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PH500/520 Lab Introduction. todays homework (solution at the end) Experiments/Exercises Organisation/Timetable Reports/Notebooks all info at: http://astro.kent.ac.uk/~df/teaching/ph500/index.html. People. Dr. Dirk Froebrich (Convenor; df@star.kent.ac.uk) Dr. Emma Pugh Demonstrators:
PH500/520 Lab Introduction todays homework (solution at the end) Experiments/Exercises Organisation/Timetable Reports/Notebooks all info at: http://astro.kent.ac.uk/~df/teaching/ph500/index.html
People Dr. Dirk Froebrich (Convenor; df@star.kent.ac.uk) Dr. Emma Pugh Demonstrators: Justin Donohoe (Gyroscope, Millikan) Glyn Cobourne (Biot-Savart, Electric Circuits) Yong Hu (Rutherford, Viscosity) Lab-Staff: Dave Pickup Ian Ross
Experiments/Exercises 6 normal 3day experiments Rutherford Electric Circuits Millikan Viscosity Biot-Savart Gyroscope 6 TypeI, 2 TypeII reports Communication skills exercise
Organisation/Timetable Lab days Mondays: 2pm – 5pm Tuesday: 10am-1pm or 2pm-5pm be there at most 15min late (nothing in week19!) Communication Skills week 11; details to be issued via email... All experiments will be done in pairs (or groups of three).
Organisation/Timetable PH500/520: Weeks: 1 2/3/4 5/6/7 8/9/10 11 Task: I E1 E2 E3 CS PH500: Weeks: 13/14/15 16/17/18 20/21/22 Task: E4 E5 E6 All PH512 Students (18) will have Lab Day on Thursday. Group selection/timetable will be published by Friday Week1, 4pm.
Deadlines! TypeI reports have to be in ONE* week after the experiment has finished, at most 15min after the start of the session! If you are more than 15min late for a session you will loose 1/3rd of the marks for the associated Type1 report! TypeII reports have to be in TWO weeks after the 3rd/6th experiment has finished at a time to be announced (via email). Each report has to be submitted electronically via Moodle at the same deadline. Any late reports will not be marked.
Preparation Be prepared for your experiment! Read the Lab Manual! Read the respective Lab Script/Risk Assessment for your Experiment! Prepare a 1page summary with basic equations for the experiment in your lab-book. The demonstrators/lecturer will check this and ask some related physics background questions before the experiment. Do not start with the experiment before the demonstrator has checked your preparation. If you fail to prepare you will not be allowed to start with the experiment and 15marks will be deduced from your Type1 report!
TypeI Reports In your Lab book, typed up, printed and stabled (you need two Lab books!) Write your name on the book! See lab manual of what such a report needs to contain. Keep discussions concise, ... Answer all questions given in the Lab Script. DETERMINE ERRORS! Fill out the self evaluation form! Marks of the 1st TypeI report will be scaled down to 50%.
TypeII Reports Typed up and printed on separate paper, not in your Lab book. See lab manual of what such a report needs to contain. Keep discussions concise, write clearly, neat presentation of graphs and tables. DETERMINE ERRORS! Marks of TypeII reports will be scaled to 150%.
Communication Skills Exercise You will be given a topic (Famous Physics Experiments), about which you will give a short talk (6min) and write a (max 2page) report. Both parts together will be marked with a weight equal to a normal TypeI report. See lab-manual for details. Timetable and topic list will be published in due time.
Things to do... read the lab manual be prepared write clearly, concise put units on numbers have table/figure captions use all the space in figures label axis use only significant digits plot errors in graphs, add errors in tables determine errors
Things to do... determine errors absolute errors:Dx relative errors:Dx/x error propagation: R=f(xi=1..N) N DR2 = S | df(xi)/dxi |2 * Dxi2 i=1 e.g. R=a*b; dR/da=b; dR/db=a DR2 = b2 * Da2 + a2 * Db2 | /R2 =(a*b)2 (DR/R)2 = (Da/a)2 + (Db/b)2
Todays Experiment: determine the density of Aluminium...