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Technology for Non Profits. Sree Nilakanta Priya Kothari. Learning Objectives. To provide a basic understanding of the elements of a technology plan and planning process.
Technology for Non Profits Sree Nilakanta Priya Kothari
Learning Objectives • To provide a basic understanding of the elements of a technology plan and planning process. • To introduce a scalable methodology for launching and sustaining a technology planning process so participants can work effectively with their technology teams. • To develop the capacity for organizations to address and continue to solve technology issues to build capacity. • To introduce a method for assessing internal technology strengths and weaknesses and identifying key issues.
Learning Objectives • To build awareness of technology sustainability issues and encourage creative thinking to find solutions for professional development/training, implementation, budgeting, and fundraising. • To demystify important technical concepts that should be addressed as part of the technology planning process. • To introduce techniques for researching technology information efficiently on the Internet and a hands-on opportunity to practice. • To develop a knowledge community or enabling network of artists around technology.
Seven Characteristics of an Online Organization • Email addresses and desktop Internet access for every staff member • A local area network (LAN) • Technical expertise to keep the systems going • Technology as a component of organizational planning • Email addresses for important online constituencies • Virus protection and routine data backup • An organizational Web site
Technology Plan • What • Why • Who • How • Critical Success Factors • Resources • Gotchas
What • Written document • Identifies Goals and missions • Identifies Strategies and objectives • Identifies Technologies • Identifies Timeline • Defines Budget & Resource requirements
Why • Obtain Funding • Effectively use technology • Buy right equipment • Save money • Avoid crises • Efficient use of staff time • Reduce turnover
Who • Tech team • Staff, board, outside consultants • Technical and non-technical people • Leader • Regular meeting and agendas • Roles and responsibilities • Tasks and deliverables
How • Organize • Form Tech Team, Articulate Vision/ Goals, and Involve Leadership • Research • Do Internal and External Research and Undertake Technology Learning • Formulate • Revise Goals, Sustainability Strategies, and Implementation Strategies • Refine • Evaluate and Monitor regularly
Critical Success Factors • Leadership • Capacity for change • Integration with strategic plan
Winning strategies • Assess IT literacy • Tech management versus tech leadership • Manage supply and demand • Technology driven innovation • Business vision-led innovation • Build technology into leadership activities • Get to know your CIO • Use technology personally
Winning Strategies • Examine your infrastructures • Look outward • Hire internet revolutionaries (?) • Talk to customers all the time • Never stop learning
Elements of Technology Plan • Vision Statement • Goals • Integration with Strategic Plan • Programs & Services • Operations & Administration
Tech Plan Elements • Infrastructure • Connectivity • Equipment Lifecycle • Software
Tech Plan Elements • Staff Development & Training • Staffing • Funding Strategy • Implementing Change • Timeline • Budget • Evaluation
Technology Vision Statement • Describes how technology will benefit your organization's mission and audience • Has several paragraphs or a single page • Synthesizes discussions with your technology team and key audiences about the outcomes of mission-driven use of technology
Tips for Writing Technology Vision Statement & Goals • Our organization uses technology (adverb) to achieve x outcome with x audience(s)
Examples of Vision Statement • The Alliance is a recognized leader among artist communities organizations in the creative and efficient use of technology for program management and in establishing a global forum for a dialogue on creativity and artists' creative processes as a vital national resource.
Example of Vision Statement • The Hoyt Institute of Fine Arts strives to bring the best possible arts to the greatest number of people by integrating the use of technology to efficiently deliver all programs and services.
Technology Goals • Short "to do" statements • Accomplish a specific outcome • Reflect a specific mission-driven outcome related to programs and services • Think expansively to articulate strategic planning goals • Be realistic.
Examples of Goals • Goal #1: To integrate the use of electronic communications and technology to deliver Alliance programs, resources, and services to the field. • Goal #5: To improve the Alliance's internal capacity for staff members to share and exchange information electronically within the main office, with the upstate office, contracted personnel, board members, and with all appropriate external constituents.
Integration with Strategic Plan • Describe how your organization has integrated technology planning into an overall strategic planning process or content of strategic plan. • Describe board involvement in the technology planning process and how they will continue to be involved during implementation • Describe how your organization involves individuals with both technology and program expertise in the technology planning process • Describe the Tech Team's role in the planning process and during implementation • Describe any guiding philosophies that describe your organization's approach to integrating technology into the daily life of your organization.
