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LDS singles - LDS singles, Why are you still single? 5 possible causes.

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LDS singles - LDS singles, Why are you still single? 5 possible causes.

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  1. For some LDS singles, being single is a difficult place, one you may feel stuck in for a long time. By dr. Jesse Young. Here at TrueLDS, we care deeply about supporting you in finding a loving and an eternal companion who shares your faith, dreams and love. We know how you feel because we at TrueLDS used to be in the same place and some of are still single. There may be something that is keeping you from being in a meaningful relationship and while it might be difficult to see that, the truth could well be staring at you from your bathroom mirror every morning. Today, we’ll explore some behaviors that can make it hard to find a lasting relationship or why you think you’ll never find someone - which is not true. With thousands of users of single Latter-day Saints on TrueLDS, we want to help you identify some of the behaviors that may be keeping you from finding an LDS match. You might have tried several LDS dating sites, have been on dates and perhaps have been in relationships that did not work out We invite you to reflect on the following areas and ask yourself some important questions to support you in your relationship journey. 1. You’re Carrying the Past How do you feel about your past relationship(s)? Or, lack of? This question can raise a mixture of feelings, the answer will be different for everyone, but as you explore LDS Dating, it is important to become aware of your own emotions and mindset. When we obsess about an ex or are hung up on a previous relationship, it can make us feel more self-critical and less confident. Even if we have no evidence that we are still hanging on to the past, we tend to interpret everything in a way that fits our pattern of behavior and past experiences. The same can be said for those you may look to meet. Holding onto the past can hinder the possibility of a new relationship forming by hardening your heart or outlook. Instead, focus on the positive aspects you wish to welcome into your life. It is perfectly fine to be a little nervous about meeting a prospective LDS match but heavily restricting or judging the partner you seek doses a disservice to you and any potential match, by only judging them based on your limited past experiences. While this is natural human behavior, as the brain collects memories and uses them as a reference for future decision making - this doesn’t mean it’s your only choice. You can support yourself in understanding and letting go of judgement of others and even yourself to improve your compatibility with a potential suitor, and be interested to learn what other single Latter-Day Saints have to share. For example, instead of thinking: “I’m only looking for someone who’s 100% trustworthy” try “As someone who values loyalty, I’m interested to meet someone who appreciates this too” This second statement can soften what you are saying, and still give a great understanding of what you look for in a potential suitor. Righteous Intermediate Judgment. Dating involves making up your mind about others, in other words judging others. Elder Dallin H Oaks of quorum of the twelve apostles taught:

  2. ``We all make judgments in choosing our friends, in choosing how we will spend our time and our money, and, of course, in choosing an eternal companion. S ome of these intermediate judgments are surely among those the Savior referenced when He taught that “the weightier matters of the law” include judgment (Matt. 23:23). `Fourth, we should, if possible, refrain from judging until we have adequate knowledge of the facts.`` Read the full address by Elder Oaks here; https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/1999/08/judge- not-and-judging?lang=eng Too often we see singles write others off based on an online dating profile or a first message. Give it a little more time, write a few messages, talk on the phone or if there is a spark of interest go on a face to face date! Give other LDS singles the benefit of the doubt, until you know enough to properly and prayerfully form an opinion about them. 2. LDS Dating: An A for Action or An E for Effort? A recent study found that one of the key ingredients to a successful relationship are self-acceptance and having gratitude for your partner’s qualities. But sometimes it’s hard to see the value in our own personality or find something worth celebrating when we feel stuck in a rut. Self-worth should not be a concept that one has to strive for, but it is important to regularly check in with what you bring to a relationship, not just what you seek. When we are in the throes of depression or struggling with bad life events, it can become difficult to take care of ourselves. But then if this lasts for a long time, the impact can be dramatic - and life changing. Your appearance, mindset and even your well being can suffer. You have heard it many times:`Faith without works is dead`. Ask yourself:Would I give myself an A for Action or an E for the effort I am putting in to myself, life and my dating efforts? Human beings are attracted to attractive people. This is not only pertains to looks, but lifestyle, faith and personality. If you aren’t putting effort into these areas, you will naturally be less attractive to other LDS singles. This isn’t a reflection of your overall worth, which is inherent as a child of God, but instead of human behavior. There are many ways in which we are able to reflect on how we show up as a potential match towards others, which can help offer insight into compatibility and prospective relationships. Everyone wants a great partner, but who truly puts the effort into being one? Having strong faith is great but sitting around all day watching TV, not caring about those around you or being difficult in conversation are not attractive qualities to prospective LDS matches. It doesn’t take much imagination as to see why... Instead, think about the qualities you seek in a partner and before you place expectations on them, ask if you have this standard yourself? Are you taking action in your life to achieve your goals and better

  3. yourself? As a human being, your worth is inherent. But with so many suitors on this LDS dating site, ensuring you stand out can be the difference between receiving dozens of messages on TrueLDS or none Questions you may like to ask yourself are: How do you take care of your physical appearance? Are you proactive in your community? Do you have a daily routine of prayer and scripture study to strengthen your faith and testimony? How is your overall health? Do you take care of your responsibilities? In what ways can you improve your social skills? How can you improve your profile to reflect your own attractiveness? What are you doing to serve the Lord and His Kingdom?         Put effort into your profile. We at TrueLDS have seen thousands of profiles that in the ´´about me´´ section mention something along the lines of: ´´I love having fun, eating, making friends and visiting new places´´, this applies to any of God´s seven billion children on this earth (it probably applies to a lot of animals as well). Or in the ``LDS singles I´d like to meet´´ section:´´I would like to meet someone that is funny, honest and sincerere´´, no one wants to meet someone that is boring, dishonest and superficial... Yet since TrueLDS ´ beginning in 2015, we have seen thousands of profiles along these lines. At times these profiles lead to dates and even marriages, but it is highly ineffective. Your future date wants to get a glimpse of you, trough your profile bio. So, make make sure you provide a glimpse into who you are! Make sure that your profile is pleasant to read, mentions fun fact about you in a positive way. Always member, your profiles is your dating elevator pitch and should make the other want to write you! One of the best ways to improve your chances of finding someone on TrueLDS is by making your profile stand out; put effort into yourself and your account so that you spark interest in other LDS singles. Please check out these articles on how create an irresistible LDS dating profile. How to build a successful online LDS dating profile - 7 elements you need to know about! and Attract other LDS singles. 7 powerful Tips for an Irresistible Online LDS Dating Profile. Read the full article at https://truelds.com/cp/content/news/edit/18 Join TrueLDS and meet compatible LDS singles.  Join now and find out what makes TrueLDS the best site to meet other LDS singles. Hundreds of LDS singles have been sealed in the temple through TrueLDS. If you are looking for LDS singles, who are educated, spiritual, and share similar goals, values, and beliefs, then you have come to the right place. TrueLDS is the only major dating site that is independently owned and managed by fellow Latter-day Saints. All our LDS dating profiles have been screened manually by our team, offering you a safe environment to interact with other LDS singles.

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