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L’impératif ( = command forms). We use command forms regularly in daily speech: Get up! Please don’t sneeze without covering your mouth and nose! No smoking! Don’t drink & drive! Please, no talking in the library!. L’impératif en français :. Commands can be both POSITIVE & NEGATIVE
L’impératif( = command forms) We use command forms regularly in daily speech: • Get up! • Please don’t sneeze without covering your mouth and nose! • No smoking! • Don’t drink & drive! • Please, no talking in the library!
L’impératif en français: • Commands can be both POSITIVE & NEGATIVE There are THREE forms of + and - commands: (+) • TU: Parle en françaiss’ilteplaît! • VOUS: Asseyez-vous! • NOUS: Allons-y! (-) • TU: Ne parle pas en anglais! • VOUS: Ne commencez pas tout de suite! • NOUS: Ne faisons pas de bruit!
How do we form commands in French? • As a general rule, take the TU, VOUSand NOUS forms of the verb: • (***BUT*** with the TU form of –ERverbs, remove the –Sfirst!) (EX: PARLER --- Parle! Parlez! Parlons!) • To make them negative, just sandwich them between NE---PAS (EX: PARLER Ne parle pas! Ne parlez pas! Ne parlons pas!)
What do we do with REFLEXIVEVERBS? There are different things depending on whether the command form is POSITIVE or NEGATIVE: • POSITIVE: With Reflexive Verbs we INVERT the verb form and the REFLEXIVE PRONOUN (***also the reflexive Pronoun TE becomes: TOI***) (Ex: S’ASSEOIR = to sit down Assieds-toi! Asseyez-vous! Asseyons-nous! • NEGATIVE: we keep them exactly the same but just surround them with NE—PAS (Ex: SE LEVER = to stand/get up Ne telève pas! Ne vouslevez pas! Ne nous levons pas!
***Irregulars*** As this is French, there are ALWAYS irregulars!! TUNOUSVOUS AVOIR: Aie!Ayons!Ayez!= have ÊTRE: Sois!Soyons!Soyez!= be SAVOIR: Sache!Sachons!Sachez!= know VOULOIR: Veuille!Veuillons!Veuillez!= want
What to do with PRONOUNS… (+) Positive commands • These are put AT THE END of the command form and attached to it with a hyphen • MANGER LA PIZZA: • Mange-la! (tu) • Mangeons-la! (nous) • Mangez-la!(vous) (-) Negative commands • These go BEFORE the command form and are inside the NE…PAS sandwich • MANGER LA PIZZA: • Ne la mange pas! (tu) • Ne la mangeons pas! (nous) • Ne la mangez pas! (vous)
What to do with Pronouns in (+) commands: • In (+) commands, pronouns FOLLOW the verb form and are attached to it and each other with hyphens • NOTE: LE, LA, LES go before ME, TE, NOUS, VOUS, LUI, LEUR and ALL go before EN • ALL commands ending in a VOWEL, MUST add –S when followed by Y or EN *** ME becomes MOI and TE becomes TOI*** Examples: Donne lapommeà moi---Donne-la-moi! (=Give the apple to me ---Give it to me!) Vaau parc! ---Vas-y! (Go to the park! --- Go there!)
For Negative Commands:Order Arrow (La flèche de l’ordre) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. me telelui SUBJECT(se)layenVERB nouslesleur vous
Pratique: • Envoyer les lettres à tes parents (+ vous) • Envoyez-les-leur! • Écrire la carte à moi (- tu) • Ne me l’écris pas! • Faire le repas (+ nous) • Faisons-le! • Savoir la vérité (+ tu) • Sache-la! • Donner la pizza aux amis (- vous) • Ne la leurdonnez pas! • Regarder les belles fillessur la plage (- nous) • Ne les y regardons pas!