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Portable Tools. Part 1910 Subpart P - Hand and Portable Powered Tools and Other Hand-Held Equipment. 1910.241 - Definitions. 1910.242 - Hand and portable powered tools and equipment, general. 1910.243 - Guarding of portable powered tools. 1910.244 - Other portable tools and equipment.
Part 1910 Subpart P - Hand and Portable Powered Tools and Other Hand-Held Equipment • 1910.241 - Definitions. • 1910.242 - Hand and portable powered tools and equipment, general. • 1910.243 - Guarding of portable powered tools. • 1910.244 - Other portable tools and equipment.
1910.242(a) General requirements. Employer is responsible for the safe condition of tools and equipment used by employees including those which may be furnished by employees.
1910.242(b) Compressed air used for cleaning. Compressed air shall not be used for cleaning purposes except where reduced to less than 30 p.s.i.
1910.243(a) Guarding of portable powered tools (1) Portable circular saws. Must be equipped with guards above and below the base plate or shoe. The lower guard shall cover the saw to the depth of the teeth. Tools must be guarded
1910.243 Switches and controls. (a)(2)(i) All hand-held powered circular saws must be equipped with a constant pressure switch or control that will shut off the power when the pressure is released.
1910.243 Switches and controls (a)(2)(i)All hand-held gasoline powered chain saws shall be equipped with a constant pressure throttle control that will shut off the power to the saw chain when the pressure is released.
1910.243(a)(3) Portable belt sanding machines. Belt sanding machines shall be provided with guards at each nip point where the sanding belt runs onto a pulley. Nip Point
1910.243(a)(5) Grounding Portable electric powered tools shall meet the electrical requirements of subpart S of this part.
1910.243(b)(1) Tool retainer. A tool retainer shall be installed on each piece of utilization equipment which, without such a retainer, may eject the tool.
LETTER OF INTERPRETAION Pneumatically operated staplers are required to comply with the specific provisions of 29 CFR 1920.243(b)(1) and (2) under Guarding of Portable Powered Tools. However, where a point of operation hazard exists, Section 29 CFR 1910.212 covering point of operation guards would apply to safety devices for pneumatically operated tools at less than 100 p.s.i. in general industry. Any other hazards not specifically covered in the standards which are associated with pneumatically driven staplers or similar equipment provided with automatic fastener feed, used in general industry may be cited under Section 5(a)(1) of the Act. An example would be not having a safety device on the muzzle to prevent the tool from ejecting fasteners, unless the muzzle is in contact with the work surface. Each case must be evaluated on an individual basis. Alteration or misapplication of an otherwise safe piece of equipment could easily create a hazardous condition beyond the control of the manufacturer. The Construction Standards, specifically 29 CFR 1926.302(b) must be observed by employers using pneumatic staplers at construction job sites.
1926.302(b)(1) “Securing hoses” Pneumatic power tools shall be secured to the hose or whip by some positive means to prevent the tool from becoming accidentally disconnected. Wire used to secure hose
1910.243(b)(2) Airhose. Hose and hose connections used for conducting compressed air to utilization equipment shall be designed for the pressure and service to which they are subjected.
1910.243(c) Portable abrasive wheels (1) General requirements Abrasive wheels shall be used only on machine provided with safety guards as defined in paragraph (c) (1) through (4) of this section.
1910.243(c)(3) Vertical portable grinders Safety guards used on machines known as right angle head or vertical portable grinders shall have a maximum exposure angle of 180 deg. 180 deg
1910.243(c)(5)(i) Ring test Immediately before mounting, all wheels shall be closely inspected and sounded by the user (ring test, see Subpart O, 1910.215(d)(1))
1910.243(c)(5)(i) The spindle speed of the machine shall be checked before mounting of the wheel to be certain that it does not exceed the maximum operating speed marked on the wheel. Max RPM
1910.243(d) Explosive actuated fastening tools (d)(1)(i) Explosive-actuated fastening tools shall meet the design requirements in "American National Standard Safety Requirements for Explosive-Actuated Fastening Tools," ANSI A10.3-1970, which is incorporated by reference as specified in Sec. 1910.6.
1910.243(d)(2)(i)(c) Design of tool (d)(2)(i)(d)(1) Firing mechanism (d)(2)(i)(a) The muzzle end of the tool shall have a protective shield or guard at least 3 1/2 inches in diameter Cut-Away View
1910.243(d)(3)(iv) Fasteners specifically manufactured for use in such tools.
“FATAL FACT” Employee killed when struck in head by a nail fired from a powder actuated tool. Tool operator was attempting to anchor a plywood form in preparation for pouring a concrete wall.
“FATAL FACT” Employees performing remodeling operations building a wall. Operator was attempting to anchor plywood to a 2”x 4” stud. The nail penetrated the stud and struck the victim. One worker killed when struck by a nail from a powder-actuated tool.
1910.243(e) Power lawnmowers
MEMORANDUM FOR: REGIONAL ADMINISTRATORS FROM: JOHN B. MILES, JR., DIRECTOR DIRECTORATE OF FIELD OPERATIONS SUBJECT: Misapplication of Power Lawnmower Standard 29 CFR 1910.243(e). It has been brought to our attention that in some instances the OSHA standard for consumer type power lawnmowers at 1910.243(e) have been cited by field staff when inspecting commercial lawnmowers. The OSHA standard at 1910.243(e) derived from ANSI B71.1-1968 pertains only to consumer type lawnmowers used by employees. Commercial type lawnmowers are covered under 29 CFR 1910.212(a)(1) and (a)(3)(ii). When inspecting commercial type lawnmowers under 1910.212, industry consensus standards should be used to verify hazards, industry knowledge, and appropriate abatement. Whenever an employee hazardous exposure is identified relative to a commercial type lawnmower, ANSI B71.4-1984, Safety Specifications for Commercial, Turf Care equipment should be referred to.
1910.243(e)(1)(i) Power lawnmowers of the walk-behind, riding-rotary, and reel power lawnmowers designed for sale to the general public shall meet the design specifications in "American National Standard Safety Specifications for Power Lawnmowers" ANSI B71.1-X1968, which is incorporated by reference as specified in Sec. 1910.6.
1910.243(e)(1)(ii) All power-driven chains, belts, and gears shall be so positioned or otherwise guarded to prevent the operator's accidental contact therewith, during normal starting, mounting, and operation of the machine.
POWER LAWNMOWERS 1910.243(e)(1)(iii) A shutoff device shall be provided to stop operation of the motor or engine. 1910.243(e)(1)(iv)All positions of the operating controls shall be clearly identified. 1910.243(e)(1)(v) The words, "Caution. Be sure the operating control(s) is in neutral before starting the engine,"
1910.244 Other portable tools and equipment. 1910.244(a)Jacks (a)(1) Loading and marking. (a)(2) Operation and maintenance.