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Regional and Social Dimensions of Innovation Systems: Development Strategies for BRICS

Regional and Social Dimensions of Innovation Systems: Development Strategies for BRICS. Mariano Laplane NEIT/IE - UNICAMP. BRICS Project Workshop Rio de Janeiro Abril de 2007. %. 6. India. China. Brazil. 5. Korea, Rep. Poland. Russian Federation. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0. 1960. 1965.

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Regional and Social Dimensions of Innovation Systems: Development Strategies for BRICS

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  1. Regional and Social Dimensions of Innovation Systems: Development Strategies for BRICS Mariano Laplane NEIT/IE - UNICAMP BRICS Project Workshop Rio de Janeiro Abril de 2007

  2. % 6 India China Brazil 5 Korea, Rep. Poland Russian Federation 4 3 2 1 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Share in World Exports 1960-2003

  3. Export Composition - 2004 (%)

  4. BRICS and selected countries % in World MVA 1995 and 2005 * 1993 and 2003 Source: UNIDO

  5. BRICS: MVA per capita (95’ constant S$) 1995 and 2005 Source: UNIDO

  6. Cientific Development

  7. BRICS and selected countries: stock of patent applications, residents, 2001 Number % Brazil 6,706 0.7 Mexico 594 0.1 Korea, Rep. 74,001 7.9 China 30,324 3.2 India 234 0.0 Russia 25,046 2.7 South Africa 175 0.0 USA 190,907 20.3 Japan 388,390 41.4 World 939,267 100.0

  8. BRICS and selected countries: Gini index/ social unequality Most recent data Brazil 59.3 Russia 31.0 India 32.5 China 44.7 South Africa 57.8 Mexico 54.6 Korea, Rep. 31.6 USA 40.8 Japan 24.9 Is the highly unevenly distributed income a serious development problem for Brazil and South Africa? Is China increasing social unequality a problem for the future? Source: UNDP

  9. BRICS portrait: population, area, density, total and per capita domestic product Population Nominal GDP 2004 Density Area inhabitants total 2004 2 total per capita km 2 per km thousands Brazil 183.913 8.547.403 22 593.091 3.225 China* 1.285.342 9.560.961 134 1.895.000 1.474 India 1.087.124 3.287.263 331 680.682 626 Russian Federation 143.899 17.075.400 8 582.319 4.047 South Africa 47.208 1.221.037 39 212.777 4.507 * revised. Source: UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics, 2005.

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