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A DISTRIBUTION BASED VIDEO REPRESENTATION FOR HUMAN ACTION RECOGNITION. Yan Song, Sheng Tang, Yan-Tao Zheng , Tat- Seng Chua, Yongdong Zhang, Shouxun Lin Laboratory of Advanced Computing Research, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
A DISTRIBUTION BASED VIDEO REPRESENTATIONFOR HUMAN ACTION RECOGNITION Yan Song, ShengTang, Yan-Tao Zheng, Tat-SengChua, YongdongZhang, ShouxunLin Laboratory of Advanced Computing Research, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 2Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 3Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore 4School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Outline • Introduction • Steps Overview • Experiments • Conclusion
Introduction • Recently, researchers has turned their attention to local spatial-temporal features for human action recognition • BoW has some drawbacks: • Partitions local feature space into discrete parts and brings ambiguity and uncertainty in video representation • Re-training is required when adding a new category to the database or applying on new database
Steps Overview • Extract the Spatial-Temporal (local) feature • Applies Gaussian filter to spatial domain • Applies Gabor filter to temporal domain • Finds interest points by max arguments for response function below • R=[I * gσ(x,y) *hev(t)]2 + [ I * gσ(x,y) * hod(t)]2
Generating feature vector(Behavior Recognition via Sparse Spatio-Temporal Features)[3] • Gradients can be found not only along x and y, but also along t, • spatio-temporal corners are defined as regions where the local gradient vectors point in orthogonal directions spanning x, y and t. Intuitively • a spatio-temporal corner is an image region containing a spatial corner whose velocity vector is reversing direction Visualization of cuboid based behavior recognition
Interest points belonging different Gaussian components example of interest points belonging to different Gaussian components in 8 sampled frames from the action of “running”. Different colors denote different Gaussian components.
Steps Overview • Represent feature vectors with Gaussian Mixture Model • It takes into account the fact that human motion pattern is continuously distributed • attempts to reveal the probabilistic structures of the local ST features • Use MDL(Minimum Description Length ) criterion to the get the number of mixture components to prevent over-fitting. • Estimate GMM with Expectation-Maximization algorithm
Probabilistic Generative ModelsGaussian Mixture Model • Mixture Model • Mixture Example • http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~lloyd/Archive/2005-06-Mixture/
Using MDL to generate initial parameters for EM • GMM mixture Model: • log-likelihood function:
Optimal number of components number of GMM components automatically selected by MDL criterion in the KTH dataset
Steps Overview • Compute distance of two videos by (KullbackLeibler) KL divergence of two GMMs • Too high computation complexity for estimating with Monte-Carlo simulation • Uses variational lower bound [12] to estimate KL divergence
KL divergenceAPPROXIMATING THE KULLBACK LEIBLER DIVERGENCE BETWEEN GAUSSIAN MIXTURE MODELS [12] • Definition of KL distance • The KL divergence of two GMM functions don’t have closed form • Uses variationallower bound[12] to estimate
Experiments • Employ KTH dataset and UCF sports dataset • Using average of recognition accuracy to be evaluation criteria
Average accuracies of three tests on KTH Average recognition accuracies of three tests on KTH.
Average accuracies of three approaches on UCF sports Average accuracies of three approaches on UCF sports
Confusion Matrices (a) Confusion matrixes on (a) KTH. (b) UCF sports
Conclusion • Exploited the probabilistic distribution to encode local ST features • Makes representation compatible with most discriminative classifiers