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Healing time and aftercare for a tooth extraction - Karalee Family Dental

Healing time and aftercare of tooth extraction

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Healing time and aftercare for a tooth extraction - Karalee Family Dental

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Healing time and aftercare of tooth extraction

  2. Introduction Excessive tooth decay, infection, and crowding can all require a tooth extraction. Extraction is performed by a dentist or oral surgeon and is a quick outpatient procedure with either local, general, intravenous anesthesia, or a combination.

  3. When is a tooth extraction performed? Damaged TeethIf you have a damaged or broken tooth that is deemed beyond repair, they will likely recommend its removal.Tooth DecayIf your tooth has decayed to the point that it can no longer be treated with a filling, root canal, or crown, it may be best for your oral health to have it pulled.Periodontal DiseaseWhen bacteria builds up and forms plaque underneath the gums, it can cause gum disease. In the most severe form is called periodontal disease, and it can erode your gum tissue and bone. This can cause your teeth to loosen and potentially require their extraction.Crowded TeethIf you have a smaller jaw that doesn’t fit all your teeth, if you have extra teeth or a tooth growing into the top of your gum - your dentist may suggest tooth extraction to prevent overcrowding.

  4. How long does pain last after an extraction? Most people can expect bleeding for up to 24 hours after an extraction. The pain tends to decrease after 2-3 days and the healing process will begin. From 10 days onwards, granulation tissue forms which protects the extraction site until bones form. You will most likely have a follow-up appointment two week after surgery with your dentist to assess your healing and ensure you’re on your way to recovery.

  5. What are you recovery concerns? • If pain after your tooth extraction increases rather than decreases. • If gum swelling after your tooth extraction gets worse with time. • If your blood doesn't clot and your bleeding does not improve (a condition called dry socket). • If you experience a high fever, nausea, or vomiting. • If you have severe pain that spreads to the ear. • Or if you have drainage from the wound that tastes or smells foul. Recovery time and healing can be different for everyone, but here are a few ways to be better prepared for what you can expect. Our team of professional dental hygienists at Collingwood Park are happy to help. Contact us to book an appointment today!

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