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Scotoma: Mental Blind Spots in Perception

Scotoma, or mental blind spots, affect how we perceive reality based on conditioning and prior expectations. Learn how to identify and overcome these blind spots in driving and daily life.

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Scotoma: Mental Blind Spots in Perception

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 4’ 2” 22’ 2” Scotoma What'z it ???

  2. It’s the “truth as I perceive it” based on: • my upbringing • my conditioning • my prior expectation Scotoma = Mental Blind Spot Scotoma is a sensory locking out of the environment caused by conditioning or prior expectation. (The Pacific Institute)

  3. Following are a couple of exercises to demonstrate how we may not always see/interpret things just like other folks do. • In this “ink dot” exercise, see how • quick you can find: • an arrow • an indian head with feather sticking up • a house with a chimney • a “top hat”

  4. F L Y

  5. We’re all aware of “Physical Blindspots” present in vehicles… • Window/door posts • Dark-tinted windows • Tool boxes • Equipment • and more...

  6. “Scotomas/Mental Blindspots” of driving are tougher to deal with. Things like… • ‘Knowing your neighbor, Sammy Jo, always goes to work before 6:00 AM. • ‘Knowing you’ve gotta speed to finish your route by 4:00 PM. • ‘Knowing your cat-like reflexes are quick enough to handle any situation come rain or shine. • ‘Knowing that your kids never chain the front of your ole truck to the tree by their sandbed.

  7. Blindspotsin your “Space Cushion” A Driving Scotomas…taking a Classic around the block.

  8. Blindspots the “Blindspot Devil” is tryin to set you up! Even when you’re really watchin...

  9. Pump Stand

  10. 3’4” 2’9” Scotoma: Passenger Side

  11. Scotoma: Passenger Side Front

  12. Pressure Gauge We have blind spots on the driver’s side, too... they’re smaller… but just as REAL!

  13. 78’ 19’ 21’ 26’ 45’ 19’ 53’ 19’ 5’ 13’ 38’ Looking over headrest thru side window Footprint of a BlindSpot Scotoma Looking over toolbox Note: Measurements taken on flat ground with Dodge D1500 Supercab, with & without toolbox and 5’ 7” driver.

  14. Fight BlindSpot Scotomas by: • Using the First Move Forward. • Protecting your “space cushion”. • Knowing BIG blind spots exist onallsides. • Placing properly positioned & sized markers.

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