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Macbeth Introduction

Macbeth Introduction. Written by William Shakespeare in 1605 Macbeth is a man who overthrows the rightful King of Scotland Shakespeare wrote Macbeth at the beginning of King James I reign Before James succeeded Elizabeth I he was king of Scotland

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Macbeth Introduction

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  1. Macbeth Introduction • Written by William Shakespeare in 1605 • Macbeth is a man who overthrows the rightful King of Scotland • Shakespeare wrote Macbeth at the beginning of King James I reign • Before James succeeded Elizabeth I he was king of Scotland • Placing the play in James’ homeland probably pleased him 1

  2. Will the real Macbeth please stand up? • Macbeth was a real king of Scotland • He did kill King Duncan • Reigned from 1040-1057 • Unlike the Macbeth in Shakespeare’s play • The real Macbeth had a legitimate claim to the throne • The real Macbeth was a strong leader • The real Macbeth’s reign was successful • The real Macbeth was killed at Lumphanan as opposed to Dunsinane 2

  3. Connections for British Society • “Remember, remember the fifth of November Gunpowder, treason and plot.I see no reason why gunpowder, treasonShould ever be forgot...” • In November 1605 the Gunpowder Plot was discovered • Guy Fawkes and his followers (Roman Catholics) planned to blow up Parliament • They wanted to bring down the British government and put a Catholic rulers on the throne • The plot was discovered and the men involved were tried and killed as traitors • Shakespeare sided with the king and seemed to think that a play about treason and death would find an audience at this time 3

  4. So this is a comedy… right? • Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies (it is also his shortest) • Aside from the violent nature of the plot Shakespeare uses several literary devices to enhance the feeling of evil • He creates a serious and sinister mood by having most of the play take place at night • There is a heavy emphasis on the supernatural (witches, dreams, spells, and ghosts) 4

  5. A little taste of Macbeth 5

  6. Macbeth Act 1 - Scene 1 • Witches - Supernatural influences • “Fair being Foul” - Paradox • King Duncan - Scotland • Duncan’s sons- Malcolm and Donaldbain • Generals - Macbeth and Banquo • Thunder , lightning , and rain - sense of doom 6

  7. Macbeth Act 1 - Scene 2 • Macdonaldwald’s rebellion • Ross tells Duncan of Norway’s rebellion - King of Norway - Sweno • Thane of Cawdor rebels against Duncan • Scotland wins - Macbeth gets title - Thane of Cawdor - “ THE SPOILS OF WAR” • Macbeth and Banquo - “Two spent swimmers” 7

  8. Macbeth Act 1 Scene 3 • The witches first prophesy has come true - Thane of Cawdor • Macbeth - “So foul and fair a day , I have not seen - recalls witches first scene • Banquo - “The instrument of darkness tell us truths - only to betray us” 8

  9. Macbeth Act 1 Scene 4 • Execution of Cawdor • “You can’t tell what is in a person’s heart by looking at his face” • “Nothing in his life became him like the leaving of it” • Duncan- Malcolm to be King • Macbeth- “Let not light see my black and deep desires” 9

  10. Macbeth Act 1 Scene 5 • Macbeth’s home - Castle of Inverness • Lady Macbeth comes up with plan to kill Duncan - Husband weak • “The milk of human kindness” • Lady Macbeth - Must pour spirits in their ear. (Hamlet killed that way) 10

  11. Macbeth Act 1 Scene 6 • Lady Macbeth - chameleon - perfect hostess • Duncan’s speech full of dramatic irony - “castle pleasant” - “air is sweeter” sees a martlet (a summer bird) • to Duncan the castle appears to be a paradise 11

  12. Macbeth Act 1 Scene 7 • LadyMacbeth - convinces Macbeth to do the “horrid deed” • Macbeth’s Soliloquy - marked by confusionDuncan - Kinsman and his subject , a good King and virtuous man , a popular King , and death would bring sorrow to Scotland • Lady Macbeth Argument- “What could have been when he can be King” - “ Would kill her own baby to do this” 12

