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Agenda Item: 4.e Delivery of 4LEs to EUMETSAT (EUM/EPS/AR/14477.4 & EUM/EPS/AR/14554.2)

Agenda Item: 4.e Delivery of 4LEs to EUMETSAT (EUM/EPS/AR/14477.4 & EUM/EPS/AR/14554.2). by: Bill Byerly / SSAI (OSPO/ESPC) Tel.: +1-301-817-3874 William.byerly@noaa.gov. Contents. Requirement Summary Performance Summary Orbital Elements Data Flow

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Agenda Item: 4.e Delivery of 4LEs to EUMETSAT (EUM/EPS/AR/14477.4 & EUM/EPS/AR/14554.2)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agenda Item: 4.eDelivery of 4LEs to EUMETSAT (EUM/EPS/AR/14477.4 & EUM/EPS/AR/14554.2) by: Bill Byerly / SSAI (OSPO/ESPC) Tel.: +1-301-817-3874 William.byerly@noaa.gov IJPS BiLateral, Suitland, Maryland 04-06 June 2013 4.3 Delivery of 4LEs to EUMETSAT Presenter: Bill Byerly, Email: william.byerly@noaa.gov

  2. Contents • Requirement Summary • Performance Summary • Orbital Elements Data Flow • Anomalies Since Last Face-to-Face Meeting • Input Data Problems • ESPC Server Problems • Ingest PC Problems • ESPC Operations Errors IJPS BiLateral, Suitland, Maryland 04-06 June 2013 4.3 Delivery of 4LEs to EUMETSAT Presenter: Bill Byerly, Email: william.byerly@noaa.gov

  3. Requirement Summary NOAA has agreed to daily deliveries of 2000z epoch 4-line orbital elements (4LE) for NOAA-18 & NOAA-19 prior to 0600z These 4LEs are the same 4LEs used to propagate the User Ephemeris Files (UEF) that are used for instrument geolocation in NOAA’s production 1b processing Furthermore NOAA has agreed to provide email notification to EUMETSAT prior to 0600z if timely deliveries are not expected IJPS BiLateral, Suitland, Maryland 04-06 June 2013 4.3 Delivery of 4LEs to EUMETSAT Presenter: Bill Byerly, Email: william.byerly@noaa.gov

  4. Performance Summary • Since the December 2012 IJPS face-to-face the success rate for 4LE delivery has been 85.1% (i.e. 27 failures in 181 days) • 19 days had late 4LE deliveries • 6 days had no 4LE deliveries • 2 days had incorrect 4LE deliveries (duplicates of previous day were sent) • Proper notifications to EUMETSAT were not sent on 11 of these days • 3 of these 11 notification failures were due to operator error • Operators would not have seen 8 of the problems IJPS BiLateral, Suitland, Maryland 04-06 June 2013 4.3 Delivery of 4LEs to EUMETSAT Presenter: Bill Byerly, Email: william.byerly@noaa.gov

  5. Orbital Elements Data Flow noaa.gov Primary Data Source NASA Comms Backup Data Source 4LE 4LE 4LE Daily @ ~ 2200z 4LE Daily @ ~ 1230z (except weekends & holidays) ESPC Ingest 4LE = External to NOAA 4LE ESPC Nav Processing ESPC GFT Server =Internal to NOAA OSV 4LE OSV 4LE = NOAA-18 & NOAA-19 4-line Orbital Elements (2000z epoch) OSV = Metop-A & Metop-B Orbit State Vectors (ANX, maneuver start, maneuver end)) EUMETSAT GFT Server IJPS BiLateral, Suitland, Maryland 04-06 June 2013 4.3 Delivery of 4LEs to EUMETSAT Presenter: Bill Byerly, Email: william.byerly@noaa.gov

  6. Missed/Late Deliveries (1 of 4) • Input data problems (11 occurrences) • No primary source 4LEs received @ ESPC • 23 & 24 April • 04 May (Saturday – backup 4LEs not available on weekends & holidays) • 09 May • Incorrect primary source 4LEs received @ ESPC • 4 January & 21 May (received duplicates from previous day) • 12 April (email received with incorrect subject – not filtered for ingest) • Primary source 4LEs received late @ ESPC • 29 January (notification to EUMETSAT sent late) • 30 January (email delay – provider sent 4LEs on schedule) • 18 February & 16 March IJPS BiLateral, Suitland, Maryland 04-06 June 2013 4.3 Delivery of 4LEs to EUMETSAT Presenter: Bill Byerly, Email: william.byerly@noaa.gov

  7. Missed/Late Deliveries (2 of 4) • ESPC server problems (10 occurrences) • 10 December (memory problem on navigation processing server) • GFT problems • 15-17 December (primary & backup system crashes) • 18, 19 & 20 December (distribution S/W problem - missing Perl module) • 4LEs were sent late to EUMETSAT via email on 18 & 19 December • 4LEs were sent to EUMETSAT via the CIP OBF GFT on 20 December • 16 April (problem related to a GFT upgrade) • 17 & 18 April (continuing problems related to a GFT upgrade - 4LEs were sent late to EUMETSAT via email) IJPS BiLateral, Suitland, Maryland 04-06 June 2013 4.3 Delivery of 4LEs to EUMETSAT Presenter: Bill Byerly, Email: william.byerly@noaa.gov

  8. Missed/Late Deliveries (3 of 4) • Ingest PC problems (3 occurrences) • 07 January (System crash - notification to EUMETSAT was misaddressed) • 08 January (Corrupted file prevented email filtering) • 15 January (Suspected email client problem) IJPS BiLateral, Suitland, Maryland 04-06 June 2013 4.3 Delivery of 4LEs to EUMETSAT Presenter: Bill Byerly, Email: william.byerly@noaa.gov

  9. Missed/Late Deliveries (4 of 4) • ESPC operations error (3 occurrences) • 26 December & 12 January (correct 4LEs were received but not processed) • 17 January (previous day’s 4LEs were processed & sent to EUMETSAT IJPS BiLateral, Suitland, Maryland 04-06 June 2013 4.3 Delivery of 4LEs to EUMETSAT Presenter: Bill Byerly, Email: william.byerly@noaa.gov

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