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DAP May 6, 2010

DAP May 6, 2010. AT&T Proprietary (Restricted) – SR3 Project Hop Only Only for use by authorized individuals or any above-designated team(s) within the AT&T companies and not for general distribution. Overview:. BREW pricing terminology introduction

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DAP May 6, 2010

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  1. DAP May 6, 2010 AT&T Proprietary (Restricted) – SR3 Project Hop Only Only for use by authorized individuals or any above-designated team(s) within the AT&T companies and not for general distribution

  2. Overview: • BREW pricing terminology introduction • Demonstrate where DAP is submitted within the Qualcomm Developer Extranet • Review pricing guidelines and illustrate using non-subscription pricing example • FAQ • Appendix – Lists of Pre-defined CLPs and DAPs for subscription pricing AT&T Proprietary (Restricted) – SR3 Project Hop Only Only for use by authorized individuals or any above-designated team(s) within the AT&T companies and not for general distribution

  3. BREW Ecosystem Pricing Terminology Overview AT&T Proprietary (Restricted) – SR3 Project Hop Only Only for use by authorized individuals or any above-designated team(s) within the AT&T companies and not for general distribution

  4. Supported Licensing Methods for AT&T AppCenter: AT&T Proprietary (Restricted) – SR3 Project Hop Only Only for use by authorized individuals or any above-designated team(s) within the AT&T companies and not for general distribution

  5. Where is DAP entered in the Qualcomm Developer Extranet? • Developers enter DAP into the Developer Extranet. The screenshot below illustrates the exact fields. The CLP is based on the DAP set by the Developer and the desired revenue share split. • For non-subscription licensing, developers can select any value as long as it is consistent with the terms of the AT&T Developer License Agreement (the BMP click-thru contract) • For subscriptions, AT&T has provided a pre-defined list of DAPs and corresponding CLPs (see Appendix for this list). If a developer wishes to set a DAP outside this pre-defined list, they should enter the DAP into the Developer Extranet and communicate the desired DAP to ATT by email to AttAppsTeam@att.com. This will allow AT&T to perform the appropriate setup on our Billing system to support the corresponding CLP AT&T Proprietary (Restricted) – SR3 Project Hop Only Only for use by authorized individuals or any above-designated team(s) within the AT&T companies and not for general distribution Page 5

  6. DAP tables to illustrate two scenarios of revenue shares • Developer enters DAP (Developer Application Price) into the Developer Extranet.  Developer will receive 80% of DAP as its revenue share. • The retail price is derived from the DAP through a formula that translates the developer’s share of the DAP (80%) into an appropriate revenue share of the retail price. Based on this formula, the developer’s revenue share is 70% of the retail price for non-preloaded, non-white labeled titles, and 60% of the retail price for preloaded apps (excluding white-labels) • The retail price (CLP) is entered into the Management Center by Qualcomm on behalf of the Publishers. • The table below illustrates some scenarios of non-subscription DAPs and corresponding CLPs for downloads and preloads for non-white labeled titles AT&T Proprietary (Restricted) – SR3 Project Hop Only Only for use by authorized individuals or any above-designated team(s) within the AT&T companies and not for general distribution Page 6

  7. FAQ AT&T Proprietary (Restricted) – SR3 Project Hop Only Only for use by authorized individuals or any above-designated team(s) within the AT&T companies and not for general distribution Page 7

  8. Appendix Lists of pre-defined CLPs and DAPs for subscription pricing AT&T Proprietary (Restricted) – SR3 Project Hop Only Only for use by authorized individuals or any above-designated team(s) within the AT&T companies and not for general distribution Page 8

  9. Pre-defined Subscription CLPs & DAPs – Non-preloaded, non white-labeled titles • AT&T has a pre-defined list of subscription DAPs (and corresponding CLPs) that developers can use for their non-preloaded, non white-labeled titles • To set a subscription DAP outside this list, developers should enter the DAP into the Developer Extranet and communicate to AT&T the desired DAP, their company name, and the title name, by email to AttAppsTeam@att.com. This will allow AT&T to perform the appropriate setup on our Billing system to support the corresponding CLP . • For non-subscription pricing, Developers can offer any DAP they wish, as long as it is consistent with the terms of the AT&T Developer License Agreement (the BMP click-thru contract) • The list of DAPs and CLPs for non-preloaded, non-white labeled subscription titles is as follows AT&T Proprietary (Restricted) – SR3 Project Hop Only Only for use by authorized individuals or any above-designated team(s) within the AT&T companies and not for general distribution Page 9

  10. Pre-defined Subscription CLPs & DAPs – Non-preloaded, non white-labeled titles (cont) AT&T Proprietary (Restricted) – SR3 Project Hop Only Only for use by authorized individuals or any above-designated team(s) within the AT&T companies and not for general distribution Page 10

  11. Pre-defined Subscription CLPs & DAPs – Preloaded, non white-labeled titles • AT&T has a pre-defined list of subscription DAPs (and corresponding CLPs) that developers can use for their preloaded, non white-labeled titles • To set a subscription DAP outside this list, developers should enter the DAP into the Developer Extranet and communicate to AT&T the desired DAP, their company name, and the title name, by email to AttAppsTeam@att.com. This will allow AT&T to perform the appropriate setup on our Billing system to support the corresponding CLP . • For non-subscription pricing, Developers can offer any DAP they wish, as long as it is consistent with the terms of the AT&T Developer License Agreement (the BMP click-thru contract) • The list of DAPs and CLPs for preloaded, non-white labeled subscription titles is as follows AT&T Proprietary (Restricted) – SR3 Project Hop Only Only for use by authorized individuals or any above-designated team(s) within the AT&T companies and not for general distribution Page 11

  12. Pre-defined Subscription CLPs & DAPs – Preloaded, non white-labeled titles (cont) AT&T Proprietary (Restricted) – SR3 Project Hop Only Only for use by authorized individuals or any above-designated team(s) within the AT&T companies and not for general distribution Page 12

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