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By Parth, Paul, Abdul, Yerin, Hyeri ,Kevin and Noum. The History and Government of Russia. What we will teach you. Where the Russian Came From? How the Byzantium Empire influenced Russia? How did the Middle age change Russia? How the Mongols affected Russia?
By Parth, Paul, Abdul, Yerin, Hyeri,Kevin and Noum The History and Government of Russia
What we will teach you • Where the Russian Came From? • How the Byzantium Empire influenced Russia? • How did the Middle age change Russia? • How the Mongols affected Russia? • How the Romanov Czars affected the development of Russia? • Who was Lenin and what is communism ? • How did Russia break apart?
Before you Read(The Roman Empire) • The Roman Empire was one of the greatest and strongest empires in the world. The Roman Empire began around 700 B.C.E and ended in 476 C.E. The Roman Empire was on of the biggest Empire on Earth. It was ruled by a democratic government and developed its own laws The Roman Empire gave us invention such as cement, arches, domes, and many invention, The Roman empire contributed to the spread of Christianity. It was a Major Empire of its time. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Germanic people invaded and sacked Rome. But the eastern half of the Roman Empire sustained and was called the Byzantium Empire. Parth
Slavic People and the Beginnings of Russia • The first inhabitants of Russia were the Slavic people. They are believed to descendents of the Vikings. The Vikings were are groups of people who came from Scandinavia. They pillaged all of Europe and after they set their mark they started trading with the other Germanic People who settled down in present day Germany, France, Poland, Spain, and England. Some of them remained in Russia and they settled down near the river Volga. Even today these people are called Slavs and live in Western Europe and Eastern Paul
The Byzantium Empire • The Byzantium Empire the Eastern Half of the Roman Empire greatly influenced the Slavs of Russia and Eastern Europe. They gave the Slavs Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Justine Law Code, Cyrilic Language and many other contribution. The Slavs made a city similar to Constantinople present day Istanbul) called Kiev( in present day Ukraine). Yerin
The Middle Ages • After the end of the Roman Empire the Germanic groups settled down in France, England, Spain , Germany , Italy, Russia and many other nations. The aspects of the roman Empire was lost and there were weak rulers in the Germanic kingdoms. So the Germanic kingdoms devloped a decentralized system of rule. This system involved the appointing of vassals to take control of lands and stay loyal to the monarch. Europe was very violent and peasants who needed protection worked for the vassals. These peasants were called serfs which were often exploited. These system was adopted by the Russians and lasted till the 1800. Parth
The Mongols • Around 1100 a person called Temujin united all the tribes Mongolia. The Mongols were a group of nomadic people which lived on domesticated animals such as sheep, goats, and other animals. So when Temujin united all the clans he was named the Genghis Khan or the great king. He was a great warrior and lead his armies into China, Russia, Persia. His ancestors continued to rule his empire after his death. Paul
Mongols in Russia • The great khan lead his armies in to Russia and after his death his grandson Batu conquered Kiev and sacked it. Then they set up their own rule. The Mongols were great conquered but not great administrators . They ruled as a tributary empire. Eventually the Russians got tired of the Mongols . Ivan 3rd attacked the Mongols and kicked them out from Russia. Hyeri
Peter the Great and Catherine the Great • Most of the czars in Russia were mostly harsh ,cruel and focused on leisure than welfare of people. But two rulers were not like this at all. Peter the Great and Catherine the Great were both reformers. Russia remained backward after the Mongols left Russia. Reforms include: • A. Expansion and Acquiring of Warm Water Port • B. Westernization of Culture • C. Better Weapons • D. More Openness of Western Knowledge • E. Better Rights of People Parth
Alexander II • Alexander II was one of the most important figures in Russian History . He was the czars which abolished serfdom. He made many reforms but before he could make them he was killed by a bomb. Noum
Nicholas II • Nicholas II succeed Alexander II. He was a very harsh emperor .Extreme poverty and extreme taxation towards the peasants caused a protest at the czars Winter Palace which lead to a massacre called the Bloody Sunday. This is the direct cause of the Russian Revolution. Nicholas II entered the war against Germany which cause Russia to lose part of its territory and cause disturbance between the Russians. Kevin
Bolsheviks • Lenin a follower of Marxism was the leader of the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks played a significant role for The Russia Revolution. The removed the czars and killed his family. The Bolsheviks promised the peasants and poor class bread, peace and land. They also promised to take land from nobles and redistributing it. Lenin founded the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic and made Russia communist. Lenin also dropped out of World War 1. Hyeri
Stalin • After Lenin's death Stalin succeed him and cause a reign of terror. He eliminated his rivals and used a secret police to oppose all opposition. He was very important though because of his 5 year plan he industrialized Russia and used collective farming. Collective Farming caused a major food shortage which killed thousands of Russians. He made Russia in a superpower by suppressing the Germans in World War 2 and controlling most of Eastern Europe. He built the Berlin Wall which separated East and West Germany. Hyeri
Nikita Krushev and Mikhail Leonid Brezhnev • Nikita Krushev and Leonid Brezhnev succeed Stalin. During their rule Russia and the United States were experiencing the Cold War. Both of these leader further industrialized the country and started a space race with America. This lead to Yuri Gagarin to be the first man in space and Neil Armstrong the first man on the the moon. Parth
The Cold War • The Cold War was a group of struggles between the Soviet Russia and the United States . This struggles include in the building of weapons of mass destruction, the space race and an attempt to superiority of economy. This struggles lead to invasion by the United States in Vietnam, Cuba and Korea. While it forced Russia to invade Afghanistan. This war ended when the Parth
The End of the Soviet Union • Mikhail Gorbachev succeed Leonid Brezhnev. People were tired of the Soviet Union fighting and immense spending of weapons of mass destruction. Also conflict between different ethnic groups increased and many of the countries under the Russian Empire began to oppose the Russian an form their own nation. Gorbachev saw the suffering of the people under soviet Russia so he imposed the policies of Perestroika and Glasnost. These two reforms were directed towards aspects of capitalism. Parth
The End of the Soviet Union • Because of these new policies people in the Soviet Union were demanding more and more change. Gorbachev was forced to resign and Russia began to break into many different countries. And all of Eastern Russia obtained independence. But still today those countries are very backward. Russia economy fell before the United States. With the end of the Soviet Russia the Berlin Wall was broken and Eastern and Western Germany were united into one country. Parth