Example • Goal #1 - Develop and implement a technology plan that supports Creative Time's current strategic plan. • This goal will be met by: • Involving staff in the development of the technology plan with strategic input by board members • Assessing the current status of technology at Creative Time • Establishing priorities and time lines for implementation of the plan that are in line with the current strategic plan priorities • Research advances in technology as we plan for hardware and software upgrades, and cost effective connectivity solutions. • Building in feedback and evaluation patterns to map the organization's progress and make meaningful adjustments to the plan as necessary.
Programs & Services • Describe programs and services. • Summarize any audience research, field research, or work process analysis • Describe how technology will enhance the delivery of programs or services. • Describe how technology will make programs or services more efficient. • Include descriptions of any upgrades, redesigns, and improvements in any program or service communication, materials creation, or information systems/databases. • Include a description what role the organization's Web site and Internet presence will play in the short-term and long-term strategies. • Describe how information collected through the organization's Web site will be integrated with organizational databases.
Arts/Mail - We will redesign the customer database to capture more detailed information on buying habits and contribution history. Upgrading the database to Microsoft ACCESS will enable us to utilize the relational capabilities that are inherent in the program. The redesign of the ticketing database to ACCESS will incorporate the production of contracts, therefore eliminating double entry of information. In addition, financial information will to be directly accessible by the Finance office over the network. Member Services -By increasing our communication with the arts groups over the web, we will generate more income for Arts/Boston through increased poster and list sales. Also, Member Services will institute a Hardware Recycling program. Ultimately, Arts/Boston members will be able to apply for used computers when we upgrade our hardware. Example of Programs & Services
Operations • Describe how technology will make administration and operations more efficient. • Summarize any audience research, field research, evaluation of technology tools, and work process analysis your team undertook to make decisions about technology. • Describe how technology will make administration and operations more efficient. • Describe any upgrades, redesign, or improvements in information systems that support administration or operations. Include several paragraphs for each the following business systems listed below, if applicable. • Contact Databases Fundraising Financial Marketing and Sales Inventory Other
Resources • TechSoupAccounting Software Analysis WorksheetBasic Database Analysis Worksheet • Collection of Finance and Fundraising Software for NPOSNon-Profit TechWorld
Connectivity • Describe any upgrades, improvements, or redesigns of your organization's LAN, WAN, and Internet connection. If moving to a LAN or redesigning a LAN, include a schematic diagram. • Discuss strategy for installation of network cards, hubs, routers, and wiring. If upgrading Internet service, describe type and selection of vendor. • Describe how staff who require access to online resources have the software and hardware needed to connect to these resources and individual email accounts. • Describe shared information resources.
Resources • Worksheets • TechSoup's Internet Connection Worksheet will help you figure out what type of Internet connection is needed for your organization. • TechSoup's Local Area Network (LAN) Worksheet will help you think through local area network needs. • Articles & Books • OneNorthWest's LAN Primeris a brief introduction to networking concepts. • TechSoup offers an excellent introductory article on networks called "Networking 101." • TechSoup's Selecting the Best Internet Connection will give you an overview of the different types of connection.
Equipment Lifecycles • Describe strategies for upgrading existing equipment and retiring obsolete equipment. • Include specific information about computers (hardware), voice/mail systems, fax, copy machines, and other technology equipment. • Identify strategy for future purchase of new computers. • Identify maintenance schedule for existing and new equipment. • Include description of maintenance contracts for any existing and newly purchased equipment. Include description of leasing details, if leased. • Identify staff person responsible for overseeing equipment.
Resources • Worksheets • TechSoup Hardware Analysis worksheet - Questions to help you think through your hardware needs. • Hardware Inventory worksheet - Helps you analyze the age of your equipment and replacement cycle.
Staff Development & Training • Summarize the results of the digital literacy self-assessment or discussions with Team regarding professional development. • Describe what staff training/development is needed to support the successful implementation of your organization's technology plan. • Describe minimum technology use requirements for all staff. • Describe methods and strategies for providing technology training for minimum technology-use requirements and for specific areas as related to your technology plan.