  13. Macbeth Act 2 Scene 1 • Past midnight - Moon has set and the “Candles” of heaven cannot be seen - dark brooding • Banquo draws sword - irony doesn’t know Macbeth is going to kill Duncan • Dagger Speech - Mental disturbance • “Is this a dagger which I see before me,The handle toward my hand?” —Macbeth, 2.1.42–3 13

  14. Macbeth Act 2 Scene 2 • Lady Macbeth - “That which have made them drunk, hath made me bold, What hath quenched them have given me fire” • Drunk with boldness and on fire with passion • Lady Macbeth -would have murdered Duncan had he not looked like her father • Macbeth has two concerns - he has murdered sleep , bloodiness of deed • Lady Macbeth - blood is only like paint wash it off 14

  15. Scene 2 • Knocking - knocking of their consciences actual knock • “With all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand?”—Macbeth, 2.2.78–9 15

  16. Macbeth Act 2 Scene 3 • Porter - light comedy • farmer and equivocator have specific religious and historical connotations • A few months before Macbeth performed - Gunpowder plot - King James Guy Fawkes and John Garnett (nickname the farmer) • Lennox - extraordinary weather -unnatural events - The universe and events related 16

  17. Scene 3 • Equivocation - The practice of lying in court about one’s religion • Lady Macbeth faints when Macbeth proclaims he has killed the guards - avenge the act of treasonous malice - not in the plan • Malcolm - England • Donalbain - Ireland 17

  18. Scene 3 • Macbeth says he has killed servants - Lady Macbeth faints • Macbeth and other Thanes swear to meet “in manly rediness” to avenge this act of “treasonous malice” • “ There’s daggers in men’s smiles” • Donaldbain - Ireland • Malcolm - England 18

  19. Macbeth Act 2 Scene 4 • Macbeth has become King • Donaldbain and Malcolm have fled • Old Man - Traditional figure in lit represents what “has been” • owl kills falcon - daylight has been replaced by night - horses of the King’s stable have eaten each other • The world he has known has been turned on its head 19

  20. Macbeth Act 3 Scene 1 • Banquo suspects Macbeth - gains comfort from 2nd prediction - his own children will be Kings • Even with new title Macbeth does not feel at ease • calls murderers dogs but he shows his inhumanity and imperfections -also wants to kill Fleance 20

  21. Act 3 Scene 2 • Macbeth plans murder not Lady Macbeth • Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s world not at peace • Macbeth wants to get rid of his bond with humanity • “We have scorched the snake, not killed it.”—Macbeth, 3.2.15 • “Duncan is in his grave; After lifeʼs fitful fever he sleeps well.”—Macbeth, 3.2.24–5 21

  22. Act 3 Scene 3 • Banquo killed - Murderers lantern extinguished - Fleance escapes • Forces of darkness are at odds with light • Murderers capable of poetry • Escape of Fleance turning point - Peripeteia - sudden reversal of fortune • Banquo’s dying words “to revenge” 22

  23. Act 3 Scene 4 • Macbeth has Thanes of Scotland over - Macduff not there • Murderers tell Macbeth what happened - Macbeth losses it • Macbeth sees ghost - goes into a fit • Macbeth has lost control • Macbeth will kill Macduff and visit three sisters • “It will have blood, they say: blood will have blood.” —Macbeth, 3.4.152–53 23

  24. Act 3 Scene 5 • Hecate joins three sisters • Some say this scene was not in the orginal play 24

  25. Act 3 Scene 6 • Lennox reveals doubts about Macbeth - Did he kill the guards hastily? • Macduff has fled to England to join forces with Malcolm also asks help from King Edward of England 25

  26. Macbeth Act 4 Scene 1 • “Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.”—Witches, 4.1.10–1 • Macbeth goes to weird sisters and demands to be shown apparitions of the future • 1. disembodied head of a warrior who warns Macbeth of revenge • 2. blood-covered child who cannot be killed by any man “ of woman born” 26

  27. 3. a child wearing a crown promises Macbeth cannot lose in battle until Birnam wood moves to Dunsinane • Macbeth asks about Banquo’s sons and sees a procession of Banquo and future kings • Macbethless future • Macduff has fled to England and Macbeth announces revenge of Macduff’s wife and children • “I’ll make assurance double sure.”—Macbeth, 4.1.93 27

  28. Act 4 Scene 2 • Lady Macduff feels Macduff has acted dishonestly • Son says the world is full of dishonest men 28

  29. Act 4 Scene 3 • “At one fell swoop.”—Macduff, 4.3.256 • Malcolm tests Macduff’s loyalty - says he would be a great tyrant - reverse psychology • Macduff still hates Macbeth - Malcolm has gotten what he wants Macduff’s loyalty • Ross tells him of the slaughter of wife and child - Macduff vows revenge 29

  30. Macbeth Act 5 Scene 1 • “Out, damned spot! out, I say!”—Lady Macbeth, 5.1.31 • “All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.” —Lady Macbeth, 5.1.46–7 • “What’s done cannot be undone.”—Lady Macbeth, 5.1.62–3 • Played in dark except one candle • Lady Macbeth has gone mad - sleepwalks and tells fragments of events 30

  31. overheard by doctor and lady-in-waiting • Lady Macbeth is seen rubbing her hands - (quotes at the beginning) • Lady Macbeth needs a “divine” • Spiritual darkness - 1 candle 31

  32. 32

  33. Macbeth Act 5 Scene 2 • Four lords of Scotland - Lennox, Mentith, Angus, and Caithness resolve to join Malcolm and English forces who are at Birnam Wood • Caithness speech - warrior hero - valiant fury - but not righteous - “ Distemper’d Cause” 33

  34. Macbeth Act 5 Scene 3 • Macbeth dismisses reports of invasion ( confident tyrant) • Trusts the prophecies • Servant ( cream faced lilly livered) announces huge army • Doctor tells of Lady Macbeth • “ yellow leaf” - fall of his own reputation 34

  35. Macbeth Act 5 Scene 4 • English and Scotish armies under leadership of Malcolm meet at Birnam Wood • Malcolm orders soldiers to cut a branch and carry it in front of them as camouflage “To shadow the number of our host” • taken from Holinshed’s Chronicles - 1577 35

  36. Macbeth Act 5 Scene 5 • Macbeth fully armed - brave rhetoric • shriek offstage - The queen is dead • Birnam Wood appears to have uprooted itself advancing towards Dunsinane • Shakespeare - Power-seeking tyrants tend toward self-destruction • “I have supped full with horrors.”—Macbeth, 5.5.14 - Banquo’s ghost • “Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow.”—Macbeth, 5.5.21 36

  37. Macbeth Act 5 Scene 6 • Malcolm and his troops have reached Dunsinane • Siward first to advance - age • Macduff order of troops- discipline - harbinger or sign of what is to come 37

  38. Macbeth Act 5 Scene 7 • Macbeth challenged by son of Siward • Macbeth’s forces have surrendered Dunsinane Castle • “They have tied me to a stake: I cannot fly” • kills young Siward - “Thou wast born of woman” • Macduff - ironic timing- takes place of Siward 38

  39. Macbeth Act 5 Scene 8 • Macbeth and Macduff finally face to face • words are tossed • Macbeth ponders suicide but hey I can’t die • Macduff tells him he entered the world “Untimely ripp’d” from mothers womb • Macbeth realizes witches are “imperfect speakers” • Macbeth dies 39

  40. Macbeth Act 5 Scene 9 • Malcolm proclaimed new king of Scotland • true friends “we miss” loyalty he will rule with graciousness and humility • Macduff enters with Macbeth’s head 40

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