC MediaBox Image/Soundrepeaters RUCKUS Microfilters, Splitters, POTS,.. ACCREDITED LABORATORY * RECOGNIZED LABORATORY (*) Scope ENAC 345/LE808, 345/LE810, 345/LE1595 ESR │ Essen 03-12-2013
SECURITY –TESTING AND CERTIFICATION ACCREDITED LABORATORY * ACCREDITED CERTIFICATION BODY * (*) Scope 345/LE808, 345/LE810, 345/LE1595, 107/PR261 International recognition ESR │ Essen 03-12-2013
COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS Recentexperienceswithinthegroup • PROJECT: Provision of Project Management Services – LOT 5 CE Marking support Customer: ITER F4E – Cadarachelaboratory Contract in cascade ALTER awarded as 1st contractor. Subcontractor: CUALICONTROL • PROJECT: Study on Cyber-Security in Land Transport Customer: European Commission Proposal ALTER, TUV NORD Mobilität and TUV NORD IT ESR│ November 2013
CERTIFICATION OF SECURITY PRODUCTS Security Industry Business description Certificationprocess Example ESR │ Essen 03-12-2013
SECURITY INDUSTRY OVERVIEW II INITIATIVES FOR A COMMON FRAMEWORK CertAlarm Certalarmisanindustry led initiativeto provide a European-wide scheme for certification of ‘traditional’ security products. Scheme based on the principle of independent third-party certification of security products. Covered by the EA (European cooperation for Accreditation) Multilateral Agreement (MLA) Members: ANPI (Belgium), APPLUS (España), DNV (Norway), INTERTEK (United Kingdom), TELEFICATION (Holland), KRIWAN (Germany – laboratory only), ALTER (In process) EFSG EFSG isanassociation of certification bodies of Europe working in the fire and security sectors. Scheme based also on the principle of independent third-party assessment and certification of security products. Members: AFNOR (France), LPCB (United Kingdom), BSI (United Kingdom), CNPP (France), ECB (Germany) , SBSC (Sweden), Vds (Germany) EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG Enterprise & Industryconcernedbybarriers in the sector. Roadmap: 2015: New Directive Security Label Accepted by the market(in most cases) Not commonlyaccepted Not atpresent but opportunity Information to beconfirmed ESR │ Essen 03-12-2013
SECURITY INDUSTRY OVERVIEW III EQUIPMENT PROVIDERS SEGMENTATION Manycustomizedequipmentmanufacturers Customizedsolutions A fewmajorvendors (Honeywell, Siemens, Bosch,… ). Coordinatedapproachtocompliance Number of firms ESR │ Essen 03-12-2013
BUSINESS DESCRIPTION II ALTER TECHNOLOGY INVITES TNG COMPANIES TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS BUSINESS How: - Detectingopportunities in their regional areas - Commerciallymanagingtheircustomers - Factory auditingbytheirownproductauditors (certified) ESR │ Essen 03-12-2013
BUSINESS DESCRIPTION III ALTER TECHNOLOGY Local auditor TNG company ESR │ Essen 03-12-2013
CERTIFICATION PROCESS Certificationprocess Customerrequest EMC Electrical safety Environmental Functional Certificationtests Customerfacilitiesaudit Requestreceived, recorded and reviewed Auditreport Additionalinfo OK NO NO OK OK Certificationrefused Correctiveactions YES NO Producttechnicalanalysis YES YES Final report Certificatfeasible Deviations NO CertificationCommittee Security grade: 1 (lowrisk), 2, 3 (medium), 4 (highrisk) EnvironmentalClass I (indoor), II (indoor, non-controlled), III outdoorprotected, IV outdoor non-protected YES Quotation OK Certificationrefused Order YES Certificate ESR │ Essen 03-12-2013
EXAMPLE: SECURITAS DIRECT • SERVICE: • Certification of VERISURE family • PRODUCTS • Detector (movement), Detector (magnetic), Control Panel, Siren, Panel, Electronic Key • CUSTOMER • SECURITAS DIRECT (holder) • Essence Security – Israel- (manufacturer) • SECURITAS DIRECT isa providerof securityservices, theSpanish leader in thisarea, withinternationalpresence (Brasil , Portugal, Belgium, Chile, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Finlandia, France, Holland, Norwei ) ESR │ Essen 03-12-2013