Resources • Worksheet • Techsoup's Staff Training Worksheet will help you think through staff training needs. • Articles • TechSoup: Integrating Technology Training Into The Organizational Culture by Mary Duffy • Suggestions to Enrich Any Training Plan by Carter McNamara, The Management Assistance Program for Nonprofits • Secrets of Success: Making Technology Professional Development Work by Jamie McKenzie
Staffing • Describe who on staff and your technology team will be responsible for implementation of your technology plan. • Describe any new staff positions that will be required as part of the plan. Identify technology consultants that will be contracted. • Describe staff responsibility or consultant contract for administering network, regular maintenance (backup/virus protection), fixing things when something goes wrong, and incremental and major upgrades. • Describe any technology-related policies such as acceptable Internet use that will be implemented. • Describe strategies for implementing ergonomics and educating staff regarding safe computing habits.
Resources • Worksheet • TechSoup's Support Staff Worksheet: Use these more detailed questions to help you think through technology staff support needs. • Articles • TechSoup: What do you need? Staff, Volunteers, or Consultant? • Coyote Communications,How To Support Your Computer/Internet Systems • Consultants OnTap: Advice on Selecting a Consultant • TechSoup: Hiring a System Administrator
Funding Strategy/Revenue Sources • Describe strategy for ongoing funding of technology plan. • Describe how technology needs will be integrating into organizational fundraising. • How will you integrate technology costs into existing revenue sources.
Resources • Helping.org • NPower • Network for Good
Implementing Change • Describe strategy for moving from "paper" to implementation. • Describe any pilots, phasing, or incremental changes. • Describe strategies for implementing change, particularly introduction of new or upgraded equipment and software. • Describe the mechanism through which your organization plans to keep current on "best practices" use of technology in the nonprofit/for-profit sector and incorporates this knowledge into the technology plan.
Budget • Use the worksheet to identify how much plan will cost implement. • Base budgets on price quotes not older than 18 months. • Identify revenue sources and how technology costs will be covered by earned and unearned income or be part of general operating costs.
Resources • Resources • Budget Worksheet to estimate costs • TechSoup: Technology Budgeting Basics by John Kenyon • Total Cost of Ownership • Taking TCO to the Classroom - links to resources to help you analyze the cost of your technology plan. • NPower TCO Analysis SpreadSheet • Web Site Budgeting • To Research Equipment Prices • Ziff-Davis: ZdNet: Check the product reviews section and do a price comparision in the ComputerShopper section.
Getting Ready: Organizational Assessment • Leadership Development • Organizational Learning • Change Management • Stakeholder Involvement • Evaluation of Systems • Clarification of Programmatic Goals
Leadership Development • Is there support among your organization’s leadership to develop a technology plan? • What are their perceptions and attitudes about technology and technology planning? • How can you best educate these individuals?
Organizational Learning • What type of expertise do you need on a planning team? • Who in your organization has this expertise? • Staff • Board • Consultants • Volunteers
Change Management • What role does the implementation of new technologies play in your strategy for the next five years? • Growth in current operations • New opportunities
Who do you need: Volunteer, Consultant or Staff? • Is your need short-term or ongoing? • Is the project urgent or mission critical? • What is your potential budget? • Is the project limited in scope? • What time commitment does the project require? • What kind of follow-up will be needed? • How large is your organization?
Stakeholder Involvement • Are staff members able to use the technology that is crucial to their efficiency and to the tasks they need to accomplish? • What type of training have staff members completed in the past? How useful was it?
Evaluation of Systems • How would you assess your use of technology compared to other agencies with similar missions? • Why do you need better systems? • Streamline operations • Increase communication among staff • Reach out to clients • Cultivate your board • Communicate with your members
Clarification of Programmatic Goals • What do you see as the most pressing needs for your organization, that technology might address? • Why/how do you think computers can help?
Activity: Assessing Strengths and Weaknesses You should work in pairs with someone from an organization other than your own. Each person will have an opportunity to interview the other. Use the question worksheet and take notes as you listen to the other person. After you both have gone through the interview, work together to create a list of positive and negative factors that might help or impede a successful technology planning process. Select one or two "negative factors" and brainstorm possible solutions. At the end of the session, we will ask everyone to share a summary of their interviews.