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OhioLINK Collection Analysis Project

OhioLINK Collection Analysis Project. ASIS&T Annual Conference. Preliminary Analysis. 28 October 2008. Edward T. O’Neill, OCLC Julia A. Gammon, University of Akron. Origin of OhioLINK.

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OhioLINK Collection Analysis Project

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  1. OhioLINK Collection Analysis Project ASIS&T Annual Conference Preliminary Analysis 28 October 2008 Edward T. O’Neill, OCLC Julia A. Gammon, University of Akron

  2. Origin of OhioLINK Originated in 1987 with the Library Study Committee Report’s Recommendation to create a statewide catalog

  3. OhioLINK Today • Shared catalog with patron initiated borrowing • Nearly 50 million books and other library materials • Over 600,000 Users at over a hundred institutions • Virtually all public and private academic libraries in Ohio Including: • The State Library of Ohio • 5 ARL Institutions • 11 Universities • 44 Colleges • 15 Community Colleges • 28 Branch campuses • 5 Depositories • 3 Museums and other independent cultural institutions • 20 Off-campus hospitals and medical centers

  4. Research Project • Joint study by OhioLINK, OhioLINK members, OhioLINK Collection Building Task Force (CBTF) and OCLC Research • Much of the planned analysis is new and untested; not all of the analysis will be successful • This project is distinct from OCLC’s collection analysis service

  5. Distinctive Aspects • Size and scope of collections • Use of local holdings information • Number and variety of institutions • FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) • Application of Audience Level

  6. Project Goals For the book collection: • To reduce unnecessary duplication • To increase local collection development activities • To expand the amount spent on cooperative acquisitions • To strengthen the collective collection

  7. OhioLINK Circulation Data i25878591 45207959 The infinite / A.W. Moore 00051722 bc - 5 1 8/3/2001 8/23/2004 0415252857 (pbk.) Akron Item No.: OCLC No.: Title: LCCN: Location Code: Status Code: Circulation: Renewals: Accession date: Date of Last Use: ISBN: Source:

  8. WorldCat Linking The OCLC Number is used to link the circulation records to the corresponding bibliographic record in WorldCat • For records with an obsolete OCLC No.; the obsolete OCLC No. is replaced with the current OCLC No. • For records lacking an OCLC No. which had either a unique LCCN or ISBN; that number is used to identify the corresponding OCLC No. • Records lacking any standard number were not be validated and were excluded from the study • Records from the 2007 circulation files were paired the 2008 to determine annual circulation • The resulting data set contained the circulation records for ~30 million different items • Approximately 93% of the records were validated; many of the unvalidated records were for non-book materials

  9. The project is still “in progress” and the data analysis is incomplete Results are preliminary; revisions and corrections will occur Caution!

  10. The Circulation Data

  11. Library Organizational Structure The large universities are complex organizations: • Multiple administrative units • Many different physical locations • Branch campuses • Depositories • Independent cultural institutions • Off-campus hospitals and medical centers

  12. Library Organizational Structure • Campuses, independent cultural institutions, and depositories are treated as top (first) level units • Independent administrative units (if present) within the campus • Separate libraries (if present) within an administrative unit • Distinct collections with unique location codes

  13. Three Level Structure for Akron

  14. Individual Institutions: What’s Where? • How big are the collections? • What is being used? • What are the subject strengths? • How unique? • How old are the books? • How comprehensive?

  15. General Information

  16. Subjects The subject analysis included 24 primary subjects; a more detailed subject analysis with approximately 500 subject areas will included in the final analysis

  17. Age Statistics on 20 different age groups are provided

  18. Collective Collection: What Do We Have? How many items do we have? What languages do we have? How old are they? How many are unique? In what subjects? How many copies do we need?

  19. Subject Distribution

  20. Circulation of Non-English Materials Average per Item Circulation: 1.68

  21. Circ. Rate by Institution Type 2.3 3.6 2.3 Circulation 1.7 ARL Univ. Colleges CC/ Branches

  22. Usage Distribution Annual Circulation 455,000 6.5% Number of Manifestations

  23. 4.5 Duplication Rate Average No. of Copies Publication Date

  24. Duplication by Subject

  25. Conclusions? • Only first phase of data analysis complete • Additional and more reliable statistics will be available after the next phase is complete • Preliminary results: • Duplication rates are steady • The 80/20 rule may be closer to 80/5 • Limited use of non-English materials • Circulations rates vary greatly by subject, institution, … • To be continued ….

  26. Questions? Ed O’Neill, OCLC Research, oneill@oclc.org Julia A. Gammon, University of Akron, jgammon@uakron.edu

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