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Discover the best practices for stage/internship promotion and how the General Council of Catalan Chambers of Commerce, Industrial Association of Minho, Braga Chamber of Commerce, and Unioncamere Emilia Romagna are supporting innovation and entrepreneurship in the Minho region of Spain and Portugal.
Associate partners: General Council of Catalan Chambers of Commerce, Spain Industrial Association of Minho (AIMinho – Associação Empresarial), Portugal Braga Chamber of Commerce, Portugal Unioncamere Emilia Romagna, Italy
Best practices for stage/internship promotion Cacilda Moura*, Luis Cunha*, Mário Almeida*, Sérgio Teixeira**, Manuel F. M. Costa* * PhysicsDepartment, Universityof Minho **ProjectsSupportDepartment, GAP, Universityof Minho Universidade do Minho
Campuslocation • Braga(the capital of Minho region) wasanimportantcity of theRomanEmpire – Bracara Augusta –2000 years ago. • Guimarãesisthecraddle of nationality, whereourfirst King wasborn, in 1120 Minho
Minho Region • At present, the geographic area of the Minho region amounts to 4,700 km².The octogonencompasses a populationofabout 1 millioninhabitants. Oneoftheregionswithoneoftheyoungestpopulation in Europe. Vigo 60 Km Porto 45 Km
SchoolsandIntitutes • InstituteofArtsandHumanities • InstituteofEducation • Instituteof Social Sciences • SchoolofArchitecture • SchoolofEconomicsand Management • School of Medicine • SchoolofLaw • SchoolofPsychology • SchoolofNursing • SchoolofSciences • SchoolofEngineering
Main/KeyActivities • Teaching • ~ 20000 students • 65 - 1stcyclecourses + Integrated Master Courses (Engineering, Psychologyand Medicine) ~ 13000 students • 135 Diploma Specialization/MSccourses ~ 5000 students • 43DoctoralProgrammes ~ 2000 students • 1258 professors • 610 otherstaff • Research • 33 Research Centres (67% rated VERY GOOD or EXCELLENT)
Holdings Innovation & Entrepreneuship It is commonly agreed today that the interaction between Universities and Society is a privileged means to promote social, cultural and economic development - regionally, nationally and internationally. The commitment clearly undertaken by the UMinho towards the promotion of innovation is implemented through partnering, networking and maximizing complementary competencies of the different regional, national and international actors. The scope of activities of the holdings typically include development, production and transaction of products and services, R&D projects, specialized training, management of Science and Technology parks, entrepreneurship support, company incubation, among others.
TecMinho - consortiumUniversity/Enterprises (www.tecminho.uminho.pt)
Avepark - Science and Technology Park Participated by the UMinho, the Municipality of Guimarães, Porto Science and Technology Park Association (APCTP), AIMinho Association and Guimarães Commercial Association Main objective of serving as a technological infra-structure that benefits from the proximity of knowledge generation and contributes to enhance the interaction between Universities and companies Spinpark - Technology- Based Incubation Centre Is a private not for profit entity created in 2006 by initiative of the UMinho, Avepark and the Porto Science and Technology Park Association (APCTP). It promotes and supports knowledge-intensive and technologically advanced activities, particularly by supporting start-ups along their evolution process.
AIMinho - Industrial Association of Minho http://www.aiminho.pt/
ACB - Braga Chamber of Commerce https://www.acbraga.pt
ALUMNI PORTAL https://alumni.uminho.pt/ This website aims to be a privileged communication channel between the UMinho and its alumni, thus promoting their active participation in the life of the institution. Currently, more than 5000 alumni have already made their registration, as well as 340 enterprises
AAEUM - FORMER STUDENT´S ASSOCIATION (SINCE 1989) www.aaeum.pt/ • Actions • To complementtheacademic training • To act as a disseminationplatform. • Project to fillthe gap.
Job Oportunities Academic Training
STUDENT´S ASSOCIATION http://www.aaum.pt/
LIFTOFF- AAUM entrepreneur's Office Intends to contribute to the creation of social, economic and cultural conditions that facilitate, support and enhance the continuous qualification of entrepreneurship.
The University of Minho (founded in 1973) is currently one of the most prestigious Portuguese higher education institutions, and is gradually becoming more prominent internationally.