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WHAT DO I NEED FOR MY PPSP?. Please read the following slides and if needed, refer back to them as needed for directions on creating your power point slide presentation (PPSP). PPSP Introduction page. Task : Create a P ower P oint S lide S how based on your topic
WHAT DO I NEED FOR MY PPSP? • Please read the following slides and if needed, refer back to them as needed for directions on creating your power point slide presentation (PPSP).
PPSP Introduction page • Task : Create a Power Point Slide Show based on your topic • Slide show will consist of 7 or more slides, one for each main area researched on your topic • Required slides 1. Title 2. Introduction 3. Topic Area 4. Topic Area 5 Topic Area 6. Conclusion 7. Citations You may add more slides between the intro and conclusion if needed. • Pre write is required before beginning to create your PPSS • Each slide is to consecutively correspond with topics researched from your research guide • All text on each slide is to be completed before adding images, sounds, bells and whistles! This is to ensure the basics of your PPSP is completed. • Evaluation based on completion of requirements see rubric
7 Slides requirements • Each slide is required to include a well written descriptive text in paragraph form which has been edited in a pre-write. • With in the entire 7 slides there must be at least 3 images Extras for each slide: Color applications, background textures, additional images, word art, motion, movements, sounds and other tricks of the Power Point application to tweak your PPSP pleasure.
TITLE EXAMPLE Your Name Teacher period
Battle of the Little Big Horn. introduction Example Colonel George Armstrong Custer and Chief Sitting Bull are well known for their infamous Battle of the Little Big Horn. This was a wake up call for the US Army and the last major victory for the Plains Indians. The war had great impact on both sides of those in battle
TOPIC AREA EXAMPLE Red Lodge started as a stage stop in 1884. Coal discoveries nearby transformed Red Lodge into a mining boom town by the 1890s. Hundreds of miners from all over Europe arrived to work at the mines, making Red Lodge an ethnically diverse town that saw a lot of racial tension and open discrimination by the mining companies. Despite racial tensions, Red Lodge continued to prosper until reaching 5,000 people in 1911. The mines started declining in the 1920s and by the depression most mines had shut down. In 1943, an explosion killed 74 miners at the Smith Mine, the last remaining coal mine in the area. The mine closed shortly after the disaster, and Red Lodge's mining days came to an end.
Conclusion Conclusion EXAMPLE Sitting Bull and Custer both had hardships in their war that still leaves a great impact on us today. To capture a real understanding of the mêlée you need to visit the Battle ground site and feel the wind, taste the dust , sense the presence of the spirits that linger through the almost heard battle sound sounds that cry from this historical, sad and lonely place…..
http://www.historymagazine.com/bighorn.html http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/custer.htm http://www.lbha.org/ http://www.garryowen.com/ CITATIONS Example
Evaluation http://www.gfps.k12.mt.us/Schools/North/web/LIBRARY.htm The students will be graded based on a RUBRIC To see Rubric link click on home page below