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Public administration. administration. MINISTRARE (latin) – serv, run, manage Administration main aims are: Operating, Executing, Organizaiting,. Public administration HISTORY.
administration MINISTRARE (latin) – serv, run, manage Administration main aims are: • Operating, • Executing, • Organizaiting,
Public administration HISTORY • The art. Of turning big policy ideas into solid results – ranks among the very oldest of intellectual disciplines. Public administrators were managing government programs long before PLATO or ARISTOTLE worried about how they ought to do so. • Much of the Bible’s first five books is a study of organization, rule-making, and other forms of bureaucratization to ensure that the Israelites walked in God’s ways.
Histrory • Caesar’s commentary on the Gallic wars describes the administrative and political challenges he faced in subduing the Gauls, conquering Britain, and keeping strong the lines to Rome. • Indeed, as long as humans have been writing, they have been writing about administration
administration • All organized activities aim to some goals, • The activity have to be: continues, constants, planing, • Public administration is run by government for sake of society, • It is, in short, about applying the public interest to the management of work
The features of public administration • It is a social activity, The subject of administration are sociological relationships Its interests is connected with wellness of society, Public interests is changeable in a period of time Activity and initiatives are guided on a future
Public administration as a branch It is a science about relations in administrating process, It analyses organization and performing a duty of public administration
7 rules relative to public asministration 1. DISINTERESTING – people who are administrative workers should make decisions taking under consideration only public intress. They should not act provoke by willingnes of finance or material achievemets for themsels or their family members
2. RIGHTNESS • People who are holding public functions should not undertake any finance or connecting with organizations (political paries, associates) obligations that can, in any way,have influence on the way they fulfil their public duties.
3. OBJECTIVENESS • Settling public affeirs like eg. Contracts making, promoting subordinates, public actors should make decisions under ESSENTIAL criteria of contribution and achievement
4. RESPONSIBILITY • People in a public office shuld be responsible for their decisions and activities beforen the sociaty. They are obliged to submit to control procedure
5. OPENNESS • The process of decision making should be open to society – members of community. Decisions should be precisely explain. Possible delimitation access to the public information should by only in special conditions
6. HONESTY • Public office workers are obliged to disclose any of their private interests that can influence their public